love for Thomas, 123, 239, 242; operations and dispositions in Tennessee, 166; Logan ordered to assume command, 239, 240; Thomas commanding, 275; dedicates the fiel543-547 Correspondence with: Johnson, A., Aug. 1, 1867, 411; Feb. 3, 1868, 412: Logan, J. A., Feb. 14, 1884, 239, 240; Feb. 23, 241.
Schofield, J. M., Dec. 27, 1864 at West Point, 13; brevet second lieutenant, Battery D, First Artillery, 20
Logan, Maj.-Gen. John A., in battle of Atlanta, 147; letter from Grant, Feb. 14, 1884uri, 35
Louisiana, included in Division of the Gulf, 447
Louisville, Ky., Logan recalled from, 239, 240; S. at, 345
Lovejoy's Station, Ga., Hood's rendezvou against Hood, 237; Grant's determination to take personal command at, 238-240; Logan ordered to take command at, 239, 240; climatic conditions at, 249; movement fro, 237, 238; upheld by his commanders, 238; S.'s loyalty to, 238, 239, 241, 242; Logan ordered to relieve , 239, 240; sits in court-martial on S. at West Point, 241;