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and prudently prepared for the impending conflict, satisfied and confident that with the army of Northern Virginia, every man of which not only loved but trusted in him, he would be the winner. Apprised by McClellan's movements of his intentions, Lee increased and strengthened the defenses of Richmond and guarded the water approach to that threatened city by obstructing the ship channel of the James and planting intrenched batteries on Drewry's bluff; at the same time he recalled all but Ewell's division of Johnston's army from the line of the upper Rappahannock, and with these reinforced Magruder on the peninsula, who had already nearly completed a strong line of defense, from the James to the York, in front of Williamsburg and Yorktown, to bar McClellan's way to Richmond. Having thus outlined the locations and dispositions of the combatants in the fields of action, the narrative now proceeds to follow the fortunes of the five Federal armies —which the compelling genius of Jac
back from Franklin, Jackson sent a message to Ewell asking him to meet him for a conference, whichneteen days had now elapsed since Jackson left Ewell in his old camps in the Elk Run valley. Learn and pressed toward Winchester, having ordered Ewell's division forward along the Front Royal and WSixth Virginia cavalry, was sent in advance of Ewell to Newtown, 8 miles from Winchester, to observost without rest for the past thirty hours. Ewell was not standing idly by while this contest warals, he refused to do so until ordered by General Ewell, and so much time was lost and Banks had mnd 63 of his men being taken prisoners. General Ewell, whose command was next to Ashby, coming bpographic conditions of the field, but it gave Ewell an opportunity to detach Trimble's brigade fro the general was mounting his horse to ride to Ewell's command, Carroll, who had learned from renegley and down it to near New Market, taking up Ewell's command in passing, he crossed the Massanutt[39 more...]
he Chickahominy at Dispatch Station, unopposed in his progress, on the 19th. Johnston, ever wary and on the alert, watching the slow but certain advance of his powerful antagonist, prepared to meet his coming assault on Richmond by gathering to that city the troops that had been left at Fredericksburg, Gordonsville and elsewhere. He instructed Jackson to do what he could to retain in the Valley the Federal forces he was already contending with, but to be prepared to come to Richmond with Ewell on short notice. Apprised of the formidable movement of Mc-Dowell from Fredericksburg with 40,000 men, he decided to attack McClellan before this large addition could be made to his forces. Johnston's new line of defense extended from Drewry's bluff on the James to opposite Mechanicsville on the Chickahominy, in a nearly north and south direction, but trending to the northwest from where it crossed the York River railroad, thus presenting a convex front from that point to opposite Mechanic
had destroyed. On the morning of the 27th, Jackson was advancing Ewell from Hundley's corner, where he had spent the night, eastward alongnd the New bridge over the Chickahominy. Jackson's guide conducted Ewell, by a road leading to Walnut Grove church on the main river road, wthe right flank and rear of McClellan's new position. This brought Ewell face to face with A. P. Hill, instead of some distance to his left,swept into action; D. H. Hill on the left, followed on the right by Ewell, Jackson's old division, then Whiting. As the sound of the guns ofl brigade pushed into the thickest of the fight, across the path of Ewell, and bore its full share in winning this glorious victory. Porte. The morning after the battle he had hastened Stuart, followed by Ewell, who was farthest on his left, down the Chickahominy river road to was a serious obstacle in the way of pursuing McClellan's rear, so Ewell was ordered to hold Bottom's bridge, across the Chickahominy on the
with Robertson's cavalry brigade and the two infantry divisions of Ewell and Winder, only about 12,000 men, but all hardy and well-tested ve, which Jackson proceeded to occupy with artillery and a portion of Ewell's division. The basin of Cedar run, crossed by that stream about aor disposing of his troops for either attack or defense. He turned Ewell's division, which was in advance, to the eastern side of the Culpeper road, and Ewell himself, leading his right, advanced it to Cedar mountain, accompanied by a number of guns, for which he found good positi a wide gap in the open field between Early's right and the left of Ewell's other brigades. The Federals attempted to break Jackson's line th Thomas, and borne an active part in turning the tide of victory. Ewell, on Jackson's right, watched the fierce contention from Slaughter's fire. When the direction of this fire changed, later in the day, Ewell's two brigades advanced and joined in the thickening combat. His a
t nightfall, Lawton's brigade was crossed over to Early's support. Ewell himself went over, for a consultation with Early during the night, ary supplies the Federals had gathered at that important junction. Ewell was left behind, at Bristoe, to protect Jackson's rear and oppose a Lee and Longstreet. Satisfied, by the contention of Hooker with Ewell at Bristoe, that Jackson's command was at Manassas Junction, Pope cll run, to Centreville on the great road leading to Washington, and Ewell was left to follow after him in the same direction. Porter couldl run and took position, on Taliaferro's left, near Sudley church. Ewell, who had encamped the night before on the south side of Bull run, a Junction, was still seeking for Jackson. The movement of Hill and Ewell toward Centreville, the threatening of Washington by Fitz Lee and h front of Jackson's concealed army, the divisions of Taliaferro and Ewell sprang upon him, and by a short, but fierce and bloody struggle, dr
either side of it. These heights commanded, by their elevation, not only the terraces behind Fredericksburg, but all the more-than-mile-wide bottom extending for several miles below that city. While awaiting the development of Burnside's local intentions and watching all the ways by which he might move toward Richmond, Lee sent D. H. Hill's division, of Jackson's corps, to watch the crossing of the Rappahannock, at Port Royal, below Fredericksburg, by which a highway led toward Richmond. Ewell's division, now commanded by Early, was encamped next above D. H. Hill, while the divisions of A. P. Hill and Taliaferro were placed near the railroad leading to Richmond, where they could readily move either to the aid of D. H. Hill or to that of Longstreet, as the exigencies of the occasion might demand. Jackson established himself in the vicinity of Guiney's station, near the divisions of A. P. Hill and Taliaferro, whence highways led to his divisions, those of Early and D. H. Hill, down
lways, and his numerous steamships. Almost at the beginning of 1863 he directed the writer, his topographical engineer, to prepare a detailed map of the country between the Potomac and the Susquehanna; a map that was subsequently used in the Gettysburg campaign, but not by Stonewall Jackson. Generals of lesser rank formulated plans of campaign, and so, doubtless, did every thoughtful and enterprising private in the ranks of the veteran army of Northern Virginia. Gen. Isaac R. Trimble, of Ewell's division, made an offer to General Lee to bridge the Rappahannock and surprise the Federal army in its camps. To this Lee made reply, in his always courteous way: I am much obliged to you for your suggestions presented in your letters of February and March. I know the pleasure experienced in shaping campaigns and battles, according to our wishes, and have enjoyed the ease with which obstacles to their accomplishment, in effigy, can be overcome. The movements you suggest in both lett
west. Closing around Winchester on the 14th, Ewell, by a bold and well-planned flank movement of a, Jenkins' cavalry holding the latter place. Ewell's advanced division was encamped, in the midst use of the army. On the same day he directed Ewell to move toward the Susquehanna and, if Harrisbe stated. This news led Lee to at once recall Ewell's divisions from the Susquehanna, near Harrisbof march. Stuart was pressing forward to join Ewell's advance, under Early, in the vicinity of Yorng for help. Giving heed to this urgent call, Ewell turned toward Gettysburg, and on arriving in iwas ended and the Federal left re-established, Ewell began his tardy and long-delayed attack, whichsition he had gained at the Devil's Den; while Ewell was at the same time to assail the Federal rigPettigrew were in line, on Seminary ridge, and Ewell had made his desperate attack on Culp's hill, his army during the night of the 4th, leaving Ewell, as a rear guard, in front of Gettysburg until[41 more...]
nd bury his dead. This disaster, at the head of the column, and the failure of Ewell to close up on Hill, gave check to Lee's advance, which enabled Meade to make gto the north to strike its ordered ford, and on the 27th, Johnson's division of Ewell's corps repulsed its attempted crossing. Stuart's sleepless vigilance gave Lee ample time to bring Hill from his left to Ewell on his right, and the two, advancing eastward to meet Meade, quickly found an admirable defensive line along Mine e winter of 1863-64, picketing 20 miles of the front of the Rapidan, from where Ewell's right rested on that river, near the mouth of Mine run, on the east to near Lonnected Lee with his base of supplies at Gordonsville, only a few miles away. Ewell established his headquarters at Morton hall, the country seat of Hon. Jere. M. On the 6th of February, 1864, Meade sent a division to Morton's ford, near Ewell's right, to again try the winter temper of Lee's veterans. It was met with the