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George W. Garver (search for this): chapter 14
Chief Engineer; R. J. Stearns First Assistant Engineer; George D. Simms, Second Assistant Engineer; Jeremiah Wetzel, Third Assistant Engineer; S. B. Brittan, Master's Mate; Matthias B. Snyder, Gunner; Thomas Steel, Carpenter;---Fletcher, Armorer. Gun-boat Lexington. James W. Shirk, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; Jacob S. Hurd, First Master; Martin Dunn, Second Master; James Fitzpatrick, Third Master; Sylvester Poole, Fourth Master; James McCamant, Pilot; William Ford, Pilot; George W. Garver, Assistant Surgeon; Augustus F. Taylor, Acting Paymaster; Samuel Vroon, Gunner; Richard Carroll, Carpenter; Reuben Story, Armorer. Gun-boat Taylor. William Gwin, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; Edwin Shaw, First Master; Jason Goudy, Second Master; James Martin, Third Master; Patrick McCarty, Fourth Master; John Sebastian, Pilot; David Hiner, Pilot; Thomas H. Kearney, Assistant Surgeon; William B. Coleman,Acting Paymaster; Samuel Goble, Chief Engineer; D. Edward Weaver, First
Andrew Woodlock (search for this): chapter 14
nding; John A. Duble. First Master; Charles P. Noble, Second Master; Benjamin Sebastian, Third Master; Richard H. Cutter, Fourth Master; Aaron M. Jordan. Pilot; William Attenborough, Pilot; William H. Wilson, Assistant Surgeon; Alfred Phelps, Acting Paymaster; Thomas Cook, Chief Engineer; Alexander Magee, First Assistant Engineer; Charles Marshall, Second Assistant Engineer; Michael Norton, Third Assistant Engineer; James Kearney, Master's Mate: Henry Hamilton, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Andrew Woodlock, Carpenter; James O'Neil, Armorer. Gun-boat Essex William D. Porter, Iron-clad gun-boats St. Louis, Carondelet and Essex. U. S. N., Commander; Robert K. Riley, First Master; James Laning, Second Master; Theodore P. Ferry, Third Master; George W. Walker, Fourth Master; James McBride, Pilot; Marshall H. Ford, Pilot; Thomas Rice, Surgeon; Joseph H. Lewis, Paymaster; Charles M. Blasdell, Chief Engineer; R. J. Stearns First Assistant Engineer; George D. Simms, Second Assista
Leonard Paulding (search for this): chapter 14
flotilla, to proceed up the Tennessee River, and anchor some five miles below Fort Henry, blockading the river at that point. The ironclads Carondelet, Commander Henry Walke; the Cincinnati, Commander Stembel, and the St. Louis, Lieutenant Commanding Leonard Paulding, were completed and put into commission a few days previous, making, with the Essex, four iron-clads, besides the wooden gun-boats Taylor, Lexington and Conestoga, now ready for offensive operations. On the 5th of February, aftward W. Goble, Second Assistant Engineer; Oscar S. Davis, Third Assistant Engineer; Ferdinand T. Coleman, Master's Mate; Herman Peters, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Thomas Russell, Carpenter; Elihu Stevens, Armorer. Gun-boat St. Louis. Leonard Paulding, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; John V. Johnson, First Master; James Y. Clemson, Second Master; Charles S. Kendrick, Third Master; Alexander Fraser, Fourth Master; John B. McDill, Assistant Surgeon; Llewellyn Curry, Acting Paymaster; Frank
James P. Paulding (search for this): chapter 14
rd Paulding, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; John V. Johnson, First Master; James Y. Clemson, Second Master; Charles S. Kendrick, Third Master; Alexander Fraser, Fourth Master; John B. McDill, Assistant Surgeon; Llewellyn Curry, Acting Paymaster; Frank A. Riley, Pilot; Robert G. Baldwin, Pilot; William Carswell, Chief Engineer; T. F. Ackerman, First Assistant Engineer; James L. Smith, Second Assistant Engineer; John Wilcoxsen, Third Assistant Engineer; Sydney H. McAdam, Master's Mate; James P. Paulding, Master's Mate; John A. McDonald, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Robert H. Medill, Carpenter;---Sypher, Armorer. Gun-boat Carondelet. Henry Walke, U. S. N., Commander; Richard M. Wade, First Master; John Doherty, Second Master; Charles C. Gray, Third Master; Henry A. Walke, Fourth Master; William Hinton, Pilot; Daniel Weaver, Pilot; James S. McNeely, Assistant Surgeon; George J. W. Nixsin, Acting Paymaster; William H. Faulkner, Chief Engineer; Charles H. Caven, First Assistant Engi
R. H. Attenborough (search for this): chapter 14
o said officers, with the request that the same be read to the men under their command. James L. Hubbell, Speaker of the House of Representatives. B. Stanton, President of the Senate. Passed, February 14, 1862. The following is a list of the vessels and officers engaged in attack on Fort Henry: Gun-boat Cincinnati. R. N. Stembel, U. S. N., Commander; William R. Hoel, First Master; Oscar H. Pratt, Second Master; Charles G. Perkins, Third Master; John Pearce, Fourth Master; R. H. Attenborough, Pilot; Isaac D. Gaugh, Pilot; John Ludlow, Surgeon; Baron Proctor, Paymaster; William D. McFarland, Chief Engineer; Samuel H. Lovejoy, First Assistant Engineer; James Armstrong, Second Assistant Engineer; William J. Shannon, Third Assistant Engineer; James McB. Stembel, Master's Mate; Philip Shell, Master's Mate; John R. Hall, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Thomas B. Gregory, Carpenter; Jacob Vitinger, Armorer. Gun-boat Conestoga. S. L. Phelps, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; Joh
George W. Walker (search for this): chapter 14
Cook, Chief Engineer; Alexander Magee, First Assistant Engineer; Charles Marshall, Second Assistant Engineer; Michael Norton, Third Assistant Engineer; James Kearney, Master's Mate: Henry Hamilton, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Andrew Woodlock, Carpenter; James O'Neil, Armorer. Gun-boat Essex William D. Porter, Iron-clad gun-boats St. Louis, Carondelet and Essex. U. S. N., Commander; Robert K. Riley, First Master; James Laning, Second Master; Theodore P. Ferry, Third Master; George W. Walker, Fourth Master; James McBride, Pilot; Marshall H. Ford, Pilot; Thomas Rice, Surgeon; Joseph H. Lewis, Paymaster; Charles M. Blasdell, Chief Engineer; R. J. Stearns First Assistant Engineer; George D. Simms, Second Assistant Engineer; Jeremiah Wetzel, Third Assistant Engineer; S. B. Brittan, Master's Mate; Matthias B. Snyder, Gunner; Thomas Steel, Carpenter;---Fletcher, Armorer. Gun-boat Lexington. James W. Shirk, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; Jacob S. Hurd, First Master; Ma
William Attenborough (search for this): chapter 14
Engineer; James Armstrong, Second Assistant Engineer; William J. Shannon, Third Assistant Engineer; James McB. Stembel, Master's Mate; Philip Shell, Master's Mate; John R. Hall, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Thomas B. Gregory, Carpenter; Jacob Vitinger, Armorer. Gun-boat Conestoga. S. L. Phelps, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; John A. Duble. First Master; Charles P. Noble, Second Master; Benjamin Sebastian, Third Master; Richard H. Cutter, Fourth Master; Aaron M. Jordan. Pilot; William Attenborough, Pilot; William H. Wilson, Assistant Surgeon; Alfred Phelps, Acting Paymaster; Thomas Cook, Chief Engineer; Alexander Magee, First Assistant Engineer; Charles Marshall, Second Assistant Engineer; Michael Norton, Third Assistant Engineer; James Kearney, Master's Mate: Henry Hamilton, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Andrew Woodlock, Carpenter; James O'Neil, Armorer. Gun-boat Essex William D. Porter, Iron-clad gun-boats St. Louis, Carondelet and Essex. U. S. N., Commander; Robe
d. A seaman named Jasper P. Breas, who was badly scalded, sprang to his feet, naked to the waist, his jacket and shirt having been removed to dress his wounds, exclaiming: Surrendered! I must see that with my own eyes before I die. Before any one could interfere, he clambered up two short flights of stairs to the spardeck, where he was gladdened with the sight of his own flag proudly and victoriously floating in the breeze. He shouted, Glory to God! and sank exhausted on the deck. Poor Jasper died that night, that his country might live. The Essex fired seventy-two shots from two 9-inch guns during the battle. In obedience to battle orders, I had instructed the powder boys to keep count of the number of charges served to each gun. Job Phillips, a boy fourteen years old, was powderboy of No. 1 gun. After the action, I asked Job how many shots his gun had fired. He referred me to a memorandum on the whitewashed casemate; where with a rusty nail he had carefully and accurately
Aaron M. Jordan (search for this): chapter 14
. Lovejoy, First Assistant Engineer; James Armstrong, Second Assistant Engineer; William J. Shannon, Third Assistant Engineer; James McB. Stembel, Master's Mate; Philip Shell, Master's Mate; John R. Hall, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Thomas B. Gregory, Carpenter; Jacob Vitinger, Armorer. Gun-boat Conestoga. S. L. Phelps, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; John A. Duble. First Master; Charles P. Noble, Second Master; Benjamin Sebastian, Third Master; Richard H. Cutter, Fourth Master; Aaron M. Jordan. Pilot; William Attenborough, Pilot; William H. Wilson, Assistant Surgeon; Alfred Phelps, Acting Paymaster; Thomas Cook, Chief Engineer; Alexander Magee, First Assistant Engineer; Charles Marshall, Second Assistant Engineer; Michael Norton, Third Assistant Engineer; James Kearney, Master's Mate: Henry Hamilton, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Andrew Woodlock, Carpenter; James O'Neil, Armorer. Gun-boat Essex William D. Porter, Iron-clad gun-boats St. Louis, Carondelet and Essex.
William J. Shannon (search for this): chapter 14
owing is a list of the vessels and officers engaged in attack on Fort Henry: Gun-boat Cincinnati. R. N. Stembel, U. S. N., Commander; William R. Hoel, First Master; Oscar H. Pratt, Second Master; Charles G. Perkins, Third Master; John Pearce, Fourth Master; R. H. Attenborough, Pilot; Isaac D. Gaugh, Pilot; John Ludlow, Surgeon; Baron Proctor, Paymaster; William D. McFarland, Chief Engineer; Samuel H. Lovejoy, First Assistant Engineer; James Armstrong, Second Assistant Engineer; William J. Shannon, Third Assistant Engineer; James McB. Stembel, Master's Mate; Philip Shell, Master's Mate; John R. Hall, U. S. N., Acting Gunner; Thomas B. Gregory, Carpenter; Jacob Vitinger, Armorer. Gun-boat Conestoga. S. L. Phelps, U. S. N., Lieutenant Commanding; John A. Duble. First Master; Charles P. Noble, Second Master; Benjamin Sebastian, Third Master; Richard H. Cutter, Fourth Master; Aaron M. Jordan. Pilot; William Attenborough, Pilot; William H. Wilson, Assistant Surgeon; Alfred
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