Found 874 total hits in 486 results.
de, 121.
Shakespeare, William, 2, 5, 8, 32, 66.
Shelley, Percy B., 9, 262, 280.
Shepley, Rev., David, 19.
Sidney, Sir, Philip, 77; his Defence of Poesy, mentioned, 75.
Skinner, Mrs., 88.
Solis, Anthony de, 188.
Southey, Robert, 7, 46.
Spain, 50, 55, 66, 83.
Sparks, Jared, 118, 178; letter from, to Longfellow, 29, 30.
Spectator, the London, 69.
Stackelberg, Baron, 95.
Stael, Madame de, 121.
Stephenson, Samuel, 14.
Stettin, 98.
Stockoe, Mr., 95.
Stockoe, Mrs., 95.
Stockholm, 90, 92, 96, 97, 102, 103, 108.
Storer, Robert, 101.
Story, Judge, Joseph, 11, 86.
Strasburg, 8.
Strasburg Cathedral, 238.
Sudbury, Mass., 214, 215.
Sumner, Charles, 57, 80, 146, 147, 162, 164, 173, 206, 216, 271, 272, 284, 289, 292, 294; elected to U. S. Senate, 186; on Evangeline, 195; struck down in Senate, 240.
Sweden, 87, 94, 101, 105,135; Longfellow's opinion of, 97.
Swinburne, A. C., 6, 216, 218.
Switzerland, 8, 113, 171, 223, 263.
Symons, Capt., 92.
rg, 161.
Hiawatha, 187, 221, 258; commenced, 208; newspapers on, 209.
Hillard, George S., 168, 284.
Hilliard, Gray & Co., 69.
Hingham, Mass., 61.
Hirm, Me., 12.
Holm, Saxe, 122.
Holmes, Dr., Oliver Wendell, 1, 6, 57, 68, 146, 197, 273, 285, 294; on Evangeline, 194; on Longfellow, 287.
Home Circle, the, quoted, 279.
Homer, 5, 235.
Hook, Theodore, 10.
Horace, 19, 45.
Howe, Dr. Samuel G., 284.
Howe family, 214.
Howells, William D., 126, 198; on Kavanagh, 200.
Hudson River, 132, 248.
Hughes, Mr., 96.
Hugo, Victor, 3, 5,
Humphreys, David, 23.
Hunt, Helen, 122.
Huron, Lake, 209.
Hyperion, 55, 112, 113, 127, 134, 137-139, 171, 175, 260, 288; new literary style in, 70; development of, 124; criticism of, 125, 126; turgid rhetoric of, 128.
India, 215.
Indians, 18, 79, 129,132; Longfellow's plea for, 21; Longfellow plans poem about, 207, 208.
Innsbruck, 223.
Interlaken, 8.
Irving, Washington, 7, 18, 46, 68, 80, 89, 132, 133, 249; Longfellow im
Pulszky, Madame, her White, Red, and Black, cited, 173 note.
Pushmataha, 79.
Quincy, Edmund, 285.
Quincy, Josiah, 122, 178; his letter to Longfellow offering professorship, 84, 85; Longfellow's letters to, 85-87, 155, 157, 158; his letter to Longfellow about absence, 159, 160.
Quincy, Mrs., Josiah, 133, 158.
Quincy, Miss, 158.
Racine, Jean, 65, 176.
Raleigh, Va., 82.
Raynes, Capt., 131.
Reboul, of Nimes, 191.
Reed, E. J., 224.
Revolution, American, the, 12,117.
Rhine River, 131, 170, 193.
Richter, Jean Paul, 64, 112, 113, 127.
Riddle, George, 290.
Riedesel, Baroness, 117.
Robert College, 3.
Robinson, Rowland, 198.
Rolfe, Prof. William J., 8; on Longfellow, 287, 288.
Rome, 132, 148, 215, 223.
Rosendale, 94.
Rossetti, Dante G., 190.
Rotterdam, 107, 111.
Round Hill School, 81.
Routledge, Mr., 245.
Rubens, Peter P., 161.
Ruskin, John, 238, 262, 286; his Modern Painters, quoted, 237.
Russia, 43.
Russia, steamer, 219.
Sachs, Hans, 2
W. B., 70.
Percival, James Gates, 19, 23, 27, 145.
Pfizer, Ludwig, his Junggesell, mentioned, 149.
Philadelphia, Pa., 22, 51, 132, 164, 166, 192, 193, 264.
Phillips, Wendell, 285.
Pierce, Mrs. Anne (Longfellow), 91, 92, 100.
Pierce, George W., 81, 91, 99,112.
Pierpont, Rev., John, 145.
Platen, Count von, 191.
Pliny, 54.
Plymouth, Mass., 12.
Poe, Edgar A., 6, 10, 142-144, 168, 259, 267, 269, 276; admiration of Longfellow, 141; influence of, 268.
Pope, Alexander, 40.
Portland, Me., 11, 13, 14, 19, 57, 60,
61, 87, 98, 106, 172, 189.
Portland Academy, 15-17.
Portland Gazette, the, 22.
Potomac River, 116.
Potter, Anne (Storer), 60.
Potter, Hon., Barrett, 60, 63; Longfellow's letter to, about his wife's death, 107-111.
Potter, Eliza A., 109-111; Longfellow's letter to, 113-115; Longfellow's letter to, announcing his engagement, 172; Frances Appleton's letter to, 174, 175.
Potter, Margaret. See Thacher, Mrs. Peter.
Potter, Mary Storer. See Longfell
his literary alterations, 269.
Lowell, Miss, Sally, 121.
Lucerne, 8.
Lugano, 224.
Lundy, Benjamin, his Genius of Universal Emancipation, mentioned, 163.
Lunt, George, 165.
Lyly, John, 55.
McHenry, Dr., James, praises Longfellow, 22.
McLane, Mr., 118.
Madrid, 50.
Maine, 11, 17, 208; Cumberland County, 220.
Maler River, the, 93.
Malherbe, Francis de, 191.
Marienberg, 157, 161, 170.
Marseilles, 3, 94.
Marshall, Emily, 19.
Marshall, Chief Justice, John, 6.
Massachusetts, 186; Legislature, 11.
Mather, Cotton, 138,239; his Magnalia, mentioned, 149.
Matsys, Quintin, 161.
Mayence, 162.
Mayflower (ship), 13.
Medici, Cosmo de, 164.
Mellen, Mr., 140.
Mellen, Judge, 17.
Mellen, Frederic, 17.
Mellen, Grenville, 23.
Menzel, Charles Adolphus, his History of German Literature, mentioned, 112.
Mexico, 263.
Middleton, Thomas, 188.
Milton, John, 268.
Mittermaier, Karl J. A., 112.
Moliere, Jean B. P. de, 121,176.
Montalvan, John P. de, 188
nson, Rowland, 198.
Rolfe, Prof. William J., 8; on Longfellow, 287, 288.
Rome, 132, 148, 215, 223.
Rosendale, 94.
Rossetti, Dante G., 190.
Rotterdam, 107, 111.
Round Hill School, 81.
Routledge, Mr., 245.
Rubens, Peter P., 161.
Ruskin, John, 238, 262, 286; his Modern Painters, quoted, 237.
Russia, 43.
Russia, steamer, 219.
Sachs, Hans, 234.
Sacobezon, an Indian chief, 207.
Sailly, Madame de, 47.
St. Gothard Pass, 223.
Salem, Mass., 240.
Sannazaro, J., 54.
Savannah, Ga., 119.
Scherb, Emmanuel V., 239.
Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph, 112.
Schoolmaster, the, 67, 68.
Scott, Sir, Walter, 7, 265.
Scudder, Horace E., 24, 73, 243; his Longfellow and his Art, mentioned, 53; his Men and Letters, cited, 54 note; quoted, 261; his Lowell, cited, 168 note; on Longfellow, 269.
Sebago Pond, 51.
Sevigne, Madame de, 121.
Shakespeare, William, 2, 5, 8, 32, 66.
Shelley, Percy B., 9, 262, 280.
Shepley, Rev., David, 19.
Sidney, Sir, Philip, 77; his Defence of
171, 175, 260, 288; new literary style in, 70; development of, 124; criticism of, 125, 126; turgid rhetoric of, 128.
India, 215.
Indians, 18, 79, 129,132; Longfellow's plea for, 21; Longfellow plans poem about, 207, 208.
Innsbruck, 223.
Interlaken, 8.
Irving, Washington, 7, 18, 46, 68, 80, 89, 132, 133, 249; Longfellow imitates, 26, 27; speaks of Longfellow, 50; his Sketch Book compared with Longfellow's Outre-Mer, 69-71.
Italy, 33, 50, 55, 65, 96, 142, 223.
Jamaica Plain, Mass., 146.
James, G. P. R., 237.
Janin, Jules, 161.
Jefferson, Thomas, 6.
Jewett, Sarah O., 198.
Johnson, Eastman, 272.
Jones, J. A., 23.
Jones, Sir, William, 43; his Letters, 42.
Joubert, J., his Pensees, quoted, 235.
Keats, John, 280.
Kemble, Mrs., 200.
Kent, Duke of, 118.
Khayyam, Omar, 282.
Kiel, 108.
Kingsley, Rev., Charles, 237.
Knickerbocker, the, 140.
Korner, Charles Theodore, 64.
Kossuth, Louis, 173.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 52.
Lamartine, Alphonse M. L. d
2, 74, 113,148; his Life of Nathanael Greene, quoted, 53, 54; Longfellow writes to, 57, 59, 67, 244.
Greenleaf, Mrs. Mary (Longfellow), 92.
Griffin, J., 69.
Griswold, Rufus W., his Correspondence, cited, 143 note, 145 note, 168 note, 192 note.
Grosvenor, Edwin A., 3.
Gustavus III., 95, 96.
Gustavus IV., 96.
Habersham, Henry N. 119.
Haga, 95, 96.
Hagalund, 96.
Hall of Fame, the, 6, 248.
Halleck, Fitz-Greene, on Skeleton in Armor, 141.
Hamburg, 106, 108.
Hampshire County, Eng., 12.
Harper and Brothers, 166.
Hartford, Conn., 245.
Hartford Convention, the, 11.
Harvard College or University, 11, 12, 46, 57, 156, 159, 184, 215; library, 70; invites Longfellow to become professor, 84, 85; Longfellow elected to professorship of, 86; Longfellow as an organizer in, 176; early elective system in, 178, 179; Longfellow's letters to President and Fellows of, 179, 180,203-205; their reply, 180-182; Longfellow on elective system of, 182, 183.
Harvard Colle
David, 19.
Sidney, Sir, Philip, 77; his Defence of Poesy, mentioned, 75.
Skinner, Mrs., 88.
Solis, Anthony de, 188.
Southey, Robert, 7, 46.
Spain, 50, 55, 66, 83.
Sparks, Jared, 118, 178; letter from, to Longfellow, 29, 30.
Spectator, the London, 69.
Stackelberg, Baron, 95.
Stael, Madame de, 121.
Stephenson, Samuel, 14.
Stettin, 98.
Stockoe, Mr., 95.
Stockoe, Mrs., 95.
Stockholm, 90, 92, 96, 97, 102, 103, 108.
Storer, Robert, 101.
Story, Judge, Joseph, 11, 86.
Strasburg, 8.
Strasburg Cathedral, 238.
Sudbury, Mass., 214, 215.
Sumner, Charles, 57, 80, 146, 147, 162, 164, 173, 206, 216, 271, 272, 284, 289, 292, 294; elected to U. S. Senate, 186; on Evangeline, 195; struck down in Senate, 240.
Sweden, 87, 94, 101, 105,135; Longfellow's opinion of, 97.
Swinburne, A. C., 6, 216, 218.
Switzerland, 8, 113, 171, 223, 263.
Symons, Capt., 92.
Talleyrand, Prince, 118.
Tasso, Torquato, 54.
Taylor, Bayard, 143, 209.
Taylor, Miss, Emily, 62.
Thomson, James, 8.
Thoreau, Henry D., 133, 271, 285; his definition of poetry, 277.
Thorp, John G., 215.
Ticknor, Prof., George, 57, 71, 75, 85, 86, 112, 153; Longfellow dines with, 45, 46; resigns from Harvard College, 84; attracted by
Longfellow's translations, 87; elective system tried by, 178.
Token, the, 72-74.
Tolstoi, Count, 197.
Tours, 48.
Treadwell, Prof., Daniel, 214.
Tripoli, 14.
Trumbull, John, 23.
Turgenieff, Ivan S., resembled Longfellow in looks, 282.
Tyrol, the, 113.
Uhland, Johann L., 161, 219; his Das Gluck von Edenhall, mentioned, 149.
United States, 116, 240, 250, 251, 255; Sumner elected to Senate of, 186.
University Hall, Cambridge, 176.
Upsala, University of, 97.
Van Winkle, C. S., 69.
Vassall, Col., John, 116.
Venice, 223, 286.
Vere, Aubrey de, 141.
Vere, Schele de, 204.
Vevey, 241.
Victoria, Queen, 118, 221.
Virgil, 54,194.
Virginia, 81, 271.
Vogelwied, Walter von der, 238,287.
Voices of the Night, 1