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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 50: last months of the Civil War.—Chase and Taney, chief-justices.—the first colored attorney in the supreme court —reciprocity with Canada.—the New Jersey monopoly.— retaliation in war.—reconstruction.—debate on Louisiana.—Lincoln and Sumner.—visit to Richmond.—the president's death by assassination.—Sumner's eulogy upon him. —President Johnson; his method of reconstruction.—Sumner's protests against race distinctions.—death of friends. —French visitors and correspondents.—1864-1865. (search)
dent's last breath, at twenty-two minutes past seven, the next morning. Sumner's movements that evening are detailed by A. B. Johnson in Scribner's Magazine, October, 1874, p. 224, in the correspondence of the Boston Journal, April 15, and in Chaplin's Life of Sumner, pp. 413-417, which contains a statement furnished by Moorfield Storey. These accounts, like most of the accounts of that night, are likely to contain inaccuracies and discrepancies. A bystander, at one in the night, wrote: Senof the municipal authorities, delivered the eulogy upon him in Boston. Works, vol. IX. pp. 369-428. The services were held in the Music Hall. A colored clergyman, by the expressed preference of the orator, served as one of the chaplains. Chaplin's Life of Sumner, p. 422. The delivery began late in the afternoon, and occupied nearly two hours. The tone of the eulogy was solemn, beginning, In the universe of God there are no accidents, and recognizing the divine Providence Such recogni
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, chapter 10 (search)
oore; Boston Commonwealth, April 4.1868, by C. W. Slack: San Francisco Post, March 24, 1874, by R. J. Hinton; Chicago Tribune, March 20, 1871, and March. 1874, by G. A. Townsend (Gath); New York Tribune, April 5, 1891, by Mrs. Janet Chase Hoyt; Chaplin's Life of Sumner, pp. 471-479. In one corner, the one farthest from his chamber, was his desk, above which, on a shelf, were kept five books,—Harvey's Shakespeare and Hazlitt's Select British Poets (both bought with college prize-money), Roget'xperience of Sumner and Stanton on the night of Mr. Lincoln's assassination. Feb. 2. 1868. Forster's Life of Dickens, vol. III. p 386: Dickens's Letters, vol. II. pp. 407, 410, 411. Mr. Storey's account of the conversation will be found in Chaplin's Life of Sumner, pp 413-416. Ladies were very rarely at his table,—only Mrs. Charles Eames, widow of his early friend, Mrs. J. E. Lodge, and Mrs. Claflin, who came with her husband. The Marquis de Cliambrun dined often with him, and few foreig
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 4, Chapter 58: the battle-flag resolution.—the censure by the Massachusetts Legislature.—the return of the angina pectoris. —absence from the senate.—proofs of popular favor.— last meetings with friends and constituents.—the Virginius case.—European friends recalled.—1872-1873. (search)
s resolution with the applause of General Scott and General Robert Anderson. Where is Massachusetts civilization? Thus far our Commonwealth has led in the great battle of liberty and equality. By the blessing of God she shall lead again in smoothing the wrinkled front of war. Thanks, and God bless you! To E. L. Pierce he wrote gratefully for his effort before the committee, which was so much praised. I feel it in my heart. His letter to Mrs. Claflin, March 11, 1873, is printed in Chaplin's Life of Sumner, p. 438. Sumner did not anticipate when he arrived from Europe the prostration which was at hand. He wrote, November 28, the day before he reached Washington: My strength is perceptibly increasing. I have walked to-day, and with a stronger step and more natural gait than for a long time. The angina pectoris now returned, and a week later he wrote to his physician:— Two nights ago I heard the lecture of Professor Tyndall, during which I sat one and a half hours
Cambridge sketches (ed. Estelle M. H. Merrill), Some Cambridge schools in the olden time. (search)
d most honorable, howbeit as is said in the Book of Samuel, we attained not unto the first three. Our schoolhouse stood on the south side of Austin street, about midway between Temple and Prospect streets. Nearly opposite were the houses of Dr. Chaplin and Judge Fay with gardens on each side extending from Prospect street to Inman and back almost to Harvard street. Dr. Chaplin was a then celebrated physician. Several cottages in the garden were occupied by his insane patients whom the boys Dr. Chaplin was a then celebrated physician. Several cottages in the garden were occupied by his insane patients whom the boys and girls in the school opposite used to see walking about the grounds, or riding forth, a melancholy troop of six or eight. They were always mounted on white horses, sometimes with the stately doctor at their head, oftener with an attendant. This man was an early and zealous abolitionist, and as for some reason now forgotten the school had taken a dislike to him, among its lessons were laid up the resolutions not to go crazy, even for the sake of riding on white horses; and on no account to
James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 4: (search)
anding at Matthias Point with a small party of men. He was accompanied by Lieutenant Chaplin of the Pawnee. His object seems to have been to clear away the woods on oats, Ward returned to the Freeborn, and opened fire on the advancing column. Chaplin landed his handful of men a second time, and threw up a breastwork; but about e from the vessel ceased. In consequence of this accident, signal was made to Chaplin to return; but the enemy had now advanced within two hundred yards, and opened a galling fire upon the party. Chaplin collected his men and sent them to the boats, waiting himself until the last. When he came to the beach, only one man remained with him, and the boat had drifted out. But Chaplin, who was a man of uncommon character, was unwilling to bring it back under the enemy's fire; and as the man who was with him could not swim, Chaplin took him on his shoulders, musket and all, and swam out with him to the boat. After Ward's death, Commander Craven succeed
Blockading squadron, North Atlantic, 90 et seq. Blockading squadron, South Atlantic, 90, 105 et seq.; disposition of, 115, 116 Blockading squadron, West Gulf, 123 British Government, warlike preparations of, 180 et seq.; violation of neutrality by, 190, 200, 225 et seq. Brooke, Lieutenant John M., 22; restores Merrimac, 54 Brooklyn, the, 11, 121, 173 et seq., 195, 198 Buchanan, Captain, Franklin, commands Merrimac, 62; wounded, 68, 76 Cape Fear River, 91 et seq. Chaplin, Lieutenant, bravery of, 86 Charleston, S. C., blockade of, 34, 84 et seq., 87 et seq., 107 et seq.; attempts to raise blockade of, 109, 111 et seq., 158 et seq. Chicora, the, attempts to raise blockade of Charleston, 109 et seq. Clarence, the, 186 Clifton, the, 143, 144 (note), 146 et seq., 152 Collins, Commander, Napoleon, captures the Florida, 189; his act disavowed, 189 et seq. Colorado, the, 121, 172 Confederate Government, naval policy of, 168 et seq.; its agents abroad
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 13: (search)
Hardee's corps on the right of Perryville, left resting near the academy, and General Cheatham on the left of the town; Chaplin's fork of Salt river which runs through the village from the south, being substantially the line. There had been some s line by transferring General Cheatham's division to the extreme right, and advancing Hardee's corps to the west side of Chaplin's fork. About two and a half miles north of Perryville, Doctor's creek, a small stream from the southwest, empties into Chaplin's fork, and near this junction was Cheatham's right. Upon his right was Wharton's cavalry, while Wheeler's cavalry covered the left wing of the army. In the meantime General McCook, who did not march from Mackville until 5 a. m., had ars filled with the sound of battle, and shot and shell were screaming and exploding all along the line. The west bank of Chaplin's fork is a high bluff, with cedars, and commanded a perfect view of the battlefield. The ground rising by a gentle asc
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
A. J M. Hill, 1st Lt. Co. B. Ro. Powers, Capt. Co. C. E. Burson, 2nd Lieut. Co. C. Wylie H. Horton, 1st Lieut. Co. D. Thos. C. Ferguson, Capt. Co. E. J. B. Fondren, Capt. Co. F. James Longbridge, 1st Lt. Co. F. A. F. Rotenbery, 1st Lt. Co. H. A. W. Denman, Capt. Co. I. M. H. Fowler, Capt. Co. K. M. N. Coker, 1st Lt. Co. K. E. D. Clowes, Capt. Co. F, Commanding 47th Ala. Regiment. J. R. Burton, Surgeon. J. P. Cooke, Asst. Surg. D. J. Smith, Ensign. T. N. White, Chaplin. J. H. Ham, Capt. Co. A. E. B. Langley, 1st Lieut. Co. A. T. J. McDonald, Capt. Co. B. J. H. Knox, 1st Lieut. Co. D. Jno. W. Coleman, 1st Lieut. Co. D. J. Q. Burton, Capt. Co. H. J. F. Bentley, 2d Lt. Co. H. L. C. W. Vincent, Capt. Co. I. J. F. Burgess, 1st Lieut. Co. I. J. A. Frazer, 2nd Lieut. Co. I. S. R. McLendon, 1st Lt. Co. H. J. W. Wiggonton, Major 48th Ala. Regiment. Jno. N. Doyle, Surgeon 48th Ala. Regiment. W. S. Pinson, Asst. Surgeon 48th Ala. Regiment. A. O.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
L. Groves, 1st Lt. Co. I, 35th Ga. W. Boswell, 1st Lt. Co. K, 35th Ga. W. P. Hill, Sr. Ass't Surg. 35th Ga. W. B. Penn, Jr. Ass't Surg. 35th Ga. T. J. Simmons, Col. 45th Ga. R. W. Hordman, Adj't 45th Ga. W. C. Goodwin, Ass't Surg. 45th Ga. E. B. Barrett, Chaplain 45th Ga. W. H. Brown, 1st Lt. Co. C, 45th Ga. J. B. Munson, 1st Lt. Co. D, 45th Ga. W. A. Chambers 1st Lt. Co. G, 45th Ga. J. A. M. Hodges, 2d Lt. Co. I, 45th Ga. L. B. Duggan, Maj. 49th Ga. J. J. Hyman, Chaplin 49th Ga. L. E. Veal, 1st Lt. Co. A, 49th Ga. S. M. Andrews, Capt. Co. D, 49th Ga. C. R. Walden, 2d Lt. Co. E, 49th Ga. R. T. Anderson, Capt. Co. K, 49th Ga. N. C. Whetstone, Ass't Surg. 49th Ga. F. B. Henderson, Surg. 14th Ga. J. J. Dement, Surg. 49th Ga. [57] Fourteenth Georgia Regiment. Field and Staff. Sergeant-Maj. J. W. Banks, Ord. Sergeant H. Correll, Com'y Sergeant G. W. Dumas, Mus'n J. H. Groves, E. L. Wood. Co. A. 1st Sergeant R. W. McGinty, 5
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 30. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.26 (search)
he battle was set in array as follows: The Federal forces under Crittenden, Gilbert and McCook along the western slope of Doctor's creek from the Springfield road across the Mackville road to near the mouth of Doctor's creek, with an obtuse angle at the point where the Mackville road crossed Doctor's creek, the Federal line extending toward the northwest, with its extreme left turned slightly to the rear to accommodate itself to a position along the hills. Hardee took position between Chaplin and Doctor's creek, with Johnson and Cleburne, near the obtuse angle in the Federal line, which was the center of the fight. Adams and Powell, with their brigades, were placed on the left of the Confederate line to protect from Crittenden. Cheatham's three brigades were moved to the extreme right along Chaplin creek, ready for an assault on Terrell and Webster's Brigades of Jackson's Division. Wharton, with a small command of cavalry, was placed at the Confederate right to strike the Fed
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