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Friar's Island (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
s: Dec. 11-15, 1862 25, 4; 30, 3, 30, 4; 31, 4; 32, 2; 33, 1; 63, 7 May 3-4, 1863 41, 1 Expedition to vicinity of, Aug. 1-8, 1862 23, 3 Fredericksburg, Department of (C): Boundaries 163 Frederick's Hall Station, Va. 16, 1; 74, 1; 100, 1 Fredericktown, Mo. 47, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 152, H10; 153, A8; 171 Freeman's Ford, Va. 21, 13; 22, 5, 22, 7; 23, 4, 23, 5; 87, 2 Freestone Point, Va. 8, 1 Fremont's Orchard, Colo. Ter. 119, 1 Friar's Island, Tenn. 49, 1, 49, 2; 97, 1 Friar's Point, Miss. 135-A; 154, D8 Frick's Gap, Ga. 24, 3; 97, 1; 149, D10 Friendship Church, Tenn. 34, 3 Frog Bayou, Ark. 160, G11, 160, H11 Front Royal, Va. 5, 5; 21, 13; 22, 5; 27, 1; 43, 7; 69, 1; 74, 1; 81, 4; 82, 4,8; 85, 1, 85, 19; 94, 2; 100, 1; 137, A5 Action, May 23, 1862 5, 5 Engagement, Aug. 16, 1864. See Cedarville, Va. Skirmish, Sept. 21, 1864 82, 8 Frying Pan, Va. 7, 1 Fulton, Mo. 135-A; 152
Alexandria (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
Albany, Mo. 135-A; 161, C11 Albemarle Sound, N. C. 40, 3; 117, 1; 135-A; 138, C11; 171 Albuquerque, N. Mex. 54, 1; 119, 1; 120, 1; 171 Alderson's Ferry, W. Va. 141, E12 Aldie, Va. 7, 1; 22, 5; 23, 2; 27, 1; 100, 1; 137, A7 Alexander's Bridge, Ga. 46, 1, 46, 2, 46, 4; 47, 2, 47, 3, 47, 7; 50, 5; 57, 1, 57, 2; 96, 4; 97, 1, 97, 3; 101, 20; 111, 9 Alexander's Creek, La. 156, B6 Alexandria, La. 52, 1; 53, 2; 54, 1; 135-A; 155, G3; 171 Alexandria, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 150, G7 Alexandria, Va. 6, 1; 43, 7; 74, 1; 81, 4; 86, 15; 89, 1; 100, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 136, G8; 137, A8; 171 Allatoona, Ga. 43, 4; 48, 5; 57, 1, 57, 3; 58, 2; 59, 3; 62, 1, 62, 14; 76, 2; 88, 2; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A Alleghanies: Defenses of the, April, 1864 94, 1 Allen, Mo. 152, B4 Allen's, Va. 17, 1; 19, 1, 19, 3; 20, 2, 20, 3, 20, 4; 92, 1 Alpine, Ga. 48, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 149, E10 Alrich's, Va. 39, 2, 39, 3; 41, 1;
Milton, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
143, G4; 144, C4; 171 Miller's Ferry, W. Va. 9, 3 Milliken's Bend, La. 35, 4; 36, 1; 37, 4; 155, B7, 155, C7 Country between, and Jackson, Miss. 36, 1 Mill Point W. Va. 30, 5 Mill Springs, Ky. 6, 3; 9, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 150, D11; 171 Battle of, Jan. 19, 1862. See Logan's Cross-Roads, Ky. Confederates' fortified position, Jan., 1862 6, 3 Millwood, Va. 43, 7; 69, 1; 74, 1; 81, 4; 100, 1; 135-A Milton, Fla. 110, 1; 135-A; 147, E6; 171 Milton, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 31, 2; 150, H7 Camp Mimbres, N. Mex. 98, 1 Mine Creek, Kans. 47, 1; 66, 8 Engagement on, Oct. 25, 1864. See Little Osage River, Kans. Mineral Point, Mo. 47, 1; 135-A; 152, G9 Mine Run, Va. 8, 1; 16, 1; 39, 3; 44, 3; 45, 1; 47, 6; 81, 1; 87, 1, 87, 2, 87, 4; 94, 2; 100, 1; 135, 6; 137, C6 Mine Run (Va.) Campaign, Nov. 26-Dec. 2, 1863: Theater of operations 44, 3; 45, 1; 47, 6; 87, 1 Mine, the: Explosion and assault on crater, J
Cookes Spring (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
Cumberland Gap Campaign: Operations, March 28-June 18, 1862 118, 2 Cumberland Iron Works, Tenn. 135-A; 150, F3 Cumberland Mountains 95, 3; 117, 1; 118, 2; 135-A; 142, B4; 149, B10; 150, H10; 171 Winters' Gap, Tenn., to Louisa, Ky 95, 3 Cumberland River, Ky. 9, 2; 135-A; 150, D2 Cumberland River, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 112, 4; 114, 5; 115, 2, 115, 5; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 150, E3; 171 Cumberland Valley Railroad 25, 6; 43, 7; 82, 3; 136, C6 Fort Cummings, N. Mex. 98, 1 Cummings Point, S. C. 4, 1; 23, 6; 26, 2; 131, 1 Views, Feb. And March, 1861 1, 3; 2, 1, 2, 3 Current River, Mo. 47, 1; 153, A5, 153, D7 Currituck Inlet, N. C. 138, B12; 171 Currituck Sound, N. C. 138, B12 Cushingville, Ga. 71, 7 Cynthiana, Ky. 118, 1; 135-A; 141, C2; 151, E13; 171 Cypress Creek, La. 158, B12 Cypress Creek, Tenn. 149, C1; 154, B13 Dabney's Mill, Va. 66, 9; 74, 1, 74, 2; 77, 2; 93, 1; 94, 8,
Vidalia (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
Jan. 3, 1863 27, 2 Jan. 20-July 4, 1863— Big Black River Bridge, May 17, 1863 37, 6, 37, 7; 135-C, 3 Champion's Mill, Miss., May 16, 1863 132, 8; 135-C, 2 Defenses of 37, 1 Grand Gulf, Miss., May, 1863 32, 4 Milliken's Bend, La., to Jackson, Miss. 36, 1 Port Gibson, Miss., May 1, 1863 31, 6 Road from Duckport to Walnut Bayou, La. 35, 4 Siege of, May 19-July 1, 1863 36, 2 Yazoo Pass Expedition, Feb. 24-April 8, 1863 67, 2 Vidalia, La. 117, 1; 135-A; 155, F6 Vienna, Ala. 148, C2 Vienna, Va. 7, 1; 21, 13; 27, 1; 100, 1 Views Forts, batteries, etc. 1; 2; 4; 121-130; 172-175 Vincent's Creek, S. C. 4, 1; 23, 6, 23, 7; 26, 2; 38, 2; 44, 4; 131, 1 Viola, Ky. 153, C13 Virginia (State) 136-138; 140-142; 162-171 Appomattox Campaign 66, 9, 136-138; 140-142; 162-171 Appomattox Campaign 66, 11; 68, 3; 74, 1, 74, 2; 77, 2, 77, 4; 78, 1, 78, 2, 78, 4; 94, 8, 94, 9 Approaches to
Fairview (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
74, 3, 74, 5; 76, 1 Alabama and West Florida, Department of (C): Boundaries 164 Alabama, Mississippi, and East Louisiana, Department of (C): Boundaries 169-171 Albany, Ky. 9, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 150, E10 Albany, Mo. 135-A; 161, C11 Albemarle Sound, N. C. 40, 3; 117, 1; 135-A; 138, C11; 171 Albuquerque, N. Mex. 54, 1; 119, 1; 120, 1; 171 Alderson's Ferry, W. Va. 141, E12 Aldie, Va. 7, 1; 22, 5; 23, 2; 27, 1; 100, 1; 137, A7 Alexander's Bridge, Ga. 46, 1, 46, 2, 46, 4; 47, 2, 47, 3, 47, 7; 50, 5; 57, 1, 57, 2; 96, 4; 97, 1, 97, 3; 101, 20; 111, 9 Alexander's Creek, La. 156, B6 Alexandria, La. 52, 1; 53, 2; 54, 1; 135-A; 155, G3; 171 Alexandria, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 150, G7 Alexandria, Va. 6, 1; 43, 7; 74, 1; 81, 4; 86, 15; 89, 1; 100, 1; 117, 1; 135-A; 136, G8; 137, A8; 171 Allatoona, Ga. 43, 4; 48, 5; 57, 1, 57, 3; 58, 2; 59, 3; 62, 1, 62, 14; 76, 2; 88, 2; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A Alleghan
Little Fort Valley (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
Lithonia, Ga. 101, 21; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 143, E1; 144, A2 Little Bear Creek, Ala. 149, E3 Little Black River, Mo. 153, C7, 153, D7 Little Blue River, Mo. 47, 1; 66, 1; 161, D10 Little Blue River, Nebr. Ter. 119, 1; 135-A Little Cacapon River, Va. 82, 3; 100, 1; 136, E4 Little Cohera Creek, N. C. 80, 9; 138, G5 Little Compton, Mo. 152, A2; 161, B13 Little Creek, N. C. 80, 7 Little Folly Island, S. C. 131, 1 Little Fort Valley, Va. 100, 1; 137, A5 Little Harpeth River, Tenn. 30, 2 Little Missouri River, Ark. 47, 1; 154, F1; 159, E11, 159, G13 Little Ogeechee River, Ga. 69, 4, 69, 5; 70, 2; 91, 4; 101, 21; 120, 2; 144, F10 Little Osage River, Kans. 66, 1, 66, 8 Engagement, Oct. 25, 1864 66, 8 Little Piney, Mo. 152, G5 Little River, Ala. 46, 3; 48, 1; 71, 13; 110, 1; 149, F9 Little River, Ark. 54, 1; 159, F10 Little River, Indian Territory 119, 1; 159,
Lake Village, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
yette, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 150, F8; 154, B11 La Fayette, Va. 118, 1; 141, G13 Lagrange, Tenn. 117, 1; 135-A; 150, G2; 154, B12; 171 Lake City, Fla. 135-A; 146, A7 Lake George, Fla. 135-A; 146, D10 Lake Monroe, Fla. 146, F11 Lake Natchez, La. 156, D6 Lakeport, La. 135-A Lake Providence, La. 117, 1; 135-A; 155, A6, 135-A; 155, B6; 171 Lake Saint Joseph, La. 155, D6 Lake Spring, Mo. 152, H6 Lake Village, Ark. 154, G6 Lamar, Miss. 135-A; 154, B12 Lamar, Mo. 135-A; 160, A11 Lamar, Tex. 43, 8; 54, 1; 65, 10 Lancaster, Ky. 9, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 141, F1; 150, B11; 151, H12 Fort Lancaster, Tex. 54, 1 Lane's Prairie, Mo. 152, F6 Fort Lapwai, Idaho Ter. 134, 1 Laredo, Tex. 54, 1; 171 Larkinsville, Ala. 24, 3; 61, 9; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 149, E8 Fort Larned, Kans. 119, 1 Lauderdale Spring, Miss. 135-A Laurel Creek, W. Va.
Steelville, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
69, 5; 70, 1; 76, 2; 102, 21; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 144, E9 Statesburg, S. C. 135-A; 139, D2; 143, D12 Statesville, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 31, 2; 150, H7 Staunton, Va. 30, 5; 74, 1; 81, 4, 81, 6; 84, 9, 84, 10; 85, 1; 94, 1, 94, 2; 100, 1; 116, 3, 116, 4; 117, 1; 135-A; 137, D3; 171 Staunton River, Va. 74, 1; 100, 1; 135-A; 137, G1, 135-A; 137, H4 Fort Stedman, Va. 67, 9; 77, 2; 79, 1; 118, 3 Steele's Bayou, Miss. 36, 1; 37, 4; 155, A7, 155, B7 Steelville, Mo. 47, 1; 135-A; 152, G7 Stephenson's Depot, Va. 27, 1; 43, 3; 81, 4; 83, 6; 85, 12, 85, 13; 99, 1 Engagement, July 20, 1864 83, 6 Steubenville, Ohio 140, A10; 171 Stevensburg, Va. 22, 5; 23, 4; 44, 3; 45, 1; 87, 2, 87, 3; 117, 1; 137, C6 Fort Stevens, D. C. 89, 1 Stevens' Gap, Ga. 24, 3; 48, 1; 50, 5; 97, 1; 111, 9; 149, D10 Stevenson, Ala. 24, 3; 61, 9; 76, 1; 97, 1; 112, 2; 117, 1; 118, 1; 135-A; 149, D9 Defenses 112, 2 Stewart'
Sand Landing (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
4; 74, 1; 81, 2; 91, 2; 96, 2 Mount Crawford, Va. 74, 1; 81, 4; 82, 12; 85, 1, 85, 31; 94, 2; 100, 1; 135-A; 137, C3 Mount Elba, Ark. 47, 1; 135-A; 154, F4 Mount Ida, Ark. 47, 1; 159, D12 Mount Jackson, Va. 43, 7; 81, 5; 82, 3; 84, 9, 84, 11; 85, 1, 85, 21, 85, 22; 94, 2; 100, 1; 137, B4 Mount Pleasant, Ala. 110, 1; 135-A; 147, B4 Mount Pleasant, Tenn. 24, 3; 30, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 149, B5 Mount Sterling, Ky. 118, 1; 135-A; 141, D3; 171 Mount Vernon, Ala. 110, 1; 135-A Mount Vernon, Ark. 154, B7; 171 Mount Vernon, Ind. 150, A2; 151, G3 Mount Vernon, Ky. 9, 2; 118, 1; 135-A; 141, G2; 150, C12 Mount Vernon, Mo. 47, 1; 119, 1; 135-A; 152, D4; 160, C12; 171 Mount Washington, Ky. 150, A9; 151, F10 Mount Zion Church, Va. 76, 5; 87, 4; 93, 1; 94, 2 Fort Mouton, Ala.: Plan 108, 3 Muddy Branch, Md. 7, 1; 27, 1; 100, 1 Muddy Creek, Tenn. 149, C1 Muddy River, Ky. 150, D5 M
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