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Enfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 27
m the hills adjacent to Aquia creek. About 9 o'clock last night our batteries at Evansport are reported to have fired on one or more war vessels that attempted to pass down. The firing was heard with great distinctness in King George county, (a distance of sixty miles,) and jarred the doors of the dwelling of our informant of this fact. It is believed at Aquia Creek that the vessel was driven back, as she had not passed down the river. The Texas boys with their long range guns — Enfield fles probably — drove several crews from small sail vessels that attempted to pass in the vicinity of Evansport; but the vessels were afterwards recovered by the enemy — All was quiet off Aquia Creek as laters noon to-day, the hour of our latest advices from that quarter. There were rumors afloat yesterday that the enemy was landing at Matthias Point, but the report was incorrect, being predicated no doubt on the movement of Colonel Stokes's N. C. regiment from their old camp to anoth<
King George county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 27
pressed with the belief that one of their powder magazines had blown up. There was no firing after wards, and the cessation must have been the result of some disaster. We have no report direct from Evansport since the affair, it being witnessed by our troops from the hills adjacent to Aquia creek. About 9 o'clock last night our batteries at Evansport are reported to have fired on one or more war vessels that attempted to pass down. The firing was heard with great distinctness in King George county, (a distance of sixty miles,) and jarred the doors of the dwelling of our informant of this fact. It is believed at Aquia Creek that the vessel was driven back, as she had not passed down the river. The Texas boys with their long range guns — Enfield fles probably — drove several crews from small sail vessels that attempted to pass in the vicinity of Evansport; but the vessels were afterwards recovered by the enemy — All was quiet off Aquia Creek as laters noon to-day, the hour <
nd and tide were both in favor of the vessel. The object of the vandals can not be divined, as the sinking of the vessel at that point would not have offered any obstruction to the entrance of our harbor. Our scouts from Fort Pulaski were on the Island on Wednesday night, but were not able, after diligent search, to find any Federals. Their flag was removed from the Martello tower on Wednesday night, and replaced there yesterday morning. Later from Columbus, Hi — Surrender of Col.Federate prisoners — another attack of Camp Holt, &c. We take the following late and interesting particulars of affairs at Columbus from the Memphis Avalanche, of the 7th inst.: We learn from a gentleman who left Columbus about noon on Thursday, that a Federal steamer came down from Cairo on Wednesday afternoon, under a flag of truce, and brought about one hundred and fifty Confederate troops who were taken prisoners at Camp Jackson, Independence. The prisoners were allowed to bring thei
Gen Zollicoffer (search for this): article 27
the Kentucky sympathizers with the Southern cause Skirmish at Cumberland river between Zollicoffer and the Lincolnites From a private letter from Gen Zollicoffer's camp, on Cumberland riveGen Zollicoffer's camp, on Cumberland river, on the road between Jamestown and Sumersett, the Knoxville Register is permitted to extract the following particulars of a skirmish which occurred there on the 3d inst: Gen. Zollicoffer, haviGen. Zollicoffer, having complete control of the river, the enemy cannot approach except at one point, Steigal's Ferry. Here there were about 1,000 Lincolnites stationed. While the General was reconnoitering their positidred. It is expected that the river will shortly be navigable from here to Nashville. Gen. Zollicoffer The Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, of the inst., says: We have reliable informationver will shortly be navigable from here to Nashville. Gen. Zollicoffer The Knoxville (Tenn.) Register, of the inst., says: We have reliable information that Gen. Zollicoffer, the
The Texas boys with their long range guns — Enfield fles probably — drove several crews from small sail vessels that attempted to pass in the vicinity of Evansport; but the vessels were afterwards recovered by the enemy — All was quiet off Aquia Creek as laters noon to-day, the hour of our latest advices from that quarter. There were rumors afloat yesterday that the enemy was landing at Matthias Point, but the report was incorrect, being predicated no doubt on the movement of Colonel Stokes's N. C. regiment from their old camp to another point. The rumor about a landing at Tappahannock, and the citizens packing up and leaving, was equally unfounded. The Fredericksburg Recorder, of the 10th inst., says: The mail rider between this place and Hempstead, who came up yesterday evening, reports having met a returning courier who had carried information to Gen. Holmes of the landing of the enemy in large force in the county of Northumberland. Whether this is a mer<
ng at Matthias Point, but the report was incorrect, being predicated no doubt on the movement of Colonel Stokes's N. C. regiment from their old camp to another point. The rumor about a landing at Tappahannock, and the citizens packing up and leaving, was equally unfounded. The Fredericksburg Recorder, of the 10th inst., says: The mail rider between this place and Hempstead, who came up yesterday evening, reports having met a returning courier who had carried information to Gen. Holmes of the landing of the enemy in large force in the county of Northumberland. Whether this is a mere raid, or preparatory to its occupation, we are not advised. On Sunday evening we were at the Creek and matters seemed to be unusually quiet only some few sail vessels were in sight. For our part, we are very incredulous about a "great battle on the Potomac." It may occur, and it may not — our belief is that the backbone of the war is broken, and that Spring will find us if not blessed
mp Jackson, Independence. The prisoners were allowed to bring their guns equipments, & with them. It will be remembered that Gen. Pr turned loose all the Federal prisoners he had in Missouri, and it is understood that these prisoners were in reciprocation of that act. The same night the steamer Yazoo was detailed for service up the river, with the same troops on duty which had been returned a few hours before. The object was to prevent a surprise. On Thursday the gunboats "Jackson" and "Polk" went up to within a short distance of Cairo, and poured several rounds into Camp Holt opposite Cairo, peppering the Federals, and compelling them to leave their tents and scamper off for their very lives. The Federal have no guns mounted at Camp. Holt, and our gunboats occupied such a position that they could not be reached either from Cairo or Bird's Point. It is believed that these attacks will speedily bring on an engagement — the very thing our boys most ardently desi
eans at his command as any one in the Confederate service At Hickman, we are informed, true Southerners from Kentucky are arriving in large numbers every day, and going to Columbus with all possible dispatch. Indeed so great is the rush to Hickman that it is in contemplation to run a steam boat between Hickman and Columbus for the special accommodation of the Kentucky sympathizers with the Southern cause Skirmish at Cumberland river between Zollicoffer and the Lincolnites From aHickman and Columbus for the special accommodation of the Kentucky sympathizers with the Southern cause Skirmish at Cumberland river between Zollicoffer and the Lincolnites From a private letter from Gen Zollicoffer's camp, on Cumberland river, on the road between Jamestown and Sumersett, the Knoxville Register is permitted to extract the following particulars of a skirmish which occurred there on the 3d inst: Gen. Zollicoffer, having complete control of the river, the enemy cannot approach except at one point, Steigal's Ferry. Here there were about 1,000 Lincolnites stationed. While the General was reconnoitering their position in the morning with his glass, the
act. The same night the steamer Yazoo was detailed for service up the river, with the same troops on duty which had been returned a few hours before. The object was to prevent a surprise. On Thursday the gunboats "Jackson" and "Polk" went up to within a short distance of Cairo, and poured several rounds into Camp Holt opposite Cairo, peppering the Federals, and compelling them to leave their tents and scamper off for their very lives. The Federal have no guns mounted at Camp. Holt, and our gunboats occupied such a position that they could not be reached either from Cairo or Bird's Point. It is believed that these attacks will speedily bring on an engagement — the very thing our boys most ardently desire. At Columbus. on Thursday, it was generally rumored and believed that an attack at ad cah would be made at an early day. The Federal force there is said to be reduced to about 3,000. Gen. Jeff Thompson is fortifying at New Madrid, and has no idea that the Fede
n the Potomac: There was heavy cannonading at Evansport yesterday afternoon, and again about 5 o'clock last night. We are informed that a brisk and heavy cannonade, lasting for an hour or more, first took place between the batteries of Sickles's Brigade on the Maryland side and the Confederate batteries at Evansport. Directly after a shot had been fired from our side, an explosion took place in Sickles's Brigade, the thunder of which was so heavy that those who witnessed it were imprSickles's Brigade, the thunder of which was so heavy that those who witnessed it were impressed with the belief that one of their powder magazines had blown up. There was no firing after wards, and the cessation must have been the result of some disaster. We have no report direct from Evansport since the affair, it being witnessed by our troops from the hills adjacent to Aquia creek. About 9 o'clock last night our batteries at Evansport are reported to have fired on one or more war vessels that attempted to pass down. The firing was heard with great distinctness in King Georg
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