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Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
enant Peabody) on the bluff end of the ridge, I moved my brigade up the valley, and occupied the summit of the hill to the right, with the Second Massachusetts. Next to it I posted the Third Wisconsin, farther down the ravine the Twentyninth Pennsylvania, and on the extreme left the Twentyseventh Indiana. Before us, just over the crest of the hill opposite, was the enemy; but he could not show himself without being in sight and range of my command. From one and a half to two miles on my left was no ammunition-train from which to replenish the cartridge-boxes of the infantry. All this, if there were no other reasons for turning when we did. But there was another, even this: a delay of a few minutes from the time the Twenty-ninth Pennsylvania and Twenty-seventh Indiana broke to the rear from the right would have caused our capture or destruction. It was officially reported Banks's Report. that an order to these regiments to fall back was given. If so, it was without authority
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
southwesterly, parallel to the pike road to Strasburg, is towards the south broken up into a succepartment, sent the day before, and return to Strasburg. Such a telegram was in the hands of the ing of the preceding day, the 24th, while at Strasburg, he knew all about the extraordinary force oo the War Department that he would return to Strasburg the next day. Alas for history when made was not until the scenes of that march from Strasburg had been carefully reviewed; not until the tght of the 25th, my brigade had marched from Strasburg to Williamsport, a distance of fifty-four mipital at Winchester, and 64 not removed from Strasburg,--left there with two surgeons and attendan miles of wagons, taken by the enemy between Strasburg and Middletown. upon the road. Nearly all o theatrical company, whom I met in flight at Strasburg, which, so far as it goes, may correct the eSunday last, and throughout the retreat from Strasburg to this place. N. P. Banks, M. G. C. Jo[9 more...]
Williamsport (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
it his duty to assign a full brigadier-general to the command of my brigade, and make the War Department responsible for the change. For this he selected General Greene, General order no. 26.Headquarters Department of the Shenandoah, Williamsport, Md., May 28, 1862. I. Brigadier-General George S. Greene, U. S. A., having reported for duty at these headquarters in accordance with the orders of the War Department, is assigned to the command of the Third Brigade, General A. S. Williams'srigadiers who had accompanied us from Strasburg. In his order General Banks took especial care to speak in praise of the part taken by my brigade during the retreat. On the thirty-first of May a paper was handed me by General Hatch, Williamsport, Md., May 31, 1862. To the Hon. Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War. The undersigned officers of the army, serving in the Department of the Shenandoah, take great pleasure in recommending for the appointment of brigadier-general, Colonel George H
Rockville, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
o report on Boston Common to-morrow, from thence to oppose with fiery zeal and courageous patriotism the march of the foe. This was dated the twenty-fifth of May, Sunday, 11 P. M. The next day the public was again excited by an appeal This appeal came out in the Boston daily Advertiser, of which C. F. Dunbar was then editor, on the 26th of May, 1862. As soon as it came to his notice, Banks, in a telegram to Dunbar, offered up Copeland as a propitiatory sacrifice, as follows :-- Williamsburg, Md., June 2, 1862. To Mr. C. F. Dunbar, Boston, Mass. Major Copeland should secure some position in the Massachusetts regiments of equal rank to that he now holds. It is not consistent that he should return to his post here after his proclamation in Boston. Please convey to him this information. N. P. Banks, A. A. C. See Statement of R. M. Copeland, p. 17. from Major R. Morris Copeland, Banks's adjutant-general, who happened to be in Boston during the fight. Copeland blamed
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
ajor Dwight, in his appeal to Stonewall Jackson, that he was a major in the Second Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Colonel Gordon of Massachusetts, who is, I believe, said the Major, an old friend of yours. Friend of mine, sir? replied old Jack, --he was, sir, once a friend. Major Dwight retired, his request unheeded. As I write these lines, the name of T. J. Jackson, of Virginia, confronts me from a sheet filled with the autographs of my classmates at the Military Academy at West Point, reminding me of that boy companion to whom the dawn of life was as serious as its close,--that honest, dear old Jack, who as Lieutenant-General (Stonewall) Jackson remembered me, in 1862, no longer as a friend. Return now to the main street, through which, towards Martinsburg, moved the main column of our troops. An eager enemy was close upon us; there was no time for any arrangement or defence. Pursuers and pursued were swallowed from view, and the rout roared through every street
nchester, and 64 not removed from Strasburg,--left there with two surgeons and attendants. At Winchester, Dr. Stone of the Second was left in charge. In addition to these surgeons, there were eight others who fell into the enemy's hands. General Shields, when he marched for Fredericksburg, left 1,000 sick and disabled men at Strasburg. Banks says, Surgeon King, division surgeon, exhibits the disposition of them, but does not say what it was. Of material, Banks makes the following statemtly exaggerated his strength. Their lowest estimate placed the combined strength of the enemy at twenty thousand. See Jackson's Valley Campaign, p. 111, in which the total of Jackson's command is placed at 15,000 or 16,000. In the pursuit of Shields and Fremont, the battles of Cross Keyes and Port Republic, the march of Jackson to unite with the Army of Virginia, we did not participate; therefore I leave them with no other allusion. On the thirty-first of May, the enemy at Bunker Hill, Ma
f Lieutenant Crosby. The country in front of Donelly on the south and east is almost level. Fro forty more than a mile. With my brigade and Donelly's we could occupy only the flanks of our line, the left of our line of battle, we find Colonel Donelly confronting Ewell. Having reached a posnder command of Colonel Kirkland, encountered Donelly's brigade in line, covered by a stone-wall. better than that of its predecessor; but yet Donelly was not routed, nor in danger of it, from thagested throwing forward the right and turning Donelly's flank. It was done, and the enemy claims tM. boldly made a dash at the position held by Donelly across the road. The North Carolinians met wto intercept it. Banks's Report. Could Donelly have held Ewell back? It is more than probabn my flank, by causing me to withdraw, compel Donelly to retire? This is quite probable: Banks ave of artillery and infantry on our left before Donelly was continuous. And now General Jackson, th[2 more...]
S. E. Pittman (search for this): chapter 9
25th, at Winchester, Virginia. He has the strongest confidence that its distinguished character and reputation will be maintained hereafter. The commanding-general commends to the just consideration of the brigade its new commander, General George S. Greene, as an officer of large experience and distinguished character. By command of Major-General N. P. Banks, D. D. Perkins, Major and A. A. A. Gen. By command of General A. S. Williams. Wm. D. Wilkins, Capt. and A. A. S. Official, S. E. Pittman, 1st Lieut. and A. D. C. one of the two supernumerary brigadiers who had accompanied us from Strasburg. In his order General Banks took especial care to speak in praise of the part taken by my brigade during the retreat. On the thirty-first of May a paper was handed me by General Hatch, Williamsport, Md., May 31, 1862. To the Hon. Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War. The undersigned officers of the army, serving in the Department of the Shenandoah, take great pleasure in recommend
Joseph E. Johnston (search for this): chapter 9
losses are known to be very light compared with the amounts exposed to capture or abandonment by such a rapid retreat as it was necessary to perform. General Joseph E. Johnston, in his order of May 29, 1862, announcing another brilliant victory by the combined divisions of Major-Generals Jackson and Ewell, constituting a portion of this army, over General Banks at Front Royal, Middletown, and Winchester, declares that several thousands of prisoners In Johnston's Narrative he puts the prisoners at 2,000, probably nearly correct. See Narrative of military operations, by Joseph E. Johnston, General C. S. A., 1874, p. 129. were captured, and an immenseJoseph E. Johnston, General C. S. A., 1874, p. 129. were captured, and an immense quantity of ammunition and stores of every description. Richmond Examiner of June 5, 1862. Among other captures the enemy claimed to have taken a large amount of baggage at Cedar Creek, with all the knapsacks of the Zouaves. The original reports of this retreat, my own among the number, attributed many cold-blooded atrociti
last of our command had crossed, and there were never more grateful hearts in the same number of men, says Banks, Banks's Report. than when we stood on the opposite shore. I certainly can speak for one grateful heart, that of my colored woman Peggy, who with her child I passed among the first across the swollen river to a land of freedom. Across the Potomac! Yes, we were again where, in July of the preceding year, we had made our march so gayly into Virginia. One more campaign was endrdon will proceed at once to Washington, and report to the Secretary of War for further orders. By command of N. P. Banks, M. G. C. The next day, therefore, I returned to Washington, carrying with me on her way to her new home my negro woman Peggy and her child. Before I could purchase tickets for the woman, I was compelled to give a bond to save the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad harmless from any lawful claims that might be hereafter brought against it by the owner of
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