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1864. The above order will be read at least three times to every regiment, battery, and detachment of this command. By order of Major-General McPherson. William T. Clark, A. A. G. J. W, Barnes, A. A. G. two miles North-West of Big Shanty, Georgia, July 11, 1864. After halting two days in the vicinity of Acworth to recruiaiting developments. Not more than half an hour after General McPherson had left me, viz., about 12:30 P. M. of the twenty-second, his Adjutant-General, Lieutenant Colonel Clark, rode up and reported that General McPherson was either dead or a prisoner; that he had ridden from me to General Dodge's column, moving as heretofore deless than six or seven thousand. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, John A. Logan, Major-General, commanding Fifteenth Army Corps. Lieutenant-Colonel W. T. Clark, Assistant Adjutant-General. The endorsement upon the above report is as follows: headquarters Department of the Army of the Tennessee, befo
Doc. 58. battles of the Wilderness, Va: the battle of Thursday, May 5, 1864. From midnight of Tuesday until the dawn of Thursday the fifth, the Army of the Potomac, closely succeeded by that of Burnside, had been crossing the Rapidan river, the Second corps of Ely's, the Fifth and Sixth corps at Germania ford. The enemy, from their signal station on Clark's mountain, observed the entire movement — a fact distinctly ascertained by our own signal officers, who deciphered their messages during the day. The order issued to the Army of the Potomac, Wednesday night--after the crossing of that Army had been effected, and when Burnside was on the way — directed it to move forward in parallel lines, Hancock's corps to the vicinity of Shady Grove Church, the Fifth and Sixth corps along the Germania plank-road to Old Wilderness Tavern and beyond. The Fifth and Second corps were, to connect as soon as possible, throw out strong reconnoissances toward Catharpen run, Todd's Tavern, and o
ich we were ready to sail, to the nineteenth. On the twentieth, Tuesday; twenty-first, Wednesday; twenty-second, Thursday; and twenty-third, Friday, it blew a gale. I was occupied in coaling and watering the transport fleet at Beaufort. The Baltic, having a large supply of coal, was enabled to remain at the place of rendezvous, with a brigade on board of twelve hundred men, and General Ames reported to Admiral Porter that he would co-operate with him. On the twenty-third I sent Captain Clark, of my staff, from Beaufort on the fast-sailing armed steamer Chamberlain, to Admiral Porter to inform him that on the evening of the twenty-fourth I would again be at the rendezvous with the transport fleet, for the purpose of commencing the attack, the weather permitting. At four o'clock on the evening of the twenty-fourth I came in sight of Fort Fisher, and found the naval fleet engaged in bombarding it, the powder-vessel having been exploded on the morning previous, about one o'cl
in sight Captain McKnight opened upon them with canister. They separated in front, and, coming in on the right and left, surrounded the guns. A rebel color-bearer immediately mounted and planted his colors on the parapet. In the meantime Captain Clark's First New Jersey battery, which was posted in the breast-work further to the right, opened on the enemy, and contributed considerably to cheek his further advance. The rebels quickly turned upon us the captured guns, and at the same time concentrated a fire of some twenty other pieces on Captain Clark's single battery. The epaulement in which this battery was placed was well battered by the solid shot which came pouring over from the fortifications of the enemy. While this work was going on at the right of the corps, a part of the rebel attacking column, which by this time had been deployed in line of battle, was still pressing down upon the left. The interval between the right of the Sixth corps and the left of the Second
.5723,270.77 Circulation222,105.00193,530.00172,480.00 Deposit34,060.1231,843.9530,883.58 Surplus Fund19,166.09 Profit and Loss14,914.04 34,080.15 Deduct Dividend four per cent, payable Jan. 7th12,000.00 Deduct Tax on Dividend800.00 Deduct Bonus on Capital 750.00 13,550.00 Balance to Surplus Fund.2,500.13 The undersigned, Directors of the Danville Bank, at Danville, Va., hereby certify that the within statement has been examined, and believed to be correct. W. T. Sutherlin, President. John R. Price. S. H. Holland. Abner Anderson. State of Virginia, Corporation of Danville, to wit: This day personally appeared before me, Wm. T. Clark, an Alderman for said corporation, John M. Johnston, Cashier of the Danville Bank, at Danville, Va., and made oath that the annexed statements, made out from the books of the Bank aforesaid, are correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Given under my hand this 4th day of January, 1861. will. T. Clark, Aid.
Public meeting in Danville. --At a meeting of a portion of the citizens of Danville, Va., and of Caswell county, N. C., held in Danville, on the 30th November, 1861. Mayor William T. Clark was called to the chair, and C. W. Watkins appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting having been explained by George W. Read, Esq., R. W. Lyles, Esq., moved that a committee of — be appointed to draft suitable resolutions for the action of the body. The chairman appointed the following genwith the authorities of North Carolina, and assure them of our readiness to do all in our power to further the great work in contemplation. On motion, the preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted. On motion, Resolved, That the Danville, Richmond, (Va.,) Raleigh, and Greensboro', (N. C.) papers be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting. The meeting then adjourned. Wm. T. Clark, Chm's. C. W. Wateine, Rec'y, Papers reference to please copy,
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