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Maryland Legislature. --The Senate occupied Saturday on the subject of adjournment. The committee of conference reported an amendment to Mr. Wallis' resolution that the Legislature adjourn on Thursday at 11 o'clock, until June 4th; also to appoint a committee of four from each House to lay said resolutions before President Lincoln and Jeff. Davis, and ask a cessation of hostilities until after the assembling of Congress. The Senate adopted Mr. Wallis' resolution with the above amendments, but the House at the evening session refused to adopt the conference committee's report — yeas 15, nays 28. Subsequently the vote was reconsidered, and the report was recommitted, when the House adjourned till half-past 8 o'clock tomorrow, at which time the committee will again report. The two Houses are thus at variance. The Senate refuses to adopt Mr. Wallis' resolution or fix a day for the adjournment, unless the House adopt the Senate resolution and appoint eight commissioners,
What they Propose. --The New York Tribune says: "The adjourned meeting of the Wheeling Convention, of the 4th of June, will be attended by delegates from counties east of the mountains, and the Convention will be urged to declare the conduct of the authorities of Richmond in abdication of all legitimate power, their acts usurpations, and the actors rebels and traitors. Instead of dividing the State, the policy will be proposed of forming a Provisional Government for the whole State, and an election will be proposed for Governor and State officers. These measures will be sustained by all the powers of the General Government."
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.from Western Virginia. White Sulphur Springs, June 4. We have had a great many alarms here of the near approach of the invaders from Ohio, by way of Charleston and through Braxton and Nicholas counties. To-day all the rumors, except that of the crossing of troops into the Kanawha Valley, prove utterly unfounded. They excited a great deal of uneasiness among families, and a gratifying amount of patriotism among the men. The farmers and hunters in the mountains rallied most promptly with their rifles, and to-day a very formidable body of these men assembled in Lewisburg. A minister, who is an ardent Southern man, passed by to-day and assured me that there could not be less than two thousand men between Lewisburg and Meadow Bluff, all nearly armed with death-dealing rifles, which every one who bore them could shoot with wonderful accuracy. If the enemy attempts to come thus far, he will have an awful time passing along the narrow defi
Interesting from Washington. --The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun writes (June 4th ) as follows: Workmen are engaged to-day repairing the railroad track running from the depot along First street and Maryland avenue. Just how far it is to be extended, or in what direction, is not known; but it is clear that much expense of transport may be saved by running freight cars as far as possible, in order to diminish the expense of hauling by wagons and of so much loading and unloading of articles destined for the use of troops. Thus the repairing of the Orange and Alexandria railroad as the column progresses towards Manassas Junction, &c., will serve in the place of the thousands of wagons and tens of thousands of horses and mules, which would be necessary to the movement of a column in a country destitute of railroad facilities. The accession of Col. Meigs to the control of the Quartermaster's department of the army will surely be marked by the introduction of wh
New York Markets, June 4. --Cotton is dull. Flour is heavy; sales of 18,000 barrels: State $4 $5 @$4 95; Ohio $5 30@$5 50; Southern $5 c@ 25 Wheat is heavy; sales of 186,000 bushels at a decline of 1@2 cents for common: Chicago Spring 97@$1 10; Milwaukee Club $1 @ $1 15; white Western $1 35 @$1 65; Kentucky $1 70 @ $1 80. Corn is steady; sales of 149,000 bushels; in erior new mixed 40@43 cents, good to prime 44@46 cents Pork is heavy; Prime $12.25 Lard is steady at 9@91 cts. Whiskey is steady at 16½ cents bugar is dull; Porto Rico 5½@5½ cts.; Muscovado 4½½@4½ cts. Spirits Turpentine dull at 70@70½ cts. Rosin is steady Rice is steady.--Freights are
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.letter from the West. White Sulphur Springs, June 4. We are all delighted to hear that the great tribune of the people, Henry A. Wise, is coming out this way. His presence will be worth a thousand men to the cause in Western Virginia. If the far West will not hear him, they will hearken to no one. He has endeared the West to him by his public course on State questions and his bold and patriotic impulses and actions will have a fine moral effect. He should have gone to the West to talk to the people before the late vote on the Ordinance. He comes as a Brigadier General, and though his education was not military, I venture to predict that he will adapt himself to the art of war, and the duties of a responsible commander, with wonderful celerity; and should this struggle continue for any length of time, will distinguish himself, and be handed down, along with the history of the times, with honor. He will be received in this regi
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.spirit of '76 in old Halifax. Richmond, June 13, 1861. Having a son in the Black Walnut Dragoons, from Halifax county, stationed at Yorktown, I went down on the 4th of June to see him and other friends. I found the troops without tents or baggage wagons. On the fifth, I left for the purpose of procuring these articles and other supplies for them. On application to the Quartermaster for tent cloth, I was told it could not be furnished, as the employees of Government could make up their supplies as fast as obtained. I then went on to Halifax, reaching Black Walnut midday on Saturday. Of a few persons met with at the P. O. that afternoon, donations of some $400 to $500 were obtained. Rev. Mr. Harding, pastor of the Presbyterian Church in the neighborhood, kindly invited me to be present at his church next day, the only place in the neighborhood at which preaching was to be had on that day. Friends went to work among those assembled.
ave hither to followed. He whom we mourn for expressed, in his last moments, unshaken faith in the future of Italy, showing himself convinced that the principles of unity and independence would finally triumph. We firmly hold this faith. Let us sincerely rally round the throne of a valiant and loyal Prince, and we shall be then able to attain the end to which thanks to our tenacity, we are happily so near. The tribune of the Chamber of Deputies will be draped in mourning for twenty days. The Senate has taken the same resolution. Signor Minghetti, Minister of the Interior, then announced that the Ministry felt it necessary to remain provisionally in office. The king has summoned M. Ricardo to the Palace. Rome, June 4. --Prince Brubrien having proposed to withdraw his name from the petition for the withdrawal of the French troops from Rome, the Pope has exiled him. The Milan Lombardo announces the discovery of a grand conspiracy against the Government.
he Adriatic. In the House of Commons, on the 3d of June, Lord Palmerston announced the death of Admiral Sir Richard Dundas, one of the Lords of the Admiralty, and paid an eloquent tribute to his memory. In the House of Commons on the 4th of June the Lord Mayor of Dublin availed himself of an ex-officio privilege by appearing at the bar of the House, and presenting a petition from Dublin in favor of the restoration of the Galway subsidy. A motion in favor of the withdrawal of the the independence of the Confederate States of America." The form of clearance is that of the Federal Government, the words "United States of America" being carefully deleted, and those in italics substituted instead. [From the London Times, June 4)] It is said that President Lincoln has determined to adhere to that declaration of the Treaty of Paris which forbids the use of privateers. It is well known that when this proposal was first made to the American Government it was declined
The Daily Dispatch: December 10, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Burning of the Kentucky Lunatic Asylum. (search)
ourney. He was residing at Amorbach, a small town in Germany, and from there wrote to his relations and friends in England for the remittances. In one of his letters he wrote thus: "The interesting situation of the Duchess causes me hourly anxiety; and you, who so well know my views and feelings, can easily appreciate how desirous I am to hasten our departure for Old England. The event is thought likely to occur about the end of next month. My wish is that it may take place about the 4th of June, as that is the birthday of my reverend father — and that the child, too, like him, may be a British born." These royal and noble friends to whom the Duke had applied for assistance, declined affording it; he was indebted for the means of reaching his country to persons of comparatively obscure condition. He arrived with his wife at Kensington Palace in time for his daughter to see the light upon British soil; on the 24th of May, 1819, his first and only child, Alexandrina Victoria,
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