lumes of contributions.
Copley Medal.
general correspondence.
lecturing tour in the West.
circular letter concerning Anthropological collections.
letter to Mr. Ticknor concerning geographical distribution of fishes in Spain.
On his return to Cambridge at the end of September, Agassiz found the Museum building well advanced.ransferred to the Peabody Museum, where they more properly belong.
I remain, ever truly your friend and brother, Louis Agassiz.
The following letter to Mr. Ticknor is in the same spirit as previous ones to Mr. Haldeman and others, concerning the distribution of fishes in America.
It is given at the risk of some repetition fresh waters, might be reached through a closer study than has yet been possible of the geographical or local circumscription of their inhabitants.
To Mr. George Ticknor. Nahant, October 24, 1863.
my dear Sir,—Among the schemes which I have devised for the improvement of the Museum, there is one for the realization of wh
rchison to Agassiz, 339, 467, 572.
Richard Owen to Agassiz, 541, 575.
Benjamin Peirce to Agassiz, 689.
M. Rouland to Agassiz, 550.
Adam Sedgwick to Agassiz, 383, 83.
C. T. von Siebold to Agassiz, 682.
B. Silliman to Agassiz, 252
Charles Sumner to Agassiz, 634.
Tiedemann to Agassiz, 211.
Alexander Braun to his father, 25, 89, 102, 143.
to his mother, 27.
Charles Darwin to Dr. Tritten, 342.
A. von Humboldt to Madame Agassiz, 186.
to L. Coulon, 200, 217.
to G. Ticknor (extract), 552.
Leuckart, 28, 148, 212.
Leuthold, 299, 303, 325, 327, 329; death, 364.
Longfellow, H. W., 458; verses on Agassiz's fiftieth birthday, 544; Christmas gift, 545.
Long Island Sound, 414
Lota, 753.
Lota coal deposits, 753.
Lowell, James Russell, 458, 547
Lowell, John Amory, 402, 404
Lowell Institute, 402, 430; lectures at, 403, 644; reception at, 404; audience, 407.
Lyell, Sir, Charles, 234; accepts glacial theory, 309.
Lyman, T., 680.
, A. C., 68,158.
Taine, H. A., 53.
Taking ourselves seriously, on, 35.
Talleyrand, C. M., 193.
Tasso, Torquato, 187, 217.
Taylor, Bayard, 67, 100.
Taylor, Sir, Henry, 78, 167.
Taylor, Thomas, 215.
Temperament, an American, 2.
Tennyson, Lord, 25, 29, 53, 56, 94, 95, 98, 124, 126, 184, 196, 203, 205.
Test of the dime novel, the, 198.
Thackeray, W. M., 93, 111.
Thomas, Isaiah, 42.
Thompson, Maurice, 67.
Thoreau, H. D., VI., 9, 16, 73, 90, 114, 155, 175, 220.
Ticknor, George, 19.
Tocqueville, A. C. H. de, 32, 121.
Tolstoi, Count, Leo, 35.
Tonics, literary, 62.
Touchstone quoted, 21.
Tourgueneff, Ivan, 219.
Town and gown, 161.
Tracy, Uriah, 46.
Transcendental school, the, 8.
Translators, American, 144.
Travers, W. R., 82.
Trench, R. C., 57.
Trollope, Frances, 24.
Tupper, M. F., 98.
Twain, Mark, see Clemens.
Tyndall, John, 22.
U, V.
Urquhart, David, 208, 209.
Vestris, M., 83.
Virgil, 99, 171, 217.
Voltaire, F. M. A. de,
rd T.), Boston Methodist city missionary, 263.
Taylor, Mrs., Peter, founds a college for working women, 333.
Terry, Luther, an artist in Rome, 127; married to Mrs. Crawford, 312.
Terry, Mrs., Luther, See Ward, Louisa.
Thackeray, William M., his admiration for Mrs. Frank Hampton, 234; depicts her in Ethel Newcome, 235.
Theatre, the, frowned down in New York, 15, 16.
Thoreau, Henry D., Emerson's paper on, 290.
Ticknor, Miss, Anna, in the Town and Country Club, 407.
Ticknor, George, letter of introduction from, to Miss Edgeworth, 113; to Wordsworth, 115.
Tolstoi, Count, Lyeff, his Kreutzer Sonata disapproved of, 17.
Torlonia, a Roman banker, anecdote of, 27; ball given by, 123.
Torlonia's Palace, 122, 128.
Tormer, an artist, 127.
Tourgenieff, the Russian novelist, 412.
Town and Country Club of Newport founded, 405; its eminent lecturers, 406, 407.
Townsend, Mrs. Gideon (Mary A. Van Voorhis), poet of the opening of the New Orleans Exposition, 3