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Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Lviii. (search)
feel still more in duty bound to do so in time to come. May God assist me. Mr. Lincoln's cordial reception of Frederick Douglass, the distinguished anti-slavery orator, also once a slave, was widely made known through that gentleman's own account of it in one of his public lectures. In August or September, 1864, Mr. Douglass again visited Washington. The President heard of his being in the city, and greatly desiring a second conversation upon points on which he considered the opinion and advice of a man of Mr. Douglass's antecedents valuable, he sent his carriage to the boarding-house where he was staying, with a request that Mr. D. would come up and take a cup of tea with him. The invitation was accepted; and probably never before, in our history, was the executive carriage employed to convey such a guest to the White House. Mr. Douglass subsequently remarked that Mr. Lincoln was one of the few white men he ever passed an hour with, who failed to remind him in some way, bef
Francis B. Carpenter, Six Months at the White House, Index. (search)
enant, 232. D. Dall, Mrs. C. H., 165. Defrees, 126. Deming, Hon. H. C., 190, 219. Demonstrate, 314. Derby, J. C., (N. Y.,) 290. Description of Picture, 27. Dole, Commissioner, 282. Douglas, Hon. Stephen A., 194, 237, 249,315. Douglass, Frederick, 204. E. Elliott, (Artist,) 69. Emancipation, 21, 73, 74, 77, 78, 86, 196, 197, 269, 307. Equestrian Statues, 71. Ewing, Hon., Thomas, 37. F. Fessenden, Hon. W. P., 182. Field, Rev. H. M., 135. Florida Expeditireligious experience, 185-188; rebel ladies, 189; Col. Deming, 190; creeds, 190; Newton Bateman, 192; slavery, 194; prayer, 195; epitaph suggested, 196; Bible presentation, 197; Caroline Johnson, once a slave, 199; Sojourner Truth, 201-203; Frederick Douglass, 204; memorial from children, 204; New Year's Day, 1865, 205; walk de earf like de Lord, 209; Rebel Peace Commissioners, 218; slave map, 215; Kilpatrick, 216; personal description, 217, 323; opinion on the war, 219; text applied to Fremont,
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, Debates of Lincoln and Douglas: Carefully Prepared by the Reporters of Each Party at the times of their Delivery., First joint debate, at Ottawa, August 21, 1858. (search)
en as good a Whig as ever ; and Trumbull went to work in his part of the State preaching Abolitionism in its milder and lighter form, and trying to Abolitionize the Democratic party, and bring old Democrats handcuffed and bound hand and foot into the Abolition camp. In pursuance of the arrangement, the parties met at Springfield in October, 1854, and proclaimed their new platform. Lincoln was to bring into the Abolition camp the old line Whigs and transfer them over to Giddings Chase, Fred. Douglass, and Parson Lovejoy who were ready to receive them and christen them in their new faith. They laid down on that occasion a platform for their new Republican party, which was to be thus constructed. I have the resolutions of their State Convention then held, which was the first mass State Convention ever held in Illinois by the Black Republican party, and I now hold them in my hands and will read a part of them; and cause the others to be printed. Here are the most important and materi
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 12: (search)
s of the metropolitan newspapers of to-day. Among them were such men as Whitelaw Reid of the New York Tribune; J. B. McCullough of the Saint Louis Democrat; Alexander McClure of the Philadelphia Ledger; Horace White, Mr. Sheehan, of the Chicago Times; Murat Halstead, L. A. Gobright, E. B. Wight, George A. Townsend, J. Russell Young, subsequently librarian of the Congressional Library, W. Scott Smith, Eli Perkins, Charles Lanman, Don Piatt, Ben Perley Poore, E. V. Smalley, Mark Twain, Frederick Douglass, and a host of correspondents who have made enviable reputations in their calling. Among the women reporters who wielded influential pens as correspondents of important newspapers were Mary Clemmer Ames, Mrs. Lippincott, Mrs. H. M. Barnum, Mrs. Olivia Briggs, Mrs. Coggswell, Mrs. and Miss Snead, and Miss Mary E. Healey. General Grant soon nominated his cabinet, retaining those who had served during his first term, with the exception of the Secretary of the Treasury. The members o
Mrs. John A. Logan, Reminiscences of a Soldier's Wife: An Autobiography, Chapter 16: (search)
commemoration of the memory of Garfield. This they did, condoling with the widow and providing for an oration on his life, to be pronounced by James G. Blaine before the two houses of Congress and the high officials of the Government. The Garfield memorial meeting was held in the House of Representatives on February 27, 1882. Among those present beside the members of the cabinet, Senate, House, etc., were Generals Sherman, Sheridan, and Hancock, Admiral Porter, Rear-Admiral Worden, Frederick Douglass, General Schenck, and the historian George Bancroft, who himself had been the orator on the occasion of the Lincoln memorial meeting. Corcoran, the philanthropist, was there, as was Cyrus W. Field. Mr. Blaine, with great dignity, earnestness, and truthfulness, read impressively the voluminous pile of black-bordered manuscript which he had prepared, after which the assemblage, led by President Arthur, left the hall. I had the pleasure of hearing this fine oration. President Arthur
erved to bring out in stronger light the inherent dangers of either course. In this nice balancing of weighty reasons, two influences decided the course of the government against retaliation. One was that General Grant was about to begin his memorable campaign against Richmond, and that it would be most impolitic to preface a great battle by the tragic spectacle of a military punishment, however justifiable. The second was the tender-hearted humanity of the ever merciful President. Frederick Douglass has related the answer Mr. Lincoln made to him in a conversation nearly a year earlier: I shall never forget the benignant expression of his face, the tearful look of his eye, and the quiver in his voice when he deprecated a resort to retaliatory measures. Once begun, said he, I do not know where such a measure would stop. He said he could not take men out and kill them in cold blood for what was done by others. If he could get hold of the persons who were guilty of killing t
t of the anti-slavery phase of Northern fanaticism, as the fashionable phrase is, and proposed to visit Garrison. The planter consented, and so they turned their steps to the Liberator office, where they found Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and Fred. Douglass, and there they enjoyed a precious season of conversation. Would it not have been a sight worth seeing — that conclave in the Liberator office, with Garrison, Whittier, Phillips, Douglass, and the Alabama planter, in the foreground? The pla. Would it not have been a sight worth seeing — that conclave in the Liberator office, with Garrison, Whittier, Phillips, Douglass, and the Alabama planter, in the foreground? The planter went to his home a wiser, and perhaps a sadder man, than he came, and protested that all he could do, while mourning for the condition of the country, was to pray over it. Would that more of the Southern people might come and see for themselves how basely the North has been belied!--Salem Register, Aug. 2
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), U. S. S. Constitution, or old Ironsides, (search)
ich had been forced out of the fight by the crippled condition of, her running-gear. She was ignorant of the fate of the Cyane. About an hour after the latter had surrendered, she met the Constitution searching for her. Each delivered a broadside, and, for a while, there was a brisk running fight, the Constitution chasing, and her bow guns sending shot that ripped up the planks of her antagonist. The latter was soon compelled to surrender, and proved to be the Levant, eighteen guns, Captain Douglass. The Constitution was then equipped with fifty-two guns, and her complement of men and boys was about 470. The loss of the Constitution in this action was three killed and twelve wounded; of the two captured vessels, seventy-seven. The Constitution was so little damaged that three hours after the action she was again ready for conflict. That battle on a moonlit sea lasted only forty-five minutes. Placing Lieutenant Ballard in command of the Levant, and Lieutenant Hoffman of the C
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Douglass, Frederick, 1817- (search)
Douglass, Frederick, 1817- Diplomatist; born in Tuckahoe, Talbot co., Md., in Feb ruary, 1817; was a mulatto, the son of a slave mother; lived in Baltimore after he was ten years of age, and secretly taught himself to read and write. Endowed wit of slavery. On his return, in 1847, he began the publication, at Rochester, N. Y., of the North Star (afterwards Frederick Douglass's paper). In 1870 he Frederick Douglass. became editor of the National era at Washington City; in 1871 was appoinFrederick Douglass. became editor of the National era at Washington City; in 1871 was appointed assistant secretary of the commission to Santo Domingo; then became one of the Territorial Council of the District of Columbia; in 1876-81 was United States marshal for the District; in 1881-86 was n recorder of deeds there; and in 1889-91 was Unand in 1889-91 was United States minister to Haiti. He we was author of Narrative of my experiences in slavery (1844); My bondage and my. Freedom (1855); and Life and times of Frederick Douglass (1881). He died near Washington, D. C., Feb. 20, 1895.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), United States of America. (search)
7, 1868 President proclaims unconditional pardon and amnesty to all concerned in the late insurrection......Dec. 25, 1868 Colored National Convention, Frederick Douglass president, meets at Washington......Jan. 13, 1869 Objection to counting electoral votes of Georgia made in the House of Representatives by Mr. Butler, ofmus of Darien......March, 1872 Prof. S. F. B. Morse, born 1791, dies in New York......April 2, 1872 National convention of colored men at New Orleans; Frederick Douglass, chairman......April 10-14, 1872 Assassination of Judge J. C. Stephenson, Thomas E. Detro, and James C. Cline at Gun City, Mo.......April 24, 1872 Sena message to Congress advising it of a loan of $62,400,000 at 4 per cent. for thirty years, under provision of the act of Jan. 14, 1875......Feb. 8, 1895 Frederick Douglass, colored, celebrated in the history of the country, dies at Anacostia, D. C., aged about seventy-eight years......Feb. 20, 1895 Postmaster-Gen. Wilson S.
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