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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 16 (search)
nently by Gen. Bragg. There are charges against Beauregard. It is said the Yankee army might have been annihilated at Shiloh, if Beauregard had fought a little longer. June 23 And Gen. Johnston, I learn, has had his day. And Magruder is on sick leave. He is too open in his censures of the late Secretary of War. But Gen. Huger comes off scotfree; he has always had the confidence of Mr. Benjamin, and used to send the flag of truce to Fortress Monroe as often as could be desired. June 24 Gen. Lee's plan works like a charm Although I have daily orders from Mr. Randolph to send persons beyond our lines, yet the precautions of Lee most effectually prevent any spies from knowing anything about his army. Even the Adjutant-General, S. Cooper, don't know how many regiments are ordered into Virginia, or where they are stationed. Officers returning from furlough, cannot ascertain in the Adjutant-General's office where their regiments are! They are referred to me for passports
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXVII. June, 1863 (search)
inforcements, made a more furious attempt than ever to take Vicksburg by assault, and was repulsed disastrously. His loss is estimated at between 7000 and 10,000 men. Pemberton is now greatly praised by many people, while some of our officers shake their heads and say he is fighting with the halter around his neck, and that if he were not to fight and hold out to the last, his own men would hang him. Notwithstanding the immense amount of goods brought in daily, the prices keep high. June 24 We have nothing additional from Vicksburg or from the Potomac, but there is a rumor of fighting near Leesburg. The first installment of Winchester prisoners reached the city yesterday, 1600 in number, and there are over 4000 more on the way. So much for Milroy's 2000 or 30001 To-day the President desired the Secretary of War to send him all the correspondence with Gen. Johnston, as he intends to write him a confidential letter touching reinforcements, and he wishes to inform him
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 40 (search)
against whom grave charges have been made frequently, of speculation, etc., but was defended by the Commissary-General. Mr. Harvey, president Danville Railroad, telegraphs to Gen. Bragg to send troops without delay, or the road will be ruined by the raiders. Bragg sends the paper to the Secretary of War, saying there are no troops but those in the army of Gen. Lee, and the reserves, the latter now being called out. Ten days ago, Mr. Secretary Seddon had fair warning about this road. June 24 Hot and hazy; dry. The news (in the papers) of the cutting of our railroad communications with the South creates fresh apprehension among the croakers. But at 12 M. we had news of the recovery of the Weldon Road last evening, and the capture of 500 more prisoners. We have nothing from the south side raiders since their work of destruction at Burkesville, cutting the Danville Road. Mr. Hunter sheds tears over his losses in Essex, the burning of his mill, etc. But he had be
n to which the President had devoted his serious attention. During the whole of McClellan's Richmond campaign he had continually borne in mind the possibility of his defeat, and the eventualities it might create. Little by little, that general's hesitation, constant complaints, and exaggerated reports of the enemy's strength changed the President's apprehensions from possibility to probability; and he took prompt measures to be prepared as far as possible, should a new disaster arise. On June 24 he made a hurried visit to the veteran General Scott at West Point, for consultation on the existing military conditions, and on his return to Washington called General Pope from the West, and, by an order dated June 26, specially assigned him to the command of the combined forces under Fremont, Banks, and McDowell, to be called the Army of Virginia, whose duty it should be to guard the Shenandoah valley and Washington city, and, as far as might be, render aid to McClellan's campaign agains
John G. Nicolay, The Outbreak of Rebellion, Chapter 14: Manassas. (search)
out the middle of June. From that time on, the plan grew into the idea of a larger and more decisive movement. Beauregard was receiving large reinforcements; nevertheless, the strength of the Union army at Washington was such that it seemed entirely possible to provide every chance of success. McDowell, raised in rank from the grade of major to that of brigadiergeneral, and placed in command at Arlington Heights, submitted a formal plan, at the request of the General-in-Chief, about June 24th. His plan assumed that the secession forces at Manassas and its dependencies would number twenty-five thousand; that they would unavoidably become apprised of the movement, and every effort would be made to increase Beauregard's strength; but that if General J. E. Johnston's force is kept engaged by Major-General Patterson, and Major-General Butler occupies the force now in his vicinity (Fortress Monroe), I think they will not be able to bring up more than ten thousand men. Against such
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Reports etc., of this campaign (search)
illery Brigade, Fourth Army Corps. No. 79Capt. Peter Simonson, Fifth Indiana Battery, Chief of Artillery, First Division, of operations May 3-June 9. No. 80Capt. George W. Spencer, Battery M, First Illinois Light Artillery. No. 81Lieut. Lyman A. White, Bridges' Illinois Battery. No. 82Lieut. George H. Briggs, Fifth Indiana Battery. No. 83Capt. Wilbur F. Goodspeed, Battery A, First Ohio Light Artillery. No. 84Capt. Frederick Schultz, Battery M, First Ohio Light Artillery, of operations June 24-September 8. No. 85Capt. Cullen Bradley, Sixth Ohio Battery. No. 86Capt. Jacob Ziegler, Battery B, Pennsylvania Light Artillery. No. 87Maj. Gen. John M. Palmer, U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations May 30, and itinerary of the corps May 6-September 8. No. 88Brig. Gen. Richard W. Johnson, U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations August 7. No. 89Bvt. Maj. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis, U. S. Army, commanding Fourteenth Army Corps, of operations August
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 5 (search)
boldly and rapidly two and one-half miles, it would reach the railroad below Marietta, cut off the enemy's right and center from its line of retreat, and then by turning on either part it could be overwhelmed and destroyed. Therefore, on the 24th of June, I ordered that an assault should be made at two points south of Kenesaw on the 27th, giving three days notice for preparation and reconnaissance, one to be made iear Little Kenesaw by General McPherson's troops, and the other about a mile farther south by General Thomas' troops. The hour was fixed and all the details given jn Field Orders, No. 28, of June 24. On the 27th of June the two assaults were made at the time and in the manner prescribed and both failed, costing us many valuable lives, among them those of Generals Harker and. McCook, Colonel Rice and others badly wounded, our aggregate loss being nearly 3,000, while we inflicted comparatively little loss to the enemy, who lay behind his well-formed breast-works. Fail
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 15 (search)
as a portion of the enemy's main line. I opened upon it a concentrated artillery fire from as many guns as I could bring to bear, and immediately afterward advanced a strong skirmish line, which drove the enemy within his works, and developed a heavy artillery and musketry fire. By this operation I advanced our lines, particularly on the extreme right, to very close proximity to the rebel works. These proved to be his main lines, covered by troublesome abatis and other entanglements. June 24, 25, and 26, the corps remained in the same position. June 27, in General Thomas' special field orders, of June 26, I was required to assault the enemy's works at some point near the left of General Stanley's division. General Palmer, with his column on my right, was directed to carry the enemy's works in his front. The whole movement was to take place at 8 a. m. After a careful examination of the ground, I found only two points where the troops could have a reasonable cover in Stanle
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 20 (search)
particularly deserve my thanks, and won my admiration on this occasion for their almost superhuman efforts and great gallantry displayed. June 22, occupied the same position; the enemy kept up a constant and heavy skirmish fire on us, and at times during the day opened a very heavy artillery fire. June 23, at 3 a. m. was relieved by Colonel Scribner's brigade, Fourteenth Army Corps, and moved to the right about one mile, and relieved portions of Generals Harker's and Kimball's brigades. June 24, advanced skirmish line (Eightyfirst Indiana) and seized a ridge occupied by the enemy's skirmishers. One hundred and first Ohio and Twenty-first Illinois moved closely in support of skirmish line, and with assistance of pioneers soon had good works on the ridge. The Ninetieth Ohio was then moved up and completed the line. The enemy resisted this advance stubbornly and continued to annoy us very much during the night. My regiments engaged performed their work in an admirable manner. J
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 23 (search)
regiment, and carries my best wishes wherever it may go. June 23, I was ordered to take the skirmish line in my front. Ordering forward the Eighty-fourth Indiana, Colonel Neff commanding, they gallantly assaulted and took the enemy's line, with 28 men and 2 officers prisoners, Before the line could be strengthened by defenses, the enemy rallied and drove in a portion of the Eighty-fourth Indiana, but they held the most important portion of the line against every effort to dislodge them. June 24, 25, and 26, my position was unchanged, and the time was occupied in throwing up defenses, night and day, while being constantly engaged in heavy skirmishing. June 27, I was ordered to support an assaulting column composed partly of different brigades. The brigade I was ordered immediately td support being General Harker's, I took and maintained the position assigned me. The enemy's skirmish line being taken, was occupied and held by the Forty-fifth and Fifty-first Ohio and Twenty-first K