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Congressional. Washington. Jan. 11. --Senate--Several memorials in favor of the Union were received and referred. Mr. Hunter's resolutions offered read as follows: Whereas, certain forts, magazines, arsenals dock yards and other needful buildings, have been placed under the executive jurisdiction of the U. States by cession to that effect from certain States, and it may be the desire of one or more of these States to resume the jurisdiction thus ceded: Therefore, be it. Resolved, That the President of the U. States ought to be authorized by law, upon application of the Legislatures or regular Conventions of the people of any such States, to retrocede this jurisdiction to any such States, upon taking proper security for the safe keeping and return of all the property of the United States or paying the value of the same if injured or destroyed by the act of any State making the application. Mr. Hunter said, in offering the resolutions, that he had no hope of
From North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 11. --Both Houses of the Legislature were engaged yesterday and to-day on the State Convention question which has become complicated by mixing State constitutional reforms with Federal matters. An amendment, for an open and a restricted Convention has been offered. No vote has been taken.
An engagement expected. Charleston, dispatch to the Courier, from Montgomery, Ala., says: "Fort Pike has been taken by Louisiana. "The Federal troops have stationed all the forts in Pensacola harbor except Fort Pickens, where they have concentrated. Three hundred men have left Mobile to surprise Fort Pickens." [Second Dispatch.] New Orleans Jan. 11. --Forts Jackson and St. Phillips, on the Mississippi, and Fort Pike, at the entrance of Lake Pontchartrain, have been seized by New Orleans troops. There was no resistance.
From Washington. Washington, Jan. 11 --In the Executive session, Gen. Dix, of New York, was nominated Secretary of the Treasury, and was confirmed. Great anxiety is felt about Seward's speech tomorrow, as it is believed it will be a fair exponent of Lincoln's views regarding the present state of affairs, and foreshadow his own case as Secretary of State. Mr. Brown, editor of the Constitution, has received official notification of the withdrawal of Government advertisements from that paper. The supposed cause is his recent article on Secretary Holt. Lieut. Talbot is reported to have arrived and held an interview with the President. It is authoritatively stated that Mr. Holt will be appointed permanent Secretary of War. The Interior and Post-Office Departments are still vacant. The Mississippi delegation will withdraw from Congress to-morrow.
From Charleston. Charleston, Jan. 11 --The excitement here has somewhat abated, in consequence of pacific news from Washington. Enlisting soldiers still goes on, but all is quiet. The Legislature did nothing to-day.
The Daily Dispatch: January 12, 1861., [Electronic resource], Death of a member of the South Carolina Convention. (search)
Death of a member of the South Carolina Convention. Charleston, Jan. 11 --Henry T. Conner, member of the South Carolina Convention, died at 6 o'clock this morning. He was a banker.
From Texas. New Orleans, Jan. 11 --Galveston (Texas) dates to the 8th say the candidates favoring a Southern Confederacy were chosen in that city for the State Convention. The Indian depredations continued.
Federal Buildings at st. Louis. St. Louis Jan. 11 --By order of Gen. Scott, a detachment of troops took possession of the sub treasury, post-office and custom house here to-day.
Salutes for Secession. Augusta, Ga., Jan. 11 A salute of 100 guns for Florida, and the same number for Alabama, were fired to-day.
The Secession of Florida. Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. 11 --Florida seceded yesterday, a 20 minutes past 12 o'clock, by a vote of 62 to 7.
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