rs at the points where they are next to be folded, and after a folding-plate has folded over the last flap then lap the last fold on the opposite end of the bottom, the finished bag being fed out by rolls or belts.
In Hotchkiss's machine, January 28, 1873, the bag shown at l l′ l′ l‴ is made.
The paper is fed by rolls from under the delivery-table over the recess of the folding-table, where it is held on one side by a spring and on the other by a gravitating bar, when a bag-length is cut by BaronOct. 1, 1872.
132,312,H. B. MorrisOct. 15, 1872.
132,890,C. F. AnnanNov. 12, 1872.
133,395,J. ArkellNov. 26, 1872.
134,035,B. ColeDec. 17, 1872.
134,580,C. F. AnnanJan. 7, 1873.
135,145,M. MurphyJan. 21, 1873.
135,275,T. HotchkissJan. 28, 1873.
138,844,L. D. BennerMay 13, 1873.
139,104,H. G. ArmstrongMay 20, 1873.
140,342,N. BiedingerJuly 1, 1873.
141,862,G. DunhamAug. 19, 1873.
143,358,W. LiddellSept. 30, 1873.
143,674,L. C. CrowellOct. 14, 1873.
143,925,J. S. OstrangerOct.<
used, the vanes meeting the resistance of the air, forming a limit to the speed, as in the musical boxes of the present day.
Such was probably the regulator in the clocks of the Saracens, which were moved by weights as early as the eleventh century; the clock which struck the hours, referred to by Dante (1265-1321); the clock in the old Palace Yard, London, put up about 1288 and remaining till the time of Elizabeth; the clock made by William of Wallingford in the reign of Richard II.
Ebn Junis, of the University of Cordova, invented the timemeasuring pendulum, and his friend and fellow-philosopher, Gerbert, invented the escapement, as it is believed.
Gerbert became, successively, schoolmaster at Rheims (where he had a clock), Archbishop of Ravenna, and Pope Sylvester II.
He died by poison in 1002.
So did his patron, Otho III., about the same time.
An oscillating arm was substituted for the fly, probably in the fourteenth century.
The clock of Henry de Wyck, e
8,327,James ArkellAug. 22, 1871.
119,307,J. M., J. P., and S. H. BryantSept. 26, 1871.
119,915,B. S. BinneyOct. 17, 1871.
122,099,James ArkellDec. 26, 1871.
122,510,L. D. BennerJan. 9, 1872.
123,013,George GuildJan. 23, 1872.
123,812,L. C. CrowellFeb. 20, 1872.
131,841,Bibby and BaronOct. 1, 1872.
132,312,H. B. MorrisOct. 15, 1872.
132,890,C. F. AnnanNov. 12, 1872.
133,395,J. ArkellNov. 26, 1872.
134,035,B. ColeDec. 17, 1872.
134,580,C. F. AnnanJan. 7, 1873.
135,145,M. MurphyJan. 21, 1873.
135,275,T. HotchkissJan. 28, 1873.
138,844,L. D. BennerMay 13, 1873.
139,104,H. G. ArmstrongMay 20, 1873.
140,342,N. BiedingerJuly 1, 1873.
141,862,G. DunhamAug. 19, 1873.
143,358,W. LiddellSept. 30, 1873.
143,674,L. C. CrowellOct. 14, 1873.
143,925,J. S. OstrangerOct. 21, 1873.
145,125,J. P. RaymondDec. 2, 1873.
146,372,W. WebsterJan. 13, 1874.
146,773,R. W. MurphyJan. 27, 1874.
146,774,M. MurphyJan. 27, 1874.
147,998,C. B. StilwellFeb. 24, 1874.
148,280,C. G. BiedingerMa
arrying a knife, folding the bottom centrally and into the rollers which discharge it pressed flat for packing.
Biedinger's paper-bag machine (series of operations).
paper-bag machines patented in the United States.
9,355,F. Wolle,Oct. 26, 1852.
12,511,Louis KochMarch 13, 1855.
12,786,Smith and PetteeMay 1, 1855.
12,945,E. W. GoodaleMay 29, 1855.
12,982,F. WolleMay 29, 1855.
13,647,E. W. GoodaleOct. 9, 1855.
17,184,B. F. RiceApril 28, 1857.
19,506,Jacob KellerMarch 2, 1858.
20,838,Francis WolleJuly 6, 1858.
21,657,Henry R. DavidOct. 5, 1858.
22,199,S. E. PetteeNov. 30, 1858.
24,734,William GoodaleJuly 12, 1859.
25,191,William GoodaleAug. 23, 1859.
27,959,Louis D. BarrandApril 24, 1860.
28,188,G. F. LufberryMay 8, 1860.
28,537,S. E. PetteeMay 29, 1860.
30,191,H. G. ArmstrongOct. 2, 1860.
32,777,John Miller, Jr.July 9, 1861.
37,573,J. J. GreenoughFeb. 3, 1863.
37,726,C. H. MorganFeb. 17, 1863.
38,253,Joseph WellsApril 21, 1863.
38,452,S. E. Pet