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Kelly's Ford (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
wn near the mouth of Deep Run. General Hill disposed his command to resist their advance, but as they seemed intended for the purpose of observation rather than attack, the movements in progress were not arrested. The forces of Longstreet and Ewell reached Culpeper Court-House by the eighth, at which point the cavalry, under General Stuart, was also concentrated. On the ninth a large force of Federal cavalry, strongly supported by infantry, crossed the Rappahannock at Beverly's and Kelly's Fords, and attacked General Stuart. A severe engagement ensued, continuing from early in the morning until late in the afternoon, when the enemy was forced to recross the river with heavy loss, leaving four hundred prisoners, three pieces of artillery and several colors in our hands. General Jenkins, with his cavalry brigade, had been ordered to advance toward Winchester to cooperate with the infantry in the proposed expedition into the lower valley, and at the same time General Imboden wa
Sharpsburg (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
was shelled back by General Tyler from Maryland Heights. Ten thousand rebel infantry crossed the Potomac at Williamsburgh in the night, beginning in earnest the great invasion which was now fully shown to be intended. The fights at Aldie on the eighteenth and nineteenth were between General Pleasanton's and a body of the enemy's cavalry, which is supposed to have flanked their rear. More rebels constantly poured across the Potomac, and on the nineteenth Ewell's entire division occupied Sharpsburgh, in Maryland. By this time Pennsylvania, New-York, and New-Jersey began their great effort to repel Lee's advance from the North. Hooker, reposing in pastoral quiet at Fairfax Station, in Virginia, did not disturb himself with any such activity. He watched, waited, and was puzzled. Milroy's stampede, the clamor of which, it seems, might have come to him from over the western mountains; the cries of help from Harrisburgh, Pittsburgh, Carlisle, and minor Pennsylvania towns; the tremulou
York, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
he rebels were reported concentrating at York, Pennsylvania. Our army had already left Frederick faas a change in our plans. We were not going to York, or headquarters would not be at Taneytown; and Cemetery Hill. We had been advancing toward York. It was discovered that the rebels were movinghad too for — Ewell, already marching down from York to rejoin Lee. They were fighting two divisions of the exact situation. They bend up from the York road, debouch in the woods near the crest of thminster with a view to the intended movement on York. The Twelfth corps had arrived about sunset, Wll militia, and they, as also those captured at York and Wrightsville, were immediately paroled and sing the division of the rebel troops occupying York, I quote from his report: Believing that a battle would take place at or near York, I determined — as there was no other means of getting the at nine o'clock on Sunday morning, and reached York at four o'clock in the afternoon, and found, to[6 more...]<
Middletown (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
ascertained that Major-General French had not only anticipated these orders in part, but had pushed his cavalry force to Williamsport and Falling Waters, where they destroyed the enemy's ponton-bridge and captured its guard. Buford was at the same time sent to Williamsport and Hagerstown. The duty above assigned to the cavalry was most successfully accomplished, the enemy being greatly harassed, his trains destroyed, and many captures in guns and prisoners made. After halting a day at Middletown to procure necessary supplies and to bring up trains, the army moved through South-Mountain, and by the twelfth of July. was in front of the enemy, who occupied a strong position on the heights of Marsh Run, in advance of Williamsport. In taking this position, several skirmishes and affairs had been had with the enemy, principally by cavalry, from the Eleventh and Sixth corps. The thirteenth was occupied in making reconnoissances of the enemy's position and preparations for attack,
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
ances, halts soon, but comes no more back. The left is not overpowered yet. We have had two hours of exceedingly severe artillery and musketry fighting. The enemy still holds a little of the ground we had, but the chances seem almost even. One phase — a type of many. I cannot trace the movements further in detail; let me give one phase of the fight, fit type of many more. Some Massachusetts batteries--Captain Bigelow's, Captain Phillips's, two or three more under Captain McGilvry of Maine--were planted on the extreme left, advanced now well down to the Emmetsburgh road, with infantry in their front — the first division, I think, of Sickles's corps. A little after five, a fierce rebel charge drove back the infantry and menaced the batteries. Orders are sent to Bigelow on the extreme left, to hold his position at every hazard short of sheer annihilation, till a couple more batteries can be brought to his support. Reserving his fire a little, then with depressed guns opening
Berlin, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
. The cavalry in pursuit overtook the rear-guard at Falling Waters, capturing two guns and numerous prisoners. Previous to the retreat of the enemy, Gregg's division of cavalry had crossed at Harper's Ferry, and coming up with the rear of the enemy at Charlestown and Shepherdstown, had a spirited contest, in which the enemy were driven to Martinsburgh and Winchester, and pressed and harassed in his retreat. Pursuit was resumed by a flank movement of the army, crossing the Potomac at Berlin, and moving down Loudon Valley. Cavalry were immediately pushed into several passes of the Blue Ridge, and having learned from scouts of the withdrawal of the confederate army from the lower valley of the Shenandoah, the Third corps, Major-General French in advance, was moved into Manassas Gap, in the hope of being able to intercept a portion of the enemy. The possession of the gap was disputed so successfully as to enable the rear-guard to withdraw by way of Strasburgh, the confederate
Funkstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
e below Shepherdstown, Anderson's division being in the advance. That night the head of Hill's corps reached Boonsboro, which latter place was occupied by Wright's brigade of Anderson's division. From this place we moved on Chambersburgh, via Funkstown, Hagerstown, and Middleburgh, reaching the former on the twenty-seventh. Passing through Chambersburgh on the twenty-seventh, we pushed on to Fayetteville, five miles from Chambersburgh, on the Baltimore and Philadelphia turnpike. Here we halglers fell into the enemy's hands. Having crossed the mountain, we moved on to Hagerstown, where we arrived on Monday, the sixth. Here we took position and calmly awaited the approach of the enemy. On Tuesday his advance got as near to us as Funkstown, four miles south of Hagerstown, and on Wednesday and Thursday his whole command confronted us. We were anxious for him to commence the attack, and hourly expected the ball to open. During Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we lay face to f
Cemetery Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
e pike, is the key to the whole position — Cemetery Hill. This constitutes our extreme front, liesokening a general engagement. Standing on Cemetery Hill, which, but for its exposed position, consg the whole line of the left. Meantime, Cemetery Hill is raked at once from front and left, and posted along the heights from a point near Cemetery Hill to the point in their line opposite to the threatening the enemy in his positionn on Cemetery Hill; but these were mere feints, to cover and of the Potomac the commanding position on Cemetery Hill, from which the battles of the two succeedtwo corps were placed in line of battle on Cemetery Hill at evening, having withstood during the enortion of our forces who witnessed it from Cemetery Hill will linger forever. From its crest the m began a terrific and concentrated fire on Cemetery Hill, which was held, as I have previously statcorps arrived by the Taneytown road, below Cemetery Hill, at day-break. The Fifth corps arrived tw[16 more...]
Fredericksburgh (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
e division commanders now, (there have been such changes since Fredericksburgh,) with any assurance of accuracy. Our concentration at Gettthe department: The position occupied by the enemy opposite Fredericksburgh being one in which he could not be attacked to advantage, it whe third June. McLaws's division, of Longstreet's corps, left Fredericksburgh for Culpeper Court-House, and Hood's division, which was encamell's corps, leaving that of A. P. Hill to occupy our lines at Fredericksburgh. The march of these troops having been discovered by the ened at Winchester the Federal troops in front of A. P. Hill, at Fredericksburgh, recrossed the Rappahannock, and the next day disappeared behiarch of A. P. Hill, who, in accordance with instructions, left Fredericksburgh for the valley as soon as the enemy withdrew from his front, Lhe army of the Potomac, under the cloud since the slaughter at Fredericksburgh and the blunder at Chancellorsville, has redeemed itself in th
Columbia, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 22
severely wounded in battle. On the twenty-eighth of June I received orders from the President, placing me in command of the army of the Potomac. The situation of affairs was briefly as follows: The confederate army, which was commanded by Gen. R. E. Lee, was estimated at over one hundred thousand strong. All that army had crossed the Potomac River and advanced up the Cumberland Valley. Reliable intelligence placed his advance thus: Ewell's corps on the Susquehanna, Harrisburgh, and Columbia; Longstreet's corps at Chambersburgh; and Hill's corps between that place and Cashtown. The twenty-eighth of June was spent in ascertaining the positions and strength of the different corps of the army, but principally in bringing up the cavalry which had been covering the rear of the army in its passage over the Potomac, and to which a large increase had just been made from the force previously attached to the defences of Washington. Orders were given on this day to Major-General Fre
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