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Halifax (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry washington-treaty-of
by the representative at London of his Majesty, the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. In case of the death, absence, or incapacity of any commissioner, or in the event of any commissioner omitting or ceasing to act, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner hereinbefore provided for making the original appointment, the period of three months in case of such substitution being calculated from the date of the happening of the vacancy. The commissioners named shall meet in the city of Halifax, in the province of Nova Scotia, at the earliest convenient period after they have been respectively named, and shall, before proceeding to any business, make and subscribe a solemn declaration that they will impartially and carefully examine and decide the matter referred to them, to the best of their judgment, and according to justice and equity, and such declaration shall be entered on the record of their proceedings. Each of the high contracting powers shall also name one person to att
d of State; and in the event of refusal or omission, for two months after the receipt of the request, from either of the high contracting parties, of his Majesty the King of Italy, or the President of the Swiss Confederation, or his Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, to name an arbitrator, either to fill the original appointment or in place of one who may have died, be absent, or incapacitated, or who may omit, decline, or from any cause cease to act as such arbitrator, his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway shall be requested to name one or more persons, as the case may be, to act as such arbitrator or arbitrators. Art. 2. The arbitrators shall meet at Geneva, in Switzerland, at the earliest day convenient after they shall have been named, and shall proceed impartially and carefully to examine and decide all questions that shall be laid before them on the part of the governments of the United States and her Britannic Majesty respectively. All questions considered by the tribunal,
which have been or may from time to time be specially designated by the President of the United States and destined for her Britannic Majesty's possessions in North America, may be entered at the proper custom-house, and conveyed in transit, without the payment of duties, through the territory of the United States, under such ruled States. It is further agreed that, for the like period, goods, wares, or merchandise, arriving at any of the ports of her Britannic Majesty's possessions in North America, and destined for the United States, may be entered at the proper custom-house and conveyed in transit, without the payment of duties, through the said possessarry in United States vessels, without payment of duty, goods, wares, or merchandise, from one port or place within the possessions of her Britannic Majesty in North America to another port or place within the said possessions: Provided that a portion of such transportation is made through the territory of the United States by land
Stikine River (Alaska, United States) (search for this): entry washington-treaty-of
The navigation of the river St. Lawrence, ascending and descending from the 45th parallel of north latitude, where it ceases to form the boundary between the two countries, from, to, and into the sea, shall forever remain free, and open for the purposes of commerce to the citizens of the United States, subject to any laws and regulations of Great Britain or of the Dominion of Canada, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation. The navigation of the rivers Yucan, Porcupine, and Stikine, ascending and descending from, to, and into the sea, shall forever remain free and open for the purposes of commerce to the citizens of both powers, subject to any laws and regulations of either country within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation. Art. 27. The government of her Britannic Majesty engages to urge upon the government of the Dominion of Canada to secure to the citizens of the United States the use of the Welland, St. Lawrence, and oth
preceding article shall be appointed in the following manner—that is to say: One commissioner shall be named by the President of the United States, one by her Britannic Majesty, and a third by the President and her Britannic Majesty conjointly; and, in case the third commissioner shall not have been so named within a period of three months from the date when this act shall take effect, then the third commissioner shall be named by the representative at London of his Majesty, the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. In case of the death, absence, or incapacity of any commissioner, or in the event of any commissioner omitting or ceasing to act, the vacancy shall be filled in the manner hereinbefore provided for making the original appointment, the period of three months in case of such substitution being calculated from the date of the happening of the vacancy. The commissioners named shall meet in the city of Halifax, in the province of Nova Scotia, at the earliest convenient per
United States (United States) (search for this): entry washington-treaty-of
l complaints and claims on the part of the United States, and to provide for the speedy settlement of Great Britain to the government of the United States at Washington within twelve months after teof shall be delivered to the agent of the United States for his government; and the other copy sha being the produce of the fisheries of the United States, or of the Dominion of Canada, or of Princn is not admitted by the government of the United States, it is further agreed that commissioners ssubject to any laws and regulations of the United States, or of the States bordering thereon, not int of duties, through the territory of the United States, under such rules, regulations, and conditates for export from the said ports of the United States. It is further agreed that, for the like ransit without payment of duties, from the United States, through said possessions to other places resentatives or other public agents of the United States and of Great Britain, respectively, who ma[64 more...]
London (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry washington-treaty-of
racting parties that, in addition to the liberty secured to the United States fishermen by the convention between the United States and Great Britain, signed at London, on Oct. 20, 1818, of taking, curing, and drying fish on certain coasts of the British North American colonies, therein defined, and inhabitants of the United Stae been so named within a period of three months from the date when this act shall take effect, then the third commissioner shall be named by the representative at London of his Majesty, the Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary. In case of the death, absence, or incapacity of any commissioner, or in the event of any commissioner, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by her Britannic Majesty; and the ratifications shall be exchanged, either at Washington or at London, within six months from the date hereof, or earlier if possible. In faith whereof, we, the respective plenipotentiaries, have signed this treaty, and have hereun
Porcupine River (Alaska, United States) (search for this): entry washington-treaty-of
. Art. 26. The navigation of the river St. Lawrence, ascending and descending from the 45th parallel of north latitude, where it ceases to form the boundary between the two countries, from, to, and into the sea, shall forever remain free, and open for the purposes of commerce to the citizens of the United States, subject to any laws and regulations of Great Britain or of the Dominion of Canada, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation. The navigation of the rivers Yucan, Porcupine, and Stikine, ascending and descending from, to, and into the sea, shall forever remain free and open for the purposes of commerce to the citizens of both powers, subject to any laws and regulations of either country within its own territory, not inconsistent with such privilege of free navigation. Art. 27. The government of her Britannic Majesty engages to urge upon the government of the Dominion of Canada to secure to the citizens of the United States the use of the Welland, St. Law
Portland (Maine, United States) (search for this): entry washington-treaty-of
f Lake Michigan shall, also, for the term of years mentioned in Art. 33 of this treaty, be free and open, for the purposes of commerce, to the subjects of her Britannic Majesty, subject to any laws and regulations of the United States, or of the States bordering thereon, not inconsistent with such privilege or free navigation. Art. 29. It is agreed that, for the term of years mentioned in Art. 33 of this treaty, goods, wares, or merchandise, arriving at the ports of New York, Boston, and Portland, and any other ports of the United States, which have been or may from time to time be specially designated by the President of the United States and destined for her Britannic Majesty's possessions in North America, may be entered at the proper custom-house, and conveyed in transit, without the payment of duties, through the territory of the United States, under such rules, regulations, and conditions for the protection of the revenues as the government of the United States may from time t
Lake Michigan (United States) (search for this): entry washington-treaty-of
the use of the St. Clair Flats Canal uon terms of equality with the citizens of the United States, and further engages to urge upon the State governments to secure to the subjects of her Britannic Majesty the use of the several State canals connected with the navigation of the lakes or rivers traversed by or contiguous to the boundary-line between the possessions of the high contracting parties on terms of equality with the inhabitants of the United States. Art. 28. The navigation of Lake Michigan shall, also, for the term of years mentioned in Art. 33 of this treaty, be free and open, for the purposes of commerce, to the subjects of her Britannic Majesty, subject to any laws and regulations of the United States, or of the States bordering thereon, not inconsistent with such privilege or free navigation. Art. 29. It is agreed that, for the term of years mentioned in Art. 33 of this treaty, goods, wares, or merchandise, arriving at the ports of New York, Boston, and Portland, an
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