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he 11th Virginia Infantry, Kemper's Brigade, Pickett's Division, 1st Corps (Longstreet), C. S. A., commanded that company, and then the regiment for a time in the battle of Gettysburg. He says as follows, concerning that battle: The 11th Virginia Infantry arrived near Gettysburg, marching from Chambersburg on the afternoon of July 2d, 1863. Wehalted in sight of shells bursting in the front. Very early on the morning of the 3d July we formed in rear of the Confederate artillery near Spurgeon's woods, where we lay for many hours. I noticed on the early morning as we were taking positions the long shadows cast by the figures of the men, their legs appearing to lengthen immediately as the shadows fell. The 11th Virginia was the right regiment of Kemper's Brigade and of Pickett's Division. No notable event occurred in the morning, nor was there any firing of note near us that specially attracted my attention. Signal guns. About 1 o'clock there was the fire of signal guns
William Jennings (search for this): chapter 1.36
of the regiment was on the crest of the ridge, and our infantry line was from one to 250 yards in rear of it. We suffered considerable loss before we moved. I had twenty-nine men in my company for duty that morning. Edward Valentine and two Jennings brothers (William Jennings) of my company were killed; De Witt Guy, sergeant, was wounded, and some of the men—a man now and a man then—were also struck and sent to the rear before we moved forward—I think about ten killed and wounded in that poWilliam Jennings) of my company were killed; De Witt Guy, sergeant, was wounded, and some of the men—a man now and a man then—were also struck and sent to the rear before we moved forward—I think about ten killed and wounded in that position. Company E, on my right, lost more seriously than Company G, and was larger in number. Longstreet's presence. Just before the artillery fire ceased General Longstreet rode in a walk between the artillery and the infantry, in front of the regiment toward the left and disappeared down the line. He was as quiet as an old farmer riding over his plantation on a Sunday morning, and looked neither to the right or left. It had been known for hours that we were to assail the enemy'
James R. Kent (search for this): chapter 1.36
pproached the enemy's skirmishers on the descending slope, one of them having shot me. I thought at the time I was knocked out, but did not fall, and I said to James R. Kent, sergeant: Take charge of the company, I am shot. But soon finding I could move my leg and that I could go on, no bones being broken, I went to the end of thesioned officer with the company that day. I may properly mention an incident or two. Wounded. Now the battery of the descending slope was advanced. Sergeant James R. Kent, of my company, suddenly plunged forward in a ditch, and I asked of him: How are you hurt, Kent? for I knew he was hit. He answered: Shot through the legKent? for I knew he was hit. He answered: Shot through the leg. About the time we sent Big Foot Walker back for reinforcements, Blackeyed Williams, as we called him, a private of my company, cried to me: Look here, Captain, at the same time pulling up his shirt at the back and showing a cut where a bullet had a full mark about its depth in the flesh. Quite a number of the men on the hill t
George E. Pickett (search for this): chapter 1.36
Captain John Holmes Smith's account. Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 4th and 5th. John Holmes Smith, formerly Captain of Company G (the Home Guard), of Lynchburg, Va., and part of the 11th Virginia Infantry, Kemper's Brigade, Pickett's Division, 1st Corps (Longstreet), C. S. A., commanded that company, and then the regiment for a time in the battle of Gettysburg. He says as follows, concerning that battle: The 11th Virginia Infantry arrived near Gettysburg, marching from Chambersburg on t I noticed on the early morning as we were taking positions the long shadows cast by the figures of the men, their legs appearing to lengthen immediately as the shadows fell. The 11th Virginia was the right regiment of Kemper's Brigade and of Pickett's Division. No notable event occurred in the morning, nor was there any firing of note near us that specially attracted my attention. Signal guns. About 1 o'clock there was the fire of signal guns, and there were outbursts of artillery on
Charles M. Blackford (search for this): chapter 1.36
. After we had got over the fences along the road the fire didn't disturb us. No organized body of troops did I meet in going back. I wondered how few I saw in this retreat from the hill top. I reached ere long the tent of a friend, Captain Charles M. Blackford, judge advocate of our Second Corps, at Longstreet's headquarters, and this was the last of the battle of Gettysburg time. I didn't hear of Lieutenant-Colonel Otey being wounded until after the battle was over, though I have since undrds took. Just before the cannonade commenced Major James Downing rode along the line of guns in our immediate front, carrying a flag. Personal. I came away from Longstreet's headquarters after spending the night (after the battle in Captain Blackford's tent) in a wagon with a long train of wagons that carried one to Williamsport, leaving about noon and traveling through the next night. Next morning we reached Williamsport. The town was attacked at several points, but not where I was.
De Witt Guy (search for this): chapter 1.36
ttracted my attention. Signal guns. About 1 o'clock there was the fire of signal guns, and there were outbursts of artillery on both sides. Our artillery on the immediate front of the regiment was on the crest of the ridge, and our infantry line was from one to 250 yards in rear of it. We suffered considerable loss before we moved. I had twenty-nine men in my company for duty that morning. Edward Valentine and two Jennings brothers (William Jennings) of my company were killed; De Witt Guy, sergeant, was wounded, and some of the men—a man now and a man then—were also struck and sent to the rear before we moved forward—I think about ten killed and wounded in that position. Company E, on my right, lost more seriously than Company G, and was larger in number. Longstreet's presence. Just before the artillery fire ceased General Longstreet rode in a walk between the artillery and the infantry, in front of the regiment toward the left and disappeared down the line. He was<
Kirkwood Otey (search for this): chapter 1.36
ted to take them. Presently the artillery ceased firing. Attention! was the command. Our skirmishers were thrown to the front, and forward, quick time, march, was the word given. We were ordered not to fire until so commanded. Lieutenant-Colonel Kirkwood Otey was thus in command of the regiment when we passed over the crest of the ridge, through our guns there planted, and had advanced some distance down the slope in our front. I was surprised before that our skirmishers had been broughretreat from the hill top. I reached ere long the tent of a friend, Captain Charles M. Blackford, judge advocate of our Second Corps, at Longstreet's headquarters, and this was the last of the battle of Gettysburg time. I didn't hear of Lieutenant-Colonel Otey being wounded until after the battle was over, though I have since understood it was shortly after the advance commenced. I, the Captain of Company G, was the only commissioned officer with the company that day. I may properly mention a
James L. Kemper (search for this): chapter 1.36
Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 4th and 5th. John Holmes Smith, formerly Captain of Company G (the Home Guard), of Lynchburg, Va., and part of the 11th Virginia Infantry, Kemper's Brigade, Pickett's Division, 1st Corps (Longstreet), C. S. A., commanded that company, and then the regiment for a time in the battle of Gettysburg. He says a the long shadows cast by the figures of the men, their legs appearing to lengthen immediately as the shadows fell. The 11th Virginia was the right regiment of Kemper's Brigade and of Pickett's Division. No notable event occurred in the morning, nor was there any firing of note near us that specially attracted my attention. ed men in the party with me, or maybe less. Adjutant H. V. Harris, of the regimental staff, was there dismounted. Captain Fry, Assistant Adjutant-General of General Kemper, was also there on foot, with a courier, who was a long-legged, big-footed fellow, whom we called Big Foot Walker, also afoot. Captain R. W. Douthat, of Comp
Robert W. Douthat (search for this): chapter 1.36
, who was a long-legged, big-footed fellow, whom we called Big Foot Walker, also afoot. Captain R. W. Douthat, of Company F, I also noticed, and there were some other regimental officers whom I canndid fall back singly and in small groups, the officers before named retiring also. Only Captain Ro. W. Douthat and myself remained at the works, while the rest of the party we were with, retired. I remained to dress a wound on my right leg, which was bleeding freely, and Douthat, I suppose, just to be with me. I dropped to the ground under the shade of the timber after the men left, pulled out ge. Getting away. While I was still bandaging my leg at the works, my companion, Captain Robert W. Douthat, who had picked up a musket, commenced firing and fired several shots. Thinking he haard our right front, advancing obliquely toward us. I was horrified, jumped up and exclaimed to Douthat: What are you doing? as he faced in their direction. He dropped his gun and answered: It's ti
John Holmes Smith (search for this): chapter 1.36
Captain John Holmes Smith's account. Lynchburg, Va., Feb. 4th and 5th. John Holmes Smith, formerly Captain of Company G (the Home Guard), of Lynchburg, Va., and part of the 11th Virginia Infantry, Kemper's Brigade, Pickett's Division, 1st Corps (Longstreet), C. S. A., commanded that company, and then the regiment for a time in the battle of Gettysburg. He says as follows, concerning that battle: The 11th Virginia Infantry arrived near Gettysburg, marching from Chambersburg on tJohn Holmes Smith, formerly Captain of Company G (the Home Guard), of Lynchburg, Va., and part of the 11th Virginia Infantry, Kemper's Brigade, Pickett's Division, 1st Corps (Longstreet), C. S. A., commanded that company, and then the regiment for a time in the battle of Gettysburg. He says as follows, concerning that battle: The 11th Virginia Infantry arrived near Gettysburg, marching from Chambersburg on the afternoon of July 2d, 1863. Wehalted in sight of shells bursting in the front. Very early on the morning of the 3d July we formed in rear of the Confederate artillery near Spurgeon's woods, where we lay for many hours. I noticed on the early morning as we were taking positions the long shadows cast by the figures of the men, their legs appearing to lengthen immediately as the shadows fell. The 11th Virginia was the right regiment of Kemper's Brigade and of Pickett's Division. No not
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