Found 874 total hits in 486 results.
rs., 200.
Kent, Duke of, 118.
Khayyam, Omar, 282.
Kiel, 108.
Kingsley, Rev., Charles, 237.
Knickerbocker, the, 140.
Korner, Charles Theodore, 64.
Kossuth, Louis, 173.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 52.
Lamartine, Alphonse M. L. de, 161.
Lawrence, Sir, Thomas, 207.
Lawton, William C., 234, 266; his The New England Poets, cited, 234 note, 265 note.
Lenau, Nicholas, 161.
Leopold, King of the Belgiums, 195.
Lincoln, Abraham, 6.
Liston, Sir, Robert, 93.
Liszt, Abbe, 223.
Liverpool, Eng., 219.
Locke, John, 55.
Loire, the river, 49.
London, 2, 8, 87, 88, 91, 92, 103,105, 106, 170, 209, 210, 221, 223, 241, 245, 278.
Longfellow, Alexander W., 83, 129.
Longfellow, Alice M., 117 note, 209.
Longfellow, Fanny, 201.
Longfellow, Frances A., Longfellow's engagement to, 171, 172; appearance, 173; assists her husband, 173; her letter to Eliza Potter, 174, 175; death, 211.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, birth of, 11; youth, 14-18; first poem on American subject, 17; co
, 68 and note.
Auteuil, 46.
Bacon, Lord, 164.
Baireuth, 289.
Baltic Sea, 132.
Balzac, Honore de, 177.
Bancroft, George, 71, 112; his History of the United States, mentioned, 143.
Bandmann, 241, 242.
Barbauld, Mrs., Anna Letitia, 62, 63.
Barlow, Joel, 23.
Barnard, Mr., 91.
Bartlett, Elizabeth. See Wadsworth, Eli, 6.
Furness, Rev. W. H., 192.
Furness Abbey, 219.
Garrison, William L., 285; his Liberator, mentioned, 163,166; his Memoirs, cited, 167 note.
Gazette, United States Literary, the, 23-26, 29 note, 41; Longfellow contributes to, 27.
Georgia (State), 143.
Germany, 8, 50-52, 65, 71, 98, 125, 142, 156, 170, 199.
Turgenieff, Ivan S., resembled Longfellow in looks, 282.
Tyrol, the, 113.
Uhland, Johann L., 161, 219; his Das Gluck von Edenhall, mentioned, 149.
United States, 116, 240, 250, 251, 255; Sumner elected to Senate of, 186.
University Hall, Cambridge, 176.
Upsala, University of, 97.
Van Winkle, C. S., 69.
., Peleg, 12, 18; appearance of, 13.
Wadsworth, Zilpah. See Longfellow, Zilpah W.
Wadsworth family, 13.
Wales, Prince of, 221.
Wales, Henry W., 215.
Walker, Rev., James, 178, 203; Longfellow's letters to, 204-206.,
Ward, Samuel, 149, 164, 188.
Wardell, John, 131.
Washington, George, 6, 292; headquarters at Craigie House, 116, 117.
Washington, Martha, 117.
Washington, D. C., 79.
Webb, Richard D., criticizes Longfellow's anti-slavery poems, 167.
Webster, Daniel, 6.
Weimar, 289.
Weld, Miss, Emeline, describes Mrs. Longfellow, 64.
Wells, George W., Longfellow writes to, 37.
Wendell, Prof., Barrett, 142; his Literary History of America, cited, 142 note.
Wesselhoeft, Dr., Robert, 161.
West Point, N. Y., 18.
Westminster Abbey, service of commemoration for Longfellow at, 248-257.
Weston, Miss Anne W., 167.
Weston Mss., cited, 167 note.
White Mountains, 51, 132.
Whitman, Walt, 6, 10, 276.
Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1, 6, 68, 134, 168, 258, 2
Cambridge, Mass., 38, 40-42, 57, 75,82, 84, 116-118, 121, 139, 154, 160,169,172,179,181,182,187,192,203,205, 214, 215, 244, 272, 283, 289; Longfellow's address to the children of, 55; establishes himself in, 133; Longfellow's speech at the anniversary of, 290, 291; schools of, celebrate Longfellow's seventy-fifth birthday, 291.
Cambridge Tribune, the, 117 note.
Cambridge, Eng., 220, 288.
Campbell, Thomas, 7, 62.
Canova, Anthony, 34.
Carey & Lea, 51.
Carey and Hart, 166.
Caribbean Sea, 266.
Carlisle, Eng., 219.
Carlyle, Thomas, 87, 90, 92, 259.
Carlyle, Mrs., Thomas, 90, 92.
Carlyles, the, 91.
Carpenter, Prof. George R., 127; his Longfellow, cited, 127 note, 166 note.
Carter, Mr. (Longfellow's teacher), 15,17.
Carter, James G., 23.
Cervantes, Miguel de, 188.
Chamberlain Collection of Autographs, 139 note.
Channing, W. Ellery, 271.
Channing, Rev. William E., 11, 164.
Chantrey, Sir, Francis, 90.
Charles River, 116, 118.
Chasles, Prof., Philarete,
llow's letter about elms for, 122, 123.
Crebillon, Prosper J., 121.
Cross of Snow, the, 211, 212.
Crowninshield, Clara, 83, 92, 95, 106, 110.
Croydon, Eng., 88.
Cushing, Miss, 61.
Cushman, Bezaleel, 17, 60.
Cutler, Mr., 140.
Cuyp, Albert, 142.
Dana, Richard H., 80, 133.
Dannemora, iron mines of, 97.
Dante, 214, 230, 234; Longfellow translates, 207, 225.
Dartmouth College, 17.
Dawes, Rufus, 23.
Delphi, 31.
Dessau, Spanish Student performed in, 188.
Devereux Farm, Marblehead, 201.
Devonshire, 223.
Dial, the, 125, 133, 145.
Dickens, Charles, 170, 284.
Diderot, Denis, 121.
Digby, Kenelm H., on Longfellow, 142.
Dobell, Sydney, 282.
Dryden, John, 9, 249.
Dublin, Ire., 167.
Duxbury, Mass., 12.
Dwight, John, 286.
Dwight, Rev., Timothy, 14, 23.
Eden Hall, 219.
Edgeworth, Miss, Maria, 62.
Edinburgh, 8, 233.
Edinburgh Review, the, 90.
Edrehi, Israel, 214.
Eichhorn, Prof., 46.
Eliot, Charles W., quoted, 184, 185.
Eliot, Samuel A., 18
Eustaphieve, Miss, 20.
Evangeline, 194, 209, 210, 221, 258, 280, 285; criticism on, 197; publication of, 200.
Everett, Mrs., Alexander, 50.
Everett, Edward, 71,118, 178.
Every Other Saturday, 22 note, 36 note, 64 note.
Federalists, the, 11.
Fellows, Mrs., 17.
Felton, Prof. Cornelius C., 70, 112, 119, 139, 146, 156, 162, 168, 272, 284, 285; aids Longfellow in his work, 173, 191.
Ferguson, Mr., 224.
Fields, James T., 224, 240, 241.
Fields, Mrs. James T., 191.
Florence, Italy, 223.
Florian, John P. C. de, 121.
Footsteps of Angels, 112.
Foreign Quarterly Review, the, mentioned, 168.
Forster, John, 168, 241.
Frazer, Mr., 89.
France, 48, 55, 98, 155, 158, 252, 259.
Franklin, Benjamin, 6.
Freiligrath, Ferdinand, 161, 193, 271; on Hiawatha, 209; Longfellow writes about Dante translations to, 225, 226.
Freneau, Philip, 23.
Frugal Housewife, the, 121.
Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli.
Fulton, Robert, 6.
Furness, Rev. W. H., 192.
Furness Abbe
eel, 17, 60.
Cutler, Mr., 140.
Cuyp, Albert, 142.
Dana, Richard H., 80, 133.
Dannemora, iron mines of, 97.
Dante, 214, 230, 234; Longfellow translates, 207, 225.
Dartmouth College, 17.
Dawes, Rufus, 23.
Delphi, 31.
Dessau, Spanish Student performed in, 188.
Devereux Farm, Marblehead, 201.
Devonshire, 223.
Dial, the, 125, 133, 145.
Dickens, Charles, 170, 284.
Diderot, Denis, 121.
Digby, Kenelm H., on Longfellow, 142.
Dobell, Sydney, 282.
Dryden, John, 9, 249.
Dublin, Ire., 167.
Duxbury, Mass., 12.
Dwight, John, 286.
Dwight, Rev., Timothy, 14, 23.
Eden Hall, 219.
Edgeworth, Miss, Maria, 62.
Edinburgh, 8, 233.
Edinburgh Review, the, 90.
Edrehi, Israel, 214.
Eichhorn, Prof., 46.
Eliot, Charles W., quoted, 184, 185.
Eliot, Samuel A., 182.
Elmwood, Cambridge, 168.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1, 6, 75,164, 192, 196, 209, 259, 271, 285, 292, 294; on Kavanagh, 199; his influence upon literature, 261, 262; lectures in Cambridge, 272.
Boston Daily, 41.
Agamenticus, 131.
Agassiz, Louis, 242, 285.
Alcott, A. Bronson, 271, 285.
Alden, Capt., John, 13,146.
Alhambra, the, 50.
Allen, Capt., 46.
America, 50-52, 65, 71, 73, 90, 91, 95, 98, 101, 106, 112, 143, 161,173, 215, 222, 248, 254-256, 259, 271, 272; series of Annuals in, 72; Longfellow addresses poets of, 77.
American Antiquarian Society, 118 note.
American Modern Language Association, 184.
American Monthly Magazine, the, 22.
Amherst College, 3.
Amsterdam, 108.
Andersen, Hans C., 193.
Andrews, William P., 234; his paper On the Translation of Faust, quoted, 233.
Angler's Song, the, 79.
Antwerp, 161.
Appleton, Frances E. See Longfellow, Frances A.
Appleton, Nathan, 121,171.
Appleton, Thomas G., 103, 219, 273.
Arfwedson, Mr. and Mrs., 93, 95.
Arnold, Mr., 70.
Arnold, Matthew, 6.
Atchafalaya, Lake, 195.
Athenaeum Library, 285.
Atlantic Monthly, the, cited, 233 note; mentioned, 287.
Auersberg, Anton A., 161.
ibrary, 139 note, 167 note.
Boston Quarterly Review, the, 125, 126 note.
Bosworth, Dr., 111.
Bowdler, Miss, Hannah, 62.
Bowdoin, Mrs., gives fund to Bowdoin College, 45.
Bowdoin College, 17, 18, 23, 60, 61, 73; Longfellow graduates from, 37; becomes professor of modern languages at, 56; Longfellow's salary at, 64.
Boxer (British brig), 14.
Bradbury, James W., 19; in debate with Longfellow, 21.
Bradley, Dean, 249.
Brattle Street, or Tory Row, Cambridge, 117, 289.
Brattleboro, Vt., 161.
Brewster, Elder, 13.
British Museum, 5.
Brittany, 158.
Brock, Thomas, 249.
Brookline, Mass., 146, 284.
Brown, Charles Brockden, 132, 143.
Brown, John, 271.
Browning, Robert, 3, 6, 216, 218, 267; compared with Longfellow, 270; Longfellow a student of, 272, 273.
Brownson, Orestes A., 125.
Bruges, 161.
Brunswick, Me., 18, 64, 69, 82, 100, 163.
Bryant, William C., 8, 23, 60, 62, 64, 80, 112, 142, 265, 294; his early poems compared with Longfellow's, 24-26; moralizi
Brunswick, Me., 18, 64, 69, 82, 100, 163.
Bryant, William C., 8, 23, 60, 62, 64, 80, 112, 142, 265, 294; his early poems compared with Longfellow's, 24-26; moralizing of, 133, 134; indifferent to Longfellow, 145; his Selections from the American Poets, mentioned, 145.
Bull, Ole, 214, 215.
Burns, Robert, 7, 8, 62, 188.
Bushnell, Rev., Horace, his letter to Longfellow about the Divine Tragedy, 245, 246.
Byron, Lord, 7, 9, 80, 280.
Cadenabbia, 223.
Cadmus (ship), 46.
Cambridge, Mass., 38, 40-42, 57, 75,82, 84, 116-118, 121, 139, 154, 160,169,172,179,181,182,187,192,203,205, 214, 215, 244, 272, 283, 289; Longfellow's address to the children of, 55; establishes himself in, 133; Longfellow's speech at the anniversary of, 290, 291; schools of, celebrate Longfellow's seventy-fifth birthday, 291.
Cambridge Tribune, the, 117 note.
Cambridge, Eng., 220, 288.
Campbell, Thomas, 7, 62.
Canova, Anthony, 34.
Carey & Lea, 51.
Carey and Hart, 166.
Caribbean Sea, 266