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Marine Disasters. Norfolk, Dec. 3. --Schooner Sallie, of Milton, Del. with coal, bound from Baltimore to New York, sprung a leak and ran ashore near Hampton Bar. Vessel and cargo will be saved. Schooner Conocary is ashore near Lambert's Point, with mainmast gone. U. S. surveying schooner Crawford arrived here with loss of both anchors and foremast sprung. She will be taken to the navy-yard for repairs.
Naval. Gosport, Va., Dec. 3. --The U. S. steamer Pensacola, now in the dry-dock, will come out in about ten days, and proceed to Washington, where her machinery will be completed and alterations made.
Discharge from the Navy-Yard, Gosport, Va., Dec. 3, --Fifty-two hands were discharged from the Navy-Yard to-day.
Bank Suspensions. Augusta, Ga., Dec, 3. --The Banks of this city suspended specie payment this morning.
Baltimore, Dec. 5. --Arrived, schr. Mignonette, Richmond. Cleared, brig Virginia, Richmond. Newark, Dec. 1.--Arrived, schr. Magellan, Norfolk. Fall River, Dec. 3.--Arrived, schr. Susan and Mary, Norfolk. New York, Dec. 4.--Arrived, schr. Wythe, Richmond, Dec. 5.--Arrived, schr, Jamestown, Latourette, Richmond.
The New York Journal of Commerce of Monday afternoon, says: The money market is irregular; those borrowers who are enabled to control bank facilities find it pleasant to obtain needed supplies at 7 per cent.; but these who are left to the tender mercies of the street, meet with a very inhospitable reception in that climate, just now pinched with frost, and submit to 1½@2 per cent. per month or go without the accommodation. There is no change for the worse in the tone of the market, and some claim that they can detect more cheerfulness than was noticeable on Saturday. Sales in New York. December 3, of $12,000 Tenn. 6's at 76; $4,000 do, at 76½ $6,000 do, at 77; $2,000 Va. 6's at 80½ $24,000 do. at 80, and $12,000 N. C. 6's at 82
Fire at Oswego, N. Y. Oswego, N. Y., Dec. 3. --A fire last night destroyed the Washington Block, consisting of four stores, Washington Hall, offices, &c. also two other stores adjoining, and stables and a liquor store in the rear. The loss on buildings is some $20,000; insured for $15,000. Loss on the stock of Butler & Gales, druggists, $1,000; insured. Henry Adriance, bookstore, loss 9,000, insured for $6,100. W. H. Adriance, bookstore, loss $1,000; insured for $2,000. Russell & Quackenbush, liquor store and rectifying establishment, loss two to three thousand dollars; mostly insured.--Alken, tavern keeper; Dunning, stables, and various offices, loss, two to four thousand dollars mostly insured.
The New York Banks. New York, Dec. 3. --The increased loans last week were $1,019,000; decrease of specie, $212,600; decrease of deposits, $1,650,000.
Baltimore, Dec. 4.--Arrived, schr. William and John, Richmond; cleared, schrs. Lucy Penn, Tappahannock; J. M. Tarr, Fredericksburg; Jno. Allen, Richmond. Portland, Dec. 1.--Cleared, schr. E. L. Hammond, Richmond; arrived, schr. Flying Cloud, from Vindnaven, for Norfolk. Philadelphia, Dec. 3.--Cleared, schr. S. D. Bellows, Norfolk, Dec. 4. --Cleared steamer Virginia Richmond. New York, Dec. 4.--Cleared, steamer Jamestown, Richmond. Arrived, schr. Wythe, Tuttle, Richmond.
Massachusetts Municipal elections. Fall River, Dec. 3. --E. A. Buffington, Republican, was re-elected Mayor to-day, with the entire Republican ticket for the City Council. New Bedford, Dec. 3.--Issac C. Tober, citizen's candidate, wasDec. 3.--Issac C. Tober, citizen's candidate, was elected Mayor, with a large majority of the City Council on the same ticket. Lawrence, Dec. 3.--Joseph R. Baker, Republican, was elected Mayor by 400 majority. The City Council is Republican. Springfield, Dec. 3.--The vote for Mayor to-dDec. 3.--Joseph R. Baker, Republican, was elected Mayor by 400 majority. The City Council is Republican. Springfield, Dec. 3.--The vote for Mayor to-day was a tie. Five Democratic and three Republican Aldermen were elected. The Common Council stands — Republicans, 14; Democrats, 4. Boston, Dec. 4.--James D. Green was reelected Mayor of Cambridge yesterday, by 16 plurality, over Mr. Sargent.Dec. 3.--The vote for Mayor to-day was a tie. Five Democratic and three Republican Aldermen were elected. The Common Council stands — Republicans, 14; Democrats, 4. Boston, Dec. 4.--James D. Green was reelected Mayor of Cambridge yesterday, by 16 plurality, over Mr. Sargent. In Chelsea, Frank B. Fay was elected by 342 majorit
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