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ss, he saw in the courage and patriotism of the country the warrant of ultimate success. Looking, therefore, beyond the recovery of Boston, he revolved in his mind how the continent might be closed up against Britain. He rejected a plan for an expedition into Nova Scotia; but learning from careful and various inquiries that the Canadian peasantry were well disposed to the Americans, that the domiciliated Indian tribes desired neutrality, he resolved to direct the invasion of Canada from Ticonderoga; and by way of the Kennebec and the Chaudiere, to send a party to surprise Quebec, or at least to draw Carleton in person to its relief, and thus lay open the road to Montreal. Solicitations to distribute continental troops along Sept. the New England shore, for the protection of places at which the British marauding parties threatened to make a descent, were invariably rejected. The governor of Connecticut, who, for the defence of that province, desired to keep back a portion of the
l. Under the direction of Schuyler, boats were built Aug. at Ticonderoga as fast as possible; and his humanity brooked no delay in adoptich officers lately appointed. At the same time a new arrival at Ticonderoga changed the spirit of the camp. We have seen Richard Montgome keeping the command of Lake Champlain. Summoned by Schuyler to Ticonderoga, he was attended as far as Saratoga by his wife, whose fears he your Montgomery. On the seventeenth of August his arrival at Ticonderoga was the signal for Schuyler to depart for Saratoga, promising toate disasters; and Schuyler, who was put into a covered boat for Ticonderoga, turned his back on the scene with regret, but not with envy, anitish brigadier, asked the prisoner: Are you that Allen who took Ticonderoga? I am the very man, quoth Allen. Then Prescott, in a great rags plight, thrust into the lowest part of a vessel, the captor of Ticonderoga was dragged to England, where imprisonment in Pendennis Castle c
ich had engaged the attention of a French king for two centuries. Some foreign commerce was required for the continuance of the war; the Americans had no magazine to replenish their little store of powder, no arsenal to furnish arms; their best dependence was on prizes, made under the pine-tree flag by the brave Manly and others who cruised in armed ships with commissions from Washington; even flints were obtained only from captured storeships; and it was necessary to fetch cannon from Ticonderoga. The men who enlisted for the coming year, were desired to bring their own arms; those whose time expired, were com- Chap. LV.} 1775. Dec. pelled to part with theirs at a valuation; for blankets the general appealed to the families of New England, asking one or more of every household; the villages, in their town meetings, encouraged the supply of wood to the camp by voting a bounty from the town treasuries. The enlistments for the new army went on slowly, for the New England men, w
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford in the War of the Revolution. (search)
abitants of the town in 1776. This does not cover the whole number; for instance, in July, 1776, thirty men went to Ticonderoga, and we have the names of only twelve. The other eighteen were from Hampshire Government. Other recruits were, like ontributed sums varying from £ 24 to pay. The Canadian army having retired to Crown Point, these recruits were sent to Ticonderoga. After the defeat of the army at Long Island, alarm men were called for. September 23 thirteen men marched to New Yifth man was ordered into the army, either for home defence or in New York. Men were suffering from camp distemper at Ticonderoga; Forts Washington and Lee had been evacuated; the time of many of the troops had expired. The outlook was dark. Deceancis Tufts was promoted to adjutant, on the field at White Plains. This cannot be true, for, at that time, he was at Ticonderoga. On Oct. 7, 1777 (the day of the Battle of Stillwater), he was promoted to ensign, so we can save the story, but cha
ests on board a Vessell not then arriv'd) Col. Bagley ordered him to deliver them what Med'cines they wanted, which he did—And that afterwards he (your petr) marched to Fort Edward where he found other Surgeons in want of Med'cine also, having the Sick & infirm of Seven Regiments left there some of them ill with the Small Pox: & those Surgeons not having had the Small Pox themselves, General Abercromby order'd your Petitioner to remain there with that Command. & ordered the Surgeons up to Ticonderoga with the Army.—That he attended all the Sick there at said Encampment while the Army was gone to the Lake. & dressed near 300 of the wounded when they came down from the Lake; & continued in Said Service from the beginning of June to the last of November: in which Time he exhausted all his med'cine (excepting a small Quantity as appears by his accot) & bought more at Albany having Col. Bagley's Promise that he would endeavour the Province should pay him for them. & his Trouble also—That t<
n. From along the roads that crossed at the Square they gathered where we stand. Near here the company formed, and before the sun rose, marched off into that day and into history. Long years have passed since those Minute Men of Medford went up the road into the first battle of the Revolution. In the later days of that grim struggle other companies followed and other recruits filled the waning ranks of the Continental army. Medford men were at Bunker Hill, at Dorchester Heights, at Ticonderoga and Saratoga. But here and now, on the very ground where the first Minute Men assembled, our gratitude is kindled as we fancy that sturdy troop in the early morning, advancing to the unknown fate of pioneers in that most perilous venture of all,—the quest of liberty against constituted authority. It was our liberty, not theirs alone, for which they risked all they had to give. It is therefore fitting that we evidence our remembrance of these men by a memorial more permanent than the
ar he rose to the rank of Colonel, and commanded a regiment on Dorchester Heights from August to December, 1776. Authorized by Congress, he raised the Eleventh Massachusetts (Continental) regiment, and in January, 1777, marched at its head to Ticonderoga. Burgoyne had started on his campaign from Canada and arrived at Ticonderoga, which was commanded by General St. Clair, with about three thousand men. The American forces were not sufficient to hold the fort and an adjacent hill (Sugar LoafTiconderoga, which was commanded by General St. Clair, with about three thousand men. The American forces were not sufficient to hold the fort and an adjacent hill (Sugar Loaf) which commanded the position. The British succeeded in dragging guns to the top of this eminence, and on the morning of July 5, 1777, the garrison awoke to the realization that they lay at the mercy of the enemy. As the result of a council of war, an evacuation of the position was decided upon, as soon as possible. The retreat began at three o'clock on the morning of July 6, via a bridge of boats across the lake, which is very narrow at this point. The retreat was conducted with great
is grand and magnificent result. To have our names enrolled in the Capitol, to be respected by future generations with grateful applause. This is an honor higher than the mountains; more enduring than monumental alabaster. Yes, Virginia's voice, as in the olden time, has been heard. Her sister States meet her this day at the council board. Vermont is here, bringing with her the memories of the past, reviving in the memories of all, her Ethan Allen, and his demand for the surrender of Ticonderoga in the name of the great Jehovah and the American Congress. New Hampshire is here — her fame is illustrated by memorable annals, and still more lately as the birthplace of him who won for himself the name of "Defender of the Constitution, " and who wrote that letter to John Taylor, which has been enshrined in the hearts of his countrymen. Massachusetts is not here. Some member said she is coming.--I hope so, said Mr. Tyler, and that she will bring with her her daughter Maine. I di