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John A. Fite (search for this): chapter 3.34
my), Col. D. H. Hamilton, Capt. W. P. Shooter; 1st S. C. Rifles, Col. James M. Perrin (m w), Lieut.-Col. F. E. Harrison; 12th S. C.,----; 13th S. C., Col. O. E. Edwards, Lieut.-Col. B. T. Brockman; 14th S. C., Col. Abner Perrin. Brigade loss: k, 46; w, 402; nm, 7 = 455. Archer's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James J. Archer, Col. B. D. Fry: 13th Ala., Col. B. D. Fry; 5th Ala. Battalion, Capt. S. D. Stewart (k), Capt. A. N. Porter; 1st Tenn. (Prov. Army), Lieut.-Col. N. J. George; 7th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. John A. Fite; 14th Tenn., Col. William McComb (w), Capt. R. C. Wilson. Brigade loss: k, 44; w, 305; In, 16 = 365. Pender's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. D. Ponder: 13th N. C., Col. Alfred M. Scales (w), Lieut.-Col. J. H. Hyman; 16th N. C., Col. John S. McElroy (w), Lieut.-Col. William A. Stone (w); 22d N. C., Lieut.-Col. Chris. C. Cole (k); 34th N. C.,----; 38th N. C., Lieut.-Col. John Ashford. Brigade loss: k, 116; w, 567; m, 68=751. Artillery, Col. R. L. Walker, Maj. William J. Pegram: S. C, Batter
James Longstreet (search for this): chapter 3.34
The Confederate army. army of Northern Virginia.--General Robert E. Lee. First Army Corps. Lieut.-Gen. James Longstreet, with Hood's and Pickett's divisions and Dearing's and Henry's artillery battalions, absent in South-eastern Virginia. McLaws's division, Maj.-Gen. Lafayette McLaws. Wofford's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. T. Wofford: 16th Ga.,----; The dash indicates that the name of the commanding officer has not been found in the Official Records.--editors. 18th Ga.,----; 24th Ga.,----; Cobb's (Ga.) Legion,----; Phillips's (Ga.) Legion,----. Brigade loss: k, 74; w, 479; m, 9 = 562. Semmes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Paul J. Semmes: 10th Ga., Lieut.-Col. W. C. Holt; 50th Ga., Lieut.-Col. F. Kearse; 51st Ga., Col. W. M. Slaughter (k), Lieut.-Col. Edward Ball (w); 53d Ga., Col. James P. Simms. Brigade loss: k, 85; w, 492; m, 26 =603. Kershaw's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw: 2d S. C., Col. John D. Kennedy; 3d S. C., Maj. R. C. Maffett; 7th S. C., Col. Elbert Bland; 8th S. C
William F. Patterson (search for this): chapter 3.34
J. Thompson Brown: Va. Battery (Brooke's); Va. Battery (Dance's); Va. Battery (Graham's); Va. Battery (Hupp's); Va. Battery (Smith's); Va. Battery (Watson's). Battalion loss (not reported). McIntosh's Battalion, Maj. D. G. McIntosh: Ala. Battery (Hurt's), Va. Battery (Johnson's); Va. Battery (Lusk's); Va. Battery (Wooding's). Battalion loss (not reported). Reserve artillery, Brig.-Gen. William N. Pendleton. Sumter (Ga.) Battalion, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Cutts: Battery A (Ross's); Battery B (Patterson's); Battery C (Wingfield's). Battalion loss: w, 3. Nelson's Battalion, Lieut.-Col. William N elson: Va. Battery (Kirkpatrick's); Va. Battery (Massie's); Ga. Battery (Milledge's). Battalion loss (not reported). cavalry, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee: 1st Va.,----; 2d Va.,----; 3d Va., Col. Thomas H. Owen; 4th Va., Col. Williams C. Wickham. Brigade loss: k, 4; w, 7-=11. Third Brigade (engaged in resisting the Stoneman raid ), Brig.-Gen. W. H. F.
Pichigru Woolfolk (search for this): chapter 3.34
la.,----; 5th Fla.,----; 8th Fla.,----. Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 88 = 109. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. J. J. Garnett: Va. Battery, Capt. C. R. Grandy; Va. Battery (Lewis's), Lieut. Nathan Penick; La. Battery, Capt. Victor Maurin; Va. Battery, Capt. Joseph D. Moore. Artillery loss: k, 1; w, 13 = 14. artillery Reserve. Alexander's Battalion, Col. E. P. Alexander: Va. Battery (Eubank's); Va. Battery (Jordan's); La. Battery (Moody's); Va. Battery (Parker's); S. C. Battery (Rhett's); Va. Battery (Woolfolk's). Battalion loss: k, 6; w, 35; m, 21 =62. Washington (La.) Artillery, Col. J. B. Walton: 1st Co. (Squires's); 2d Co. (Richardson's); 3d Co. (Miller's); 4th Co. (Eshleman's). Battalion loss: k, 4; w, 8; m, 33 = 45. Second Army Corps, Lieut.-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson (m w), Maj.-Gen..Ambrose P. Hill (w), Brig.-Gen. R. E. Rodes, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart. Staff loss: k, 2; w, 3 = 5. Light division. Maj.-Gen. Ambrose P. Hill, Brig.-Gen. Henry Heth (w), Brig.-Gen. William D. Pender (w)
Edward Willis (search for this): chapter 3.34
. J. Hutchins; 23d Ga., Col. Emory F. Best; 27th Ga., Col. C. T. Zachry; 28th Ga., Col. Tully Graybill. Brigade loss: k, 9; w, 128; m, 312 = 449. Ramseur's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. S. D. Ramseur (w), Col. F. M. Parker: 2d N. C., Col. W. R. Cox (w); 4th N. C., Col. Bryan Grimes; 14th N. C., Col. R. T. Bennett; 30th N. C., Col. F. M. Parker. Brigade loss: k, 151; w, 529; m, 108=788. Doles's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. George Doles: 4th Ga., Col. Philip Cook (w), Lieut.-Col. D. R. E. Winn; 12th Ga., Col. Edward Willis; 21st Ga., Col. J. T. Mercer; 44th Ga., Col. J. B. Estes. Brigade loss: k, 66; w, 343; m, 28 = 437. iverson's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Alfred Iverson: 5th N. C., Col. Thomas M. Garrett (w), Lieut.-Col. J. W. Lea (w), Maj. William J. Hill (w), Capt. S. B. West; 12th N. C., Maj. D. P. Rowe (k), Lieut.-Col. R. D. Johnston; 20th N. C., Col. T. F. Toon (w), Lieut.-Col. Nelson Slough; 23d N. C., Col. D. H. Christie. Brigade loss: k, 67; w, 330; m, 73 =470. Artillery, Lieut.-Col. T. H. Carter: A
S. D. Stewart (search for this): chapter 3.34
Gen. Samuel McGowan (w), Col. O. E. Edwards (w), Col. Abner Perrin, Col. D. H. Hamilton: 1st S. C. (Prov. Army), Col. D. H. Hamilton, Capt. W. P. Shooter; 1st S. C. Rifles, Col. James M. Perrin (m w), Lieut.-Col. F. E. Harrison; 12th S. C.,----; 13th S. C., Col. O. E. Edwards, Lieut.-Col. B. T. Brockman; 14th S. C., Col. Abner Perrin. Brigade loss: k, 46; w, 402; nm, 7 = 455. Archer's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James J. Archer, Col. B. D. Fry: 13th Ala., Col. B. D. Fry; 5th Ala. Battalion, Capt. S. D. Stewart (k), Capt. A. N. Porter; 1st Tenn. (Prov. Army), Lieut.-Col. N. J. George; 7th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. John A. Fite; 14th Tenn., Col. William McComb (w), Capt. R. C. Wilson. Brigade loss: k, 44; w, 305; In, 16 = 365. Pender's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. D. Ponder: 13th N. C., Col. Alfred M. Scales (w), Lieut.-Col. J. H. Hyman; 16th N. C., Col. John S. McElroy (w), Lieut.-Col. William A. Stone (w); 22d N. C., Lieut.-Col. Chris. C. Cole (k); 34th N. C.,----; 38th N. C., Lieut.-Col. John Ashford
W. H. F. Lee (search for this): chapter 3.34
s E. B. Stuart. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Fitzhugh Lee: 1st Va.,----; 2d Va.,----; 3d Va., Col. Thomas H. Owen; 4th Va., Col. Williams C. Wickham. Brigade loss: k, 4; w, 7-=11. Third Brigade (engaged in resisting the Stoneman raid ), Brig.-Gen. W. H. F. Lee: 2d N. C., Lieut.-Col. William H. Payne; 5th Va., Col. Thomas L. Rosser; 9th Va., Col. R. L. T. Beale; 10th Va.,----; 13th Va., Col. John R. Chambliss, Jr.; 15th Va.,----. Brigade loss (not reported). Horse Artillery, Maj. R. F. Beckham:period of rest and recruiting, of perhaps 3000, and say 1500 for the reserve artillery of Jackson's corps, not reported on the return for March. This addition gives a total of 61,612. Then, deducting Hampton's brigade of cavalry, recruiting south of the James River, and numbering, perhaps, 1600, the effective force of Lee's Army on the Rappahannock may be estimated at not less than 60,000, with probably 170 pieces of artillery. Breaking up the Union camp at Falmouth. From a photograph.
James Dearing (search for this): chapter 3.34
The Confederate army. army of Northern Virginia.--General Robert E. Lee. First Army Corps. Lieut.-Gen. James Longstreet, with Hood's and Pickett's divisions and Dearing's and Henry's artillery battalions, absent in South-eastern Virginia. McLaws's division, Maj.-Gen. Lafayette McLaws. Wofford's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. T. Wofford: 16th Ga.,----; The dash indicates that the name of the commanding officer has not been found in the Official Records.--editors. 18th Ga.,----; 24th Ga.,----; Cobb's (Ga.) Legion,----; Phillips's (Ga.) Legion,----. Brigade loss: k, 74; w, 479; m, 9 = 562. Semmes's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Paul J. Semmes: 10th Ga., Lieut.-Col. W. C. Holt; 50th Ga., Lieut.-Col. F. Kearse; 51st Ga., Col. W. M. Slaughter (k), Lieut.-Col. Edward Ball (w); 53d Ga., Col. James P. Simms. Brigade loss: k, 85; w, 492; m, 26 =603. Kershaw's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw: 2d S. C., Col. John D. Kennedy; 3d S. C., Maj. R. C. Maffett; 7th S. C., Col. Elbert Bland; 8th S.
Thomas M. Griffin (search for this): chapter 3.34
a., Col. James P. Simms. Brigade loss: k, 85; w, 492; m, 26 =603. Kershaw's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw: 2d S. C., Col. John D. Kennedy; 3d S. C., Maj. R. C. Maffett; 7th S. C., Col. Elbert Bland; 8th S. C., Col. John W. Henagan; 15th S. C., Lieut.-Col. Joseph F. Gist; 3d S. C. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. W. G. Rice. Brigade loss: k, 12; w, 90; m, 2=104. Barksdale's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William Barksdale: 13th Miss., Col. J. W. Carter; 17th Miss., Col. W. D. Holder; 18th Miss., Col. Thomas M. Griffin; 21st Miss., Col. B. G. Humphreys. Brigade loss: k, 43; w, 208; m, 341 = 592. Artillery, Col. Henry C. Cabell: Ga. Battery (Troup Art'y), Capt. H. H. Carlton; Ga. Battery, Capt. John C. Fraser; Va. Battery (1st Howitzers), Capt. E. S. McCarthy; N. C. Battery, Capt. B. C. Manly. Artillery loss: k, 5; w, 21; m, 2 = 28. Anderson's division, Maj.-Gen. Richard H. Anderson. Wilcox's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Cadmus M. Wilcox: 8th Ala., Col. Y. L. Royston (w), Lieut.-Col. H. A. Herbert; 9
Robert M. Mayo (search for this): chapter 3.34
d Army Corps, Lieut.-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson (m w), Maj.-Gen..Ambrose P. Hill (w), Brig.-Gen. R. E. Rodes, Maj.-Gen. James E. B. Stuart. Staff loss: k, 2; w, 3 = 5. Light division. Maj.-Gen. Ambrose P. Hill, Brig.-Gen. Henry Heth (w), Brig.-Gen. William D. Pender (w), Brig.-Gen. James J. Archer. Staff loss: k, 2; w, 2 = 4. Heth's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Henry Heth, Col. J. M. Brockenbrough: 40th Va., Col. J. M. Brockenbrough, Lieut.-Col. F. W. Cox (w), Capt. T. E. Betts; 47th Va., Col. Robert M. Mayo; 55th Va., Col. Francis Mallory (k), Lieut.-Col. William S. Christian (w), Maj. A. D. Saunders (k), Lieut. R. L. Williams, Maj. Evan Rice; 22d Va. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. E. P. Tayloe. Brigade loss: k, 33; w, 270 =303. Thomas's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. L. Thomas: 14th Ga., Col. R. W. Folsom; 35th Ga., Capt. John Duke; 45th Ga., Lieut.-Col. W. L. Grice; 49th Ga., Maj. S. T. Player. Brigade loss: k, 21; w, 156 = 177. Lane's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James H. Lane: 7th N. C., Col. E. G. Haywood
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