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United States (United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
The popular name of the second war between the United States and Great Britain. Blessed with prosperity and dreading war, the people of the United States submitted to many acts of tyranny from Great Britain and France r with them. Consequently, the government of the United States was only nominally independent. Socially and commercially, the United States tacitly acknowledged their dependence on Europe, and especially upon England; and thoroughly accomplished the independence of the United States. Franklin once heard a person speaking of the Rnt and New York joined, in co-operation with the United States, in placing (September, 1812) 3,000 regulars andination of persons desirous to emigrate from the United States. Owing to the inability of nearly all the slaveports, to such a low ebb had the commerce of the United States been reduced. Various schemes for raising moneytish blockade extended to the whole coast of the United States......April 23, 1814 Sloop-of-war Peacock capt
Demerara (Guyana) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
0, 1812 [This vessel, having on board Theodosia, the wife of Governor Alston and only child of Aaron Burr, is never heard of afterwards.] Action at Frenchtown, now Monroe, Mich......Jan. 18, 1813 Defeat and capture of General Winchester at the river Raisin, Mich......Jan. 22, 1813 British fleet, Vice-Admiral Cockburn, attempts to blockade the Atlantic coast......January et seq. 1813 Sloop-of-war Hornet captures and sinks British sloop Peacock near the mouth of the Demerara River, South America......Feb. 24, 1813 York (now Toronto), Upper Canada, captured......April 27, 1813 Defence of Fort Meigs, O., by General Harrison......April 28–May 9, 1813 Gen. Green Clay is checked in attempting to reinforce Fort Meigs.......May 5, 1813 Fort George, on the west side of Niagara River, near its mouth, is captured by the American troops under General Dearborn......May 27, 1813 Frigate Chesapeake surrenders to the British ship Shannon ......June 1, 1813 Action at S
Sweden (Sweden) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
er to treat for peace directly at London, that city being preferred because it would afford greater facilities for negotiation. It was proposed, in case there should be insuperable objections to London, to hold the conference at Gottenburg, in Sweden. This offer, with the selection of Gottenburg, was accepted by President Madison, who, at the same time, complained of the rejection of Russia's mediation, which had been offered three separate times. He nominated as commissioners to negotiate for peace John Quincy Adams and James A. Bayard, to whom Henry Clay and Jonathan Russell were added as special representatives of the war party. At the same time, Russell was nominated and confirmed as minister to Sweden. Early in 1814 the most serious business of Congress was to provide for recruiting the army. The enlistment of twelvemonths' men, it was found, stood in the way of more permanent engagements, and the fourteen regiments of that character then existing were to be replaced by
Lake Erie (United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
expedition against Montreal. The troops went into winter quarters at French Mills (afterwards Covington), on the Salmon River. The news of Perry's victory on Lake Erie (see Erie, Lake, battle on) startled the British public, and strange confessions of weakness were made in the English and provincial newspapers. We have been co construction of a steamfrigate or floating battery, for which Fulton offered a plan, and the authorizing the purchase, for $225,000, of the vessels captured on Lake Erie. At a cost of about $2,000,000 in bounties, 14,000 recruits were obtained, of whom the New England States furnished more than all the rest of the States put togms, Ala., by the Creek Indians......Aug. 30, 1813 Brig Enterprise captures British brig Boxer off the coast of Maine.......Sept. 5, 1813 Perry's victory on Lake Erie......Sept. 10, 1813 Detroit, Mich., reoccupied by the United States forces......Sept. 28, 1813 Battle of the Thames, Upper Canada; Harrison defeats Proctor
Lundy's Lane (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
brig Épervier off the coast of Florida with $118,000 in specie......April 29, 1814 British attack and destroy the fort at Oswego, N. Y.......May 6, 1814 Action at Big Sandy Creek, N. Y.......May 29, 1814 Sloop-of-war Wasp captures the British sloop Reindeer in the British Channel......June 28, 1814 Fort Erie, with about 170 British soldiers, surrenders to Gen. Winfield Scott and General Ripley......July 3, 1814 Battle of Chippewa, Upper Canada......July 5, 1814 Battle of Lundy's Lane, or Bridgewater, Upper Canada......July 25, 1814 Congress appropriates $320,000 for one or more floating batteries, designed by Robert Fulton; one finished......July, 1814 [This was the first steam vessel of war built.] Expedition from Detroit against Fort Mackinaw fails......Aug. 4, 1814 British troops land at Pensacola, Fla.......Aug. 4, 1814 British troops, 5,000 strong, under General Drummond, invest Fort Erie......Aug. 4, 1814 Stonington, Conn., bombarded by the Bri
Fort Severn (Canada) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
ass.; Fort Independence, Boston Harbor; Fort Wolcott, near Newport, R. I.; Fort Adams, Newport. Harbor; Fort Hamilton, near Newport; North Battery, a mile northwest of Fort Wolcott; Dumplings Fort, entrance to Narraganset Bay, R. I.; Tonomy Hill, a mile east of North Battery, R. I.; Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn.; Fort Jay, Governor's Island, New York Harbor; works on Ellis and Bedloe's islands, New York Harbor; Fort Mifflin, Delaware River, below Philadelphia; Fort McHenry, Baltimore; Fort Severn, Annapolis; Forts Norfolk and Nelson, on Elizabeth River, below Norfolk, Va.; forts Pinckney, Moultrie, and Mechanic, for the protection of Charleston, S. C.; Fort Mackinaw, island of Mackinaw; Fort Dearborn, Chicago; Fort Wayne, at the forks of the Maumee, Ind.; Fort Detroit, Michigan; Fort Niagara, mouth of the Niagara River; Fort Ontario, Oswego; Fort Tompkins, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. Some of these were unfinished. While the army of General Hull was lying in camp below Sandwich, in
Valparaiso (Indiana, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
burns the village of Newark, Canada, and evacuates Fort George, opposite Fort Niagara (he is severely censured)......Dec. 10, 1813 Fort Niagara captured by the British......Dec. 19, 1813 Buffalo and Black Rock burned by the British and Indians......Dec. 30, 1813 General Jackson defeats and crushes the Creek Indians at Great Horse Shoe Bend, on the Tallapoosa......March 27, 1814 Frigate Essex, Capt. David Porter, surrenders to the British ships Phoebe and Cherub in the harbor of Valparaiso, Chile......March 28, 1814 General Wilkinson, with about 2,000 troops, attacks a party of British, fortified in a stone mill, at La Colle, Lower Canada, near the north end of Lake Champlain, and is repulsed......March 30, 1814 British blockade extended to the whole coast of the United States......April 23, 1814 Sloop-of-war Peacock captures the British brig Épervier off the coast of Florida with $118,000 in specie......April 29, 1814 British attack and destroy the fort at Osw
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
ndependence, Boston Harbor; Fort Wolcott, near Newport, R. I.; Fort Adams, Newport. Harbor; Fort Hamilton, near Newport; North Battery, a mile northwest of Fort Wolcott; Dumplings Fort, entrance to Narraganset Bay, R. I.; Tonomy Hill, a mile east of North Battery, R. I.; Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn.; Fort Jay, Governor's Island, New York Harbor; works on Ellis and Bedloe's islands, New York Harbor; Fort Mifflin, Delaware River, below Philadelphia; Fort McHenry, Baltimore; Fort Severn, Annapolis; Forts Norfolk and Nelson, on Elizabeth River, below Norfolk, Va.; forts Pinckney, Moultrie, and Mechanic, for the protection of Charleston, S. C.; Fort Mackinaw, island of Mackinaw; Fort Dearborn, Chicago; Fort Wayne, at the forks of the Maumee, Ind.; Fort Detroit, Michigan; Fort Niagara, mouth of the Niagara River; Fort Ontario, Oswego; Fort Tompkins, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. Some of these were unfinished. While the army of General Hull was lying in camp below Sandwich, in Canada, he w
Fort Nelson River (Canada) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
Fort Wolcott, near Newport, R. I.; Fort Adams, Newport. Harbor; Fort Hamilton, near Newport; North Battery, a mile northwest of Fort Wolcott; Dumplings Fort, entrance to Narraganset Bay, R. I.; Tonomy Hill, a mile east of North Battery, R. I.; Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn.; Fort Jay, Governor's Island, New York Harbor; works on Ellis and Bedloe's islands, New York Harbor; Fort Mifflin, Delaware River, below Philadelphia; Fort McHenry, Baltimore; Fort Severn, Annapolis; Forts Norfolk and Nelson, on Elizabeth River, below Norfolk, Va.; forts Pinckney, Moultrie, and Mechanic, for the protection of Charleston, S. C.; Fort Mackinaw, island of Mackinaw; Fort Dearborn, Chicago; Fort Wayne, at the forks of the Maumee, Ind.; Fort Detroit, Michigan; Fort Niagara, mouth of the Niagara River; Fort Ontario, Oswego; Fort Tompkins, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. Some of these were unfinished. While the army of General Hull was lying in camp below Sandwich, in Canada, he was absent at Detroit two or
Memphis (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry war-of-1812
law, to go beyond the bounds of their respective States. The navy was very weak, in comparison with that of the enemy, the acknowledged mistress of the seas. It consisted of only twenty vessels, exclusive of 170 gunboats,. and actually carrying an aggregate of little more than 500 guns. The following is a list of forts in existence when war was declared in 1812, and their location: Fort Sumner, Portland, Me.; Fort William and Mary, Portsmouth, N. H.; Fort Lily, Gloucester, Cape Ann; Fort Pickering, Salem, Mass.; Fort Seawall, Marblehead, Mass.; Fort Independence, Boston Harbor; Fort Wolcott, near Newport, R. I.; Fort Adams, Newport. Harbor; Fort Hamilton, near Newport; North Battery, a mile northwest of Fort Wolcott; Dumplings Fort, entrance to Narraganset Bay, R. I.; Tonomy Hill, a mile east of North Battery, R. I.; Fort Trumbull, New London, Conn.; Fort Jay, Governor's Island, New York Harbor; works on Ellis and Bedloe's islands, New York Harbor; Fort Mifflin, Delaware River, b
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