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Fitzhugh Lee 369 33 Browse Search
Stonewall Jackson 359 1 Browse Search
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Sheridan 180 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). Search the whole document.

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Literary notices. The Virginia campaign of 1864 and 1865; the Army of the Potomac and the Army of the James. By A. A. Humph-Reys. Price, $100. Statistical records of the armies of the United States. By Frederick Phisterer. Price, $100. New York: Charles. Scribner's Sons. We have received these books from the publishers through West & Johnston, of Richmond, and we are also indebted to General Humphreys for copies of his book. Reserving for the future a full review of both, we can only say now that we are reading General Humphreys's with great interest and pleasure, and while we shall have occasion to controvert some of his statements, we regard it as the work of an able soldier, very carefully prepared after a full study of all accessible material, and written in fine style and admirable spirit. The contrast between the fairness with which General Humphreys treats the men who fought against him, and the miserable partisan spirit shown by such writers as Doubleday and
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