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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ion of the historical notices in the satires themselves will at once prove that this opinion is untenable, although we must carefully separate what is certain from what is doubtful. Thus it is often asserted that the thirteenth satire belongs to A. D. 119 or even to A. D. 127, because written sixty years after the consulship of Fonteius (see 5.17), as if it were unquestionable that this Fonteius must be the C. Fonteius Capito who was consul A. D. 59, or the L. Fonteius Capito who was consul A. D. 67, while, in reality, the individual indicated is in all probability C. Fonteius Capito, who was consul A. D. 12, since we know, from Statius, that Rutilius Gallicus (see 5.157) was actually city praefect under Domitian. Again, the contest between the inhabitants of Ombi and of Tentyra is said (15.27) to have happened " nuper consule Junio; " but even admitting this name to be correct, and the MSS. here vary much, we cannot tell whether we ought to fix upon Appius Junius Sabinus, consul A. D.
Monta'nus CU'RTIUS, was accused by Eprius Marcellus in A. D. 67 of libelling Nero. The charge was disproved, but Montanus was exiled. At his father's petition, however, he was shortly afterwards recalled, on condition of abstaining from all public employments. In A. D. 71 Montanus was present in the senate, and, on Domitian's moving the restoration of Galba's titles and statues, he proposed that the decree against Piso also should be rescinded. At the same time Montanus vehemently attacked the notorious delator, Aquilius Regulus. (Tac. Ann. 16.28, 29, 33, Hist. 4.40, 42, 43 ) If the same person with the Curtius Montanus satirised by Juvenal (4.107, 131, 11.34), Montanus in later life sullied the fair reputation he enjoyed in youth. (Tac. Ann. 16.28.) For Juvenal (ll. cc.) describes him as a corpulent epicure, a parasite of Domitian, and a hacknied declaimer. Plinythe Younger addressed two letters to Curtius Montanus (7.29, 8.6.) [W.B.D]
at Roman virtue. In the latter part of this year he visited Achaea with a great train, to show his skill to the Greeks as a musician and charioteer, and to receive the honours which were liberally bestowed upon him. While Nero was in Achaea, Cestius Gallus, the governor of Syria, sent him intelligence of his defeat by the Jews, who were in arms; on which Nero sent Vespasian, the future emperor, to carry on the war against them, and Mucianus to take the administration of Syria. In the year A. D. 67 Nero was present at the Olympic games, which had been deferred from the year 65 in order that so distinguished a person might be present. To commemorate his visit he declared all Achaea to be free, which was publicly proclaimed at Corinth on the day of the celebration of the Isthmian games. But the Greeks paid dear for what they got, by the price of every thing being raised in consequence of Nero's visit; and they witnessed one of his acts of cruelty, in putting to death, at the Isthmian ga
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Paulus, Ju'lius the brother or Claudius Civilis, who was the leader of the Batavi in their revolt from Rome, A. D. 69-70. On a false charge of treason Julius Paulus had been previously put to death by Nero's legate, Fonteius Capito, in A. D. 67 or 68. (Tac. Hist. 4.13, 32.) [CIVILIS.]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Rufus, Ju'lius 1. Consul A. D. 67 with L. Fonteius Capito. He died of a carbuncle, as is related by the elder Pliny. (H. N. 26.1. s. 4.)
Sporus was a beautiful youth of servile origin, who bore a striking resemblance to Poppaea Sabina, the wife of Nero. On the death of Sabina in A. D. 63, Nero became passionately fond of this youth, had him castrated, dressed as a woman, and called by the name of Sabina. He carried this disgusting folly so far as to marry Sporus publicly in Greece, in A. D. 67, with all the forms and ceremonies of a legal marriage. Sporus returned with Nero to Rome in the following year, fled with him from the city when the insurrection broke out against the tyrant, and was present with him at his death. Otho, who had been one of the companions of Nero in his debaucheries, lived on intimate terms with Sporus after his accession to the throne; but Vitellius having commanded Sporus to appear as a girl upon the stage in the most degrading circumstances, he put an end to his life to escape from the indignity (D. C. 62.28, 63.12, 13, 27, 64.8, 65.10; Suet. Ner. 28, 46, 48, 49 ; Aurel. Vict. Caes. 5, Epit. 5
Ursicinus Saint, a physician in the ancient district of Liguria, who was converted to Christianity at a very early period by some of the immediate followers of the Apostles. He went to Ravenna, where he performed numerous cures, and was at the same time careful to take advantage of every opportunity of converting his patients to Christianity. Here he suffered martyrdom, A. D. 67, at the command of C. Suetonius Paulinus, after suffering many cruel tortures, during which his faith and courage had once well nigh failed. His memory is commemorated by the Romish Church on June 19, but his name does not appear in the Greek calendar. (" Passio S. Ursicini," &c. in Muratori, Rer. Ital. Script. vol. i. pt. ii. p. 560, &c.; Acta Sanct. June 19, vol. iii. p. 809, &c.; Hieron. Rubei Ital. et Raven. Hist.) [W.A.G]
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