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the honor to submit the following report of the operations of that part of my command which participated in the campaign of the last days of June and first days of July, before Richmond. In the afternoon of Sunday, the twenty-ninth of June, in pursuance of orders from the War Department, I moved three regiments of Colonel Junius igadier-General commanding. List of the Killed and Wounded in the Fourth Brigade, Valley District, commanded by General A. R. Lawton, in the Action of the 1st July. regiment.killed.wounded.Total. Officers.N. C. Officers and Privates.Officers.N. C. Officers and Privates. Thirteenth Regiment Georgia Volunteers1 Major Bae. camp, July 12, 1862. sir: I halve the honor to report, in accordance with an order to report what transpired in my company between June twenty-sixth and July----, that, on the afternoon of June twenty-sixth, I was ordered by yourself to take one piece (rifle) down the river, (Chickahominy,) and make any disposition of i
te House, that gunboats are not so dangerous as is generally supposed. On the afternoon of the seventh, the batteries returned to their camps, the men being much exhausted from loss of rest and contames River, four miles below Charles City Court-House. About seven A. M. on the morning of the seventh, opened on a transport, and, after some twenty shots, made her turn back, throwing overboard a at the houses in the vicinity, occupied only by inoffensive families. On the evening of the seventh, the batteries returned to their camp. Respectfully submitted. S D. Lee, Colonel of Artillernts for the protection of the capital. The position assigned me was held until Monday, the seventh instant, when, by General Huger's order, I returned to my camp at this place, all my other batteriey, and took up camp in the woods on its left, where it remained till the morning of Monday, the seventh, when it moved forward about a quarter of a mile, and spent the day in line of battle, on picke
July 10th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 86
one's brigade. A. R. Wright, Brigadier General. July 19, 1862. Operations from June 26 to July 2. headquarters Third brigade, Huger's division, July 12, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel S. S. Anderson, Assistant Adjutant-General, Huger's Division: Colonel: I herewith enclose a report of the operations of my brigade from the morning of the twenty-sixth of June to the morning of the second of July, inclusive, in obedience to circular from headquarters Department of Northern Virginia, July tenth, 1863. After the fight had ceased on Wednesday night, June twenty-fifth, Colonel Vance's North Carolina regiment, of Ransom's brigade, was placed on picket duty on the right of the Williamsburg road, and my own brigade retired to the rifle pits for rest and refreshment, General Armistead having picketed the left of the road. On Thursday morning, twenty-sixth of June, I ascertained that Colonel Vance's regiment had, during the night, fallen back from our advanced picket line, and that th
y-fifth to the twenty-ninth of July, inclusive. 9. Report of the Seventh South Carolina in their engagement of the fifth instant. 10. Report of the Third South Carolina regiment of the operations on the first of July. 11. Report of Colonel The remainder of the fourth and fifth July were spent in reconnoitring and watching the river. On the morning of the fifth, Colonel S. D. Lee, of the artillery, reported to me with a battery of rifle guns, (Squiers's Washington artillery,) to wOn the fourth of July we occupied, with Brigadier-General Early's command, the woods in front of Westover Church. On the fifth there was some sharp skirmishing, but no loss, except that Lieutenant Bond, A. A. General, Maryland line, had his horse ky in this field in line of battle till the evening, and then encamped in a neighboring body of woods. On Saturday, the fifth, and Sunday, the sixth of July, we laid in camp. On Monday, the seventh of July, the brigade, along with other troops,
after dark. The only transport which passed during the night was fired into with distant damage, but she kept on. On the sixth, the battery was augmented by two rifle pieces of Rogers's battery, and proceeded to Wayne's Oak, lower down the river. vices rendered by my command, in the recent battles and skirmishes near Richmond, from the twenty-fifth ultimo to the sixth instant: The force under my command consisted of the Fourth Virginia cavalry, Captain Chamberlain commanding, and the JeffLee and General Stuart. They were not furnished — doubtless for good reasons — until General A. P. Hill arrived, (on the sixth, I believe,) at which time the entire train and guard had crossed the creek and joined the main army. My scouts broughout her lights. She was struck several times and considerably injured, but succeeded in passing the battery. On the sixth instant, the same guns, accompanied by a section of Rosser's battery, proceeded to a point known as Wayne's Oak, on the banks
August 12th, 1862 AD (search for this): chapter 86
red and seventy-six, except General G. B. Anderson's fourth brigade, which you have, and which was handed in to these headquarters just as you have it. We never received lists of casualties by regiments in the different engagements. General Anderson is now dead, and his Assistant Adjutant-General is away, and it is impossible to get the list as you wish it. So with General C. Garland's brigade. J. W. Ratchford, Assistant Adjutant-General. Report of General Magruder. Richmond, August 12, 1862. To the Adjutant-General of General R. E. Lee, commanding Army of Northern Virginia. sir: About the twenty-fifth June, I received from Lieutenant-Colonel R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant-General, on the staff of General Lee, commanding the army of Northern Virginia, an order giving a general plan of operations about to be taken against the enemy, whose troops occupied the right and left banks of the Chickahominy, the greater number being immediately in front of the lines occupied by
y; but as the brigades were sent to report to other commanders, I am unable to make a special report of that action. I remain, very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, Benjamin Huger, Major-General. General Holmes' Report. Petersburg, July 15, 1862. Lieutenant-Colonel R. H. Chilton, A. A. G., Headquarters A. N. V. Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of that part of my command which participated in the campaign of the last days of June and first days of July, before Richmond. In the afternoon of Sunday, the twenty-ninth of June, in pursuance of orders from the War Department, I moved three regiments of Colonel Junius Daniels's brigade, fifteen hundred and seventy strong with two light batteries, across James River, by the pontoon bridge. Three companies of cavalry, numbering one hundred and thirty men, under Major E. Burroughs, accompanied this force. The same evening Brigadier-General J. G. Walker joined me with his bri
f their gunboats in the James River. On the morning of the third, my command arrived near the landing and drove in the enemy all the time. My brigade remained in camp until the third instant, about ten or eleven o'clock A. M. I was then ordered treport to General A. P. Hill, which I did that evening, the third, and remained subject to his orders until the eleventh instday, until it was ascertained the enemy had fled. On the third, I returned to camp near Richmond, by order of General Lee,ivision, with whom it remained until the morning of the third instant, when relieved by you, and ordered to my camp. The bats, Assistant Adjutant-General: sir: On Thursday, the third instant, late in the afternoon, I was directed by Brigadier-Gend, spent in camp, at Low Swamp Church; and on Thursday, the third, it retraced its footsteps, and camped near White Oak SwampSeven Pines to refit, where we remained until Thursday, the third, when we again joined the division below White Oak Swamp, a
l the rifle guns of my command to the front, where we remained until the afternoon, when we were ordered back to camp with them. There we staid until Friday, the fourth, when we were ordered back to this point. I cannot too fully express my thanks for, and appreciation of, the conduct, on the occasion referred to, of Surgeon J, July second, spent in camp, at Low Swamp Church; and on Thursday, the third, it retraced its footsteps, and camped near White Oak Swamp that night. Friday, the fourth, it was ordered to the neighborhood of Westover, where it was drawn up in line of battle all the rest of the day, and took up camp in the woods on its left, whererdee, company H. All the rest were enlisted men. Ten o'clock P. M., left the field in good order, remaining near the battle-field until the morning of the fourth instant; left in pursuit of the enemy, and proceeded down James River twelve miles, to----cross-roads. Remained in the neighborhood or picketed until the ninth insta
n the night of the twenty-fifth ultimo and first instant, it acted with wonderful stanchness and adolonel Ramseur was severely wounded on the first instant, in the engagement, and has not been able unted. Early the following morning, the first instant, by reconnoissance, I found the enemy in l near the toll-gate, on the morning of the first instant, I ordered Captain Woolfolk, senior Captai the conduct of the entire regiment on Tuesday, first instant, I need not speak, as you yourself, Gehe ravine near the field of action, on the first instant, (five o'clock P. M.,) the impression was slightly wounded. At the battle of the first instant, the Twenty-seventh regiment was marched uenth ultimo; Michael Tool, wounded, on the first instant. Company H. M. R. Hanger, wounded, on tenth ultimo; N. D. McClure, killed, on the first instant. Respectfully, G. C. Smith, Captain, cty-ninth June and in the engagement of the first instant: On the twenty-ninth of June, just afte[21 more...]
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