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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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May 4th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 7
recognize Commissioner Watson as an examining court. In his opinion, he could not deprive the State of jurisdiction over offences against the law of Virginia. Should an offence be committed against the State law, the discharge of an offender by Court Martial would not prevent his arrest by the civil authorities. T. A. Staples, jailor of Henrico, sworn: Was well acquainted with Wyvill's handwriting. He wrote for several months in the County Clerk's office. Tankersley's discharge, dated May 4,'61, was in Wyvill's handwriting, he thought Gen. Winder's name is certainly a forgery. Wyvill's own discharge, dated November 20, '61, is filed up and signed in his own handwriting. G. W. Thomas, Detective, sworn: Received instructions to arrest these parties; did so. Found in W.'s trunk the papers produced.--W. was an officer in a company stationed at Belle Isle for guard duty. Tankersley boarded at the Powhatan House. Made the arrests August 14th. Never saw the discharges before they wer
Julius Myers (search for this): article 7
e sick soldiers in General Hospital No. 8. Both whipped and sent to jail for want of security. Charles Maddux was required to answer a charge preferred by Julius Myers that he had assaulted and beaten him. The misunderstanding occurred about the price of a lot of combs bought by Myers from Maddux. Myers swearing that he was Myers from Maddux. Myers swearing that he was fearful of another assault, the Mayor required Maddux to give security to keep the peace in the sum of $150. Appeal taken, to be decided before the Hustings Court on Monday next. Samuel W. Wyvill was brought up for examination for forging sundry discharges from the military service of the Confederacy. It appeared in evidence Myers swearing that he was fearful of another assault, the Mayor required Maddux to give security to keep the peace in the sum of $150. Appeal taken, to be decided before the Hustings Court on Monday next. Samuel W. Wyvill was brought up for examination for forging sundry discharges from the military service of the Confederacy. It appeared in evidence that Wyvill was first arrested by the Provost detectives some time in August last, on the charge of forging pay-rolls. He was once a Lieutenant in Captain Shafer's company, Maryland volunteers. About ten days since defendant was carried before C. S Commissioner Watson, and by him discharged, because the papers then produced did n
J. B. Owens (search for this): article 7
r A. Lumpkin was arraigned for examination on the charge of forging a check for $700 on S. H. Owens & Son, and drawing the money thereon from the Traders' Bank, J. B. Owens sworn: Was junior partner in the firm of Owens & Son; October 28th was called on by Philip Epstin for the loan of $500; asked would a check answer; said yes; gaOwens & Son; October 28th was called on by Philip Epstin for the loan of $500; asked would a check answer; said yes; gave one; on settlement of bank account fund said check and a forged one for $700 had been paid on the same day; learned that they had been presented by G. A. Lumpkin. P. Epstin sworn: L. was quite intimate with me; acted gentlemanly; asked the loan of $500; got it from Owens and gave it to him. M. S. Quarles, Teller of Traders' BankOwens and gave it to him. M. S. Quarles, Teller of Traders' Bank, sworn: Lumpkin presented both checks, and received the money therefore, October 29th; the forged check was payable to Bradley & Stewart; had never seen Lumpkin before. Lumpkin was sent on to the Hustings Court for examination. John, slave of James Winston, found by the watch with a bag of flour, proved to have been taken fr
ers. About ten days since defendant was carried before C. S Commissioner Watson, and by him discharged, because the papers then produced did not make out a case on which he could be hold for trial. Among the papers were two bogus discharges, one for himself and another for Charles Tankersley, a member also of Shafer's company.--He was therefore re-arrested and brought before the Mayor to be examined for the last-named offence. Mr. P. H. Aylett appeared on behalf of the Government, and Messrs. Crane and Glimer for Wyvill. Counsel for defence contended that the discharge by Commissioner Watson, he being the examining and committing magistrate of the C. S. District Court, was final. No State law comprehended a case of the kind. A party arrested one day for stabbing and discharged by competent authority was not liable next day to arrest for murder, though the wounded man die in the meantime. The offence of Wyvill was not against an individual, but against the Government. Mr. Aylet
William J. Marshall (search for this): article 7
ver seen Lumpkin before. Lumpkin was sent on to the Hustings Court for examination. John, slave of James Winston, found by the watch with a bag of flour, proved to have been taken from the Confederate States bakery, was ordered 25 lashes for his dishonesty. Austin, slave of George S. Case, charged with stealing a lot of wood and bottle of brandy from his master, got 20 lashes. Willie Grace was brought up on the rather serious charge of "stealing" a horse, the property of Wm. J. Marshall. The case was dismissed, it being proved that Grace had only rode the horse from the York River Depot up town, and that after getting there he had placed the animal at Ruskell's stable. James Pearson was committed for indictment for misdemeanor by the Hustings Court Grand Jury, for an assault committed by him on Arthur Sadler, Tuesday night, at Rocketts. Warren Dubois was examined on a charge preferred by A. O. Brummell that he had taken and sold forty-two boxes of tobacco be
James Pearson (search for this): article 7
States bakery, was ordered 25 lashes for his dishonesty. Austin, slave of George S. Case, charged with stealing a lot of wood and bottle of brandy from his master, got 20 lashes. Willie Grace was brought up on the rather serious charge of "stealing" a horse, the property of Wm. J. Marshall. The case was dismissed, it being proved that Grace had only rode the horse from the York River Depot up town, and that after getting there he had placed the animal at Ruskell's stable. James Pearson was committed for indictment for misdemeanor by the Hustings Court Grand Jury, for an assault committed by him on Arthur Sadler, Tuesday night, at Rocketts. Warren Dubois was examined on a charge preferred by A. O. Brummell that he had taken and sold forty-two boxes of tobacco belonging to him without authority. By the testimony of Mr. Brummell, it appeared that they had been partners, but had dissolved, and the transaction complained of occurred after that. Other witnesses testif
Traders' Bank, J. B. Owens sworn: Was junior partner in the firm of Owens & Son; October 28th was called on by Philip Epstin for the loan of $500; asked would a check answer; said yes; gave one; on settlement of bank account fund said check and a forged one for $700 had been paid on the same day; learned that they had been presented by G. A. Lumpkin. P. Epstin sworn: L. was quite intimate with me; acted gentlemanly; asked the loan of $500; got it from Owens and gave it to him. M. S. Quarles, Teller of Traders' Bank, sworn: Lumpkin presented both checks, and received the money therefore, October 29th; the forged check was payable to Bradley & Stewart; had never seen Lumpkin before. Lumpkin was sent on to the Hustings Court for examination. John, slave of James Winston, found by the watch with a bag of flour, proved to have been taken from the Confederate States bakery, was ordered 25 lashes for his dishonesty. Austin, slave of George S. Case, charged with stealing a lot of wo
June, 11 AD (search for this): article 7
Proceedings in the courts. Mayor's Court, Thursday, November 6. --Reason Anderson, a free negro from Jefferson county, having been apprehended by the watch for being in the city without a register, was turned over to the Mayor for investigation, and by him sent to jail. Silas Maxfield and Betsy Martin, two free negroes, were brought up for being drunk and fighting at the corner of Main and 22d streets, to the disturbance of the sick soldiers in General Hospital No. 8. Both whipped anf occurred after that. Other witnesses testified that Dubois appeared to have as much interest after as before the dissolution. The case, so far as it implicated Dubois in a violation of the criminal law, was dismissed. Manchester Court, Nov. 6. --A Court of Examination, consisting of three magistrates, convened on Wednesday, in the Town Hall of Manchester, for the examination of one John Bowhart, a member of Rodgers's cavalry company, now stationed there, who was charged with stealing a
A. O. Brummell (search for this): article 7
s stable. James Pearson was committed for indictment for misdemeanor by the Hustings Court Grand Jury, for an assault committed by him on Arthur Sadler, Tuesday night, at Rocketts. Warren Dubois was examined on a charge preferred by A. O. Brummell that he had taken and sold forty-two boxes of tobacco belonging to him without authority. By the testimony of Mr. Brummell, it appeared that they had been partners, but had dissolved, and the transaction complained of occurred after that. OMr. Brummell, it appeared that they had been partners, but had dissolved, and the transaction complained of occurred after that. Other witnesses testified that Dubois appeared to have as much interest after as before the dissolution. The case, so far as it implicated Dubois in a violation of the criminal law, was dismissed. Manchester Court, Nov. 6. --A Court of Examination, consisting of three magistrates, convened on Wednesday, in the Town Hall of Manchester, for the examination of one John Bowhart, a member of Rodgers's cavalry company, now stationed there, who was charged with stealing a watch worth $200 from a
0 from a citizen of the town-named Lee Finney. The testimony showed that Bowhart met Finney in a acquestered place in Manchester, and pretending to believe that he was drunk, he very coolly put his hand into Finney's pocket, took thence his watch, which he informed him he would return when he got sober. Finney immediately got out a warrant and proceeded to the camp of the cavalry company; but though he found Bowhart, he could discover no traces of his watch. The arrest and examination of the prisoner on the charge of grand larceny followed as above recited. Captain Rodgers appeared as counsel for Bowhart, who was prosecuted by Colonel Burfoot, Commonwealth's Attorney for the county. The examination resulted in the committal of the prisoner, for final trial before the Circuit Court. The prisoner established a fine character by a number of witnesses, but the Court taking into consideration the fact that none of them had known him over three weeks, disregarded their evidence.
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