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George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 6, 10th edition. 154 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 98 0 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Agnew, James, (search)
Agnew, James, A British general; came to America late in 1775; participated in the military movements in and about Boston: and was engaged in the battle of Long Island, where, and in subsequent campaigns, he commanded the 4th Brigade of the royal army. He accompanied ex-Governor Tryon in his marauding expedition to Danbury, Conn., in the spring of 1777. He was slightly wounded in the battle of Brandywine (Sept. 11), and in the battle of Germantown (Oct. 4, 1777) he was killed.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Ashe, John, 1720- (search)
Ashe, John, 1720- Military officer: born in Grovely, Brunswick co., N. C., in 1720; was in the North Carolina legislature for several years, and was speaker in 1762-65. He warmly opposed the Stamp Act: assisted Governor Tryon in suppressing the Regulator movement in 1771, but soon afterwards became a zealous Whig. He was an active patriot, and because he led 500 men to destroy Fort Johnson he was denounced as a rebel. Raising and equipping a regiment at his own expense, he was appointed brigadier-general of the Wilmington District in April. 1776. He joined Lincoln in South Carolina in 1778; and after he was defeated at Brier Creek, in March, 1779, he returned home. General Ashe suffered much at the hands of the British at Wilmington after the battle at Guilford, and died of small-pox, which he had contracted in prison, in Sampson county, N. C., Oct. 24, 1781.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Asia, the, (search)
Asia, the, The name of the British man-of-war which brought Governor Tryon to New York (June, 1775), and anchored off the Battery, foot of Broadway. A party led by John Lamb, a captain of artillery, proceeded, on the evening of Aug. 23, to remove the cannons from that battery and the fort (for war seemed inevitable) and take them to a place of safety. There was, also. an independent corps, under Colonel Lasher, and a body of citizens, guided by Isaac Sears. The captain of the Asia, inforor seized the inhabitants as the rumor spread that the city was to be sacked and burned. Hundreds of men, women, and children were seen, at midnight, hurrying from the town to places of safety. The exasperation of the citizens was intense; and Tryon, taking counsel of his fears, took refuge on another vessel of war in the harbor, whence, like Dunmore, he attempted to exercise authority as governor. Among the citizens led by Sears was Alexander Hamilton, then a student in King's College, ei
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Caswell, Richard 1729-1789 (search)
Caswell, Richard 1729-1789 Military officer; born in Maryland, Aug. 3, 1729: went to North Carolina in 1746, and practised law there, serving in the Assembly from 1754 to 1771, and being speaker in 1770. In the battle of the Allamance he commanded Tryon's right wing, but soon afterwards identified himself with the cause of the patriots, and was a member of the Continental Congress (1774-75). For three years he was president of the Provincial Congress of North Carolina, and was governor of the State from 1777 to 1779. In February, 1776, he was in command of the patriot troops in the battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, and received the thanks of Congress and the commission of majorgeneral for the victory there achieved. He led the State troops in the battle near Camden (August, 1780); and was controller-general in 1782. He was again governor in 1784-86; and a member of the convention that framed the national Constitution. While presiding as speaker in the North Carolina Assembly h
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Colden, Cadwallader 1688- (search)
and in 1718 made his abode in New York, where he was made first surveyor-general of the colony, became a master in chancery, and, in 1720, obtained a seat in Governor Burnet's council. He received a patent for lands in Orange county, N. Y., about 10 miles from Newburg, and there he went to reside in 1755. Becoming president of the council, he administered the government in 1760, and was made lieutenantgovernor in 1761, which station he held until his death, being repeatedly placed at the head of affairs by the absence or death of governors. During the Stamp Act excitement the populace burned his coach. After the return of Governor Tryon in 1775, he retired to his seat on Long Island. Dr. Colden wrote a History of the five Indian Nations of Canada in 1727. He was an ardent student of botany, and introduced the Linnaean system into America. He published scientific works and was a correspondent of the leading men of science in Europe. He died on Long Island, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1776.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Danbury, destruction of. (search)
Danbury, destruction of. Governor Tryon was one of the most malignant foes of the American patriots during the Revolutionary War. He delighted, apparently, in conspicuously cruel acts; and when anything of that nature was to be done he was employed to do it by the more respectable British officers. He was chosen to lead a mmediately sent out expresses to alarm the country and call the militia to the field. The call was nobly responded to. Hearing of this gathering from a Tory scout, Tryon made a hasty retreat by way of Ridgefield, near which place he was confronted by the militia under Generals Wooster, Arnold, and Silliman. A sharp skirmish ensuearrow escape from capture, after his horse had been shot under him. For his gallantry on that occasion the Congress presented him with a horse richly caparisoned. Tryon spent the night in the neighborhood for his troops to rest, and early the next morning he hurried to his ships, terribly smitten on the way by the gathering militi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Depew, Chauncey Mitchell, 1834- (search)
his only failure and saddened his departure. Twenty years passed, and he stood before the New York Congress, on this very spot, the unanimously chosen commander-in-chief of the Continental army, urging the people to more vigorous measures, and made painfully aware of the increased desperation of the struggle, from the aid to be given to the enemy by domestic sympathizers, when he knew that the same local military company which escorted him was to perform the like service for the British Governor Tryon on his landing on the morrow. Returning for the defence of the city the next summer, he executed the retreat from Long Island, which secured from Frederick the Great the opinion that a great commander had appeared, and at Harlem Heights he won the first American victory of the Revolution, which gave that confidence to our raw recruits against the famous veterans of Europe which carried our army triumphantly through the war. Six years more of untold sufferings, of freezing and starving c
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Erskine, Sir William, 1728- (search)
Erskine, Sir William, 1728- British soldier; born in 1728; entered the English army in 1743; commanded one of the brigades at the battle of Long Island in 1776; and was second in command of Tryon's expedition to Danbury in April, 1777. In the next year he took command of the eastern district of Long Island. He died March 9, 1795.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fanning, Edmund -1818 (search)
College in 1757, and settled as a lawyer in Hillsboro, N. C., where he became popular, and was made colonel of Orange county (1763) and clerk of the Supreme Court (1765). He was also a member of the legislature, and married the daughter of Governor Tryon. He became rapacious, and by his exorbitant legal fees made himself very obnoxious to the people. Their hatred was increased by his energetic exertions in suppressing the Regulator movement (see Regulators). He fled to New York with GovernoGovernor Tryon to avoid the consequences of popular indignation. He was appointed surveyor-general of North Carolina in 1774. In 1776 he raised and led a force called the King's American Regiment of Foot. After the Revolution he went to Nova Scotia, where he became a councillor and lieutenant-governor in September, Edmund Fanning. 1783, and from 1786 to 1805 was governor of Prince Edward's Island. He rose to the rank of general in the British army in 1808. Fanning was an able jurist, and always
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Fay, Jonas 1737-1818 (search)
Fay, Jonas 1737-1818 Patriot; born in Hardwick, Mass., Jan. 17, 1737; received a good English education, and was with a Massachusetts regiment at Fort Edward in 1756. He settled at Bennington in 1766, and became prominent in the disputes between New York and the New Hampshire grants. He was the agent of the grants sent to New York in 1772 to inform Governor Tryon of the grounds of their complaint. Mr. Fay was clerk to the convention (1774) that resolved to defend Ethan Allen and other leaders who were outlawed by the New York Assembly, by force if necessary. Being a physician, he was made surgeon of the expedition against Ticonderoga in May, 1775, and was afterwards in Colonel Warner's regiment. He was also a member of the convention in 1777 that declared the independence of Vermont, and was the author of the declaration then adopted, and of the communication announcing the fact to Congress. Dr. Fay was secretary of the convention that formed the new State constitution in 17
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