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ed men, armed with long-range carbines, were repeatedly dislodged by his bold onslaughts, while Flournoy and Harman nobly supported the Seventh in the critical moment, when confronted by two brigades uch as either General Jackson or General Lee would have done had either been present. That Colonel Flournoy did not enter the place till two or two and a half hours after its capture; he may have beeplace, when a regiment arrived unmolested from the north side of the railroad, commanded by Colonel Flournoy, I think. The time of their arrival I can fix with tolerable precision, as my note to General Jackson was written at three A. M., [which please correct,] and I sought Colonel Flournoy, who had come in a short time before to obtain a courier to bear the note. As to the statement of Gener and Twelfth regiments of Virginia cavalry to reenforce Colonel Munford, leaving the Sixth, Colonel Flournoy, in reserve. Without waiting, Colonel Munford made a brilliant and dashing charge with his
obertson's hands. Many brilliant incidents of the Gettysburg campaign testify to the efficiency of the cavalry on both sides. While Stuart was off on the left of the Confederate army, Robertson's brigade was on the right. General W. E. Jones was sent, with three regiments, to protect the wagon train near Fairfield. Near that place, the Sixth United States Cavalry, under Major Starr, met the Seventh Virginia, and decidedly worsted that gallant regiment; but the Sixth Virginia, under Major Flournoy, took its place, and the tide was turned. The Sixth United States was routed, its brave commander was wounded and captured, with one hundred and eighty-four of his command. As Lee fell back from Gettysburg, the Potomac River was much swollen. From the 8th to the 11th of July, Stuart was engaged in guarding the front of the Confederate army, waiting for the waters to fall. Cavalry engagements, of more or less severity, with the divisions of Buford and Kilpatrick, took place at Boone
Edward Porter Alexander, Military memoirs of a Confederate: a critical narrative, Chapter 6: Jackson's Valley campaign (search)
s camp, and, crossing the Shenandoah, also set fire to the bridge behind him, but Jackson's men rushed in and saved it, though so damaged as to make the use of it slow and difficult. Jackson, crossing at a ford with the 6th Va. Cav., under Col. Flournoy, charged the enemy, capturing the two guns and 600 prisoners, the enemy losing 154 killed and wounded, and the Confederates only 26. Even a more brilliant success might have resulted here but for an unfortunate failure of our staff servicion of his force. Gen. Steuart pushed on to Martinsburg, where he captured a large amount of army stores. There is good reason for believing that had the cavalry played its part in this pursuit as well as the four companies had done under Col. Flournoy two days before in the pursuit from Front Royal, but a small portion of Banks's army would have made its escape to the Potomac. This narrative shows how our efficiency was impaired by our deficiencies of discipline. Our strategy, marchin
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 5: return to Strasburg (continued)—Banks's flight to WinchesterBattle of Winchester. (search)
h's (4 guns) batteries, and of the Second and Sixth Virginia Cavalry under Colonels Munford and Flournoy, numbering (including the cavalry) about 8,000,--increased Jackson's effective force to about 1ay Jackson's army, with three regiments of cavalry, Cavalry regiments of Ashby, Munford, and Flournoy, with eight battalions of artillery. was within twelve miles of our principal outpost at Front from flight across the passes of the Blue Ridge towards Washington, while Ashby's cavalry with Flournoy, crossing the South Fork of the Shenandoah, moved to intercept the little band to the west towaton, where a bridge and some fortifications were occupied by the two companies from my brigade; Flournoy's movements were made between Buckton and Front Royal. This force quickly threw themselves iennsylvania, his artillery, and a few cavalry. Now Jackson ordered the new cavalry force under Flournoy to charge. It is claimed that Kenly's line was somewhat broken before Jackson gave this order,
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 6: battle of Winchester (continued)—Federal retreat across the Potomac to Williamsport. (search)
rses and a few men; but even this was stopped a short distance beyond Martinsburg. After twenty-four miles of mounted pursuit of foot-men, even the cavalry was tired. Where was Steuart with his three cavalry regiments,--Ashby's, Munford's, and Flournoy's,--to oppose General Hatch with less than one (he had, as it will be remembered, less than nine hundred men at Strasburg). Undoubtedly a feeble pursuit by cavalry was made on the Harper's Ferry road and on the railroad, where broken parts of oueven ordinary ability would have done, under similar circumstances? Feeling the necessity of defending him, Dabney or Cooke, or both of them, aver that General Jackson ordered General Steuart to follow with his cavalry and capture us, even as Flournoy had ridden down and captured Kenly on the 23d in his attempt at escape; and that Steuart would not obey, because he was under the immediate command of Ewell, from whom he had received no orders. What man of military fame would not blush at such
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Index (search)
r, in Massachusetts,--course pursued by General Gordon in, 2 et seq. Evans, N. G., General, commands Rebel forces at battle of Ball's Bluff, 78. Ewell, General, Rebel. officer, 175. Confers with Jackson as to the attack on Banks, 182. Enumeration of his forces, 183 (note). Moves with Jackson to attack Banks at Strasburg, 199, 200. At battle of Winchester, 230, 235, 236. At battle of Cedar Mountain, 288, 289. F Female soldier, a, in the Forty-sixth Penn. Regiment, 56, 57. Flournoy, Colonel, Rebel cavalry officer under Stonewall Jackson, 187. Defeats the Federal Colonel Kenly at Cedarville (Va.), 189. Forrest, de, Colonel, 258. Francis, Major, of the Second Massachusetts, his account of the fighting between Newtown and Winchester, 221 (note). Fremont, General John C., 113. With McDowell, drives Stonewall Jackson from the Shenandoah Valley, 255. Refuses a command under General Pope, 264. French, Lieutenant, 70. Fulkerson, Colonel, Rebel officer, 124,
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 3 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Index (search)
L., 585 Fisher, Sydney George, 347 Fiske, John, 188, 192-93, 230, 231-33 234 Fiske, Minnie Maddern, 294 Fitch, Clyde, 266, 271, 274, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283-85, 287, 294 Fitch, Thomas, 428 FitzGerald, 488 Fitzhugh, George, 339, 340 Five years at Panama, 162 Flaubert, 105 Flaxius, 25 Flaxman, 460 Fletcher, Alice, 616, 617 n., 628, 629 Fletcher, John, 510 Fleurs d'amerique, 595 Fling out the banner, 500 Floe Ella, 512 Florida sketch Book, a, 165 Flournoy, 249 n. Follen, Karl, 451, 585, 586 Following the Equator, 12 Following the Guidon, 160 Fool's errand, a, 86 Fool's Prayer, the, 58 Foote, 337 Footing it in Franconia, 165 Footprints, 44 Forbes, James, 295 Force, Peter, 173, 175, 183 Ford, Paul Leicester, 91, 287 Forcellini, 461 Foregone conclusion, a, 79, 274 Foreign Conspiracies against the liberties of the United States, 345 Forms of water, 181 Forrest, Edwin, 268 Forrest, Thomas, 493 For the coun
mand. The First and Third cavalry made a regiment, with Gates, colonel; Samuels, lieutenant-colonel; Parker, major. The First and Fourth infantry had, before that time, been consolidated. The Second and Sixth infantry were consolidated, with Flournoy, colonel; Carter, lieutenant-colonel; Duncan, major. Colonel Hudspeth of the Sixth was retired because of wounds. Maj. T. M. Carter, by right of seniority, was entitled to the command, but waived his claim, as did other officers, in favor of CCaptain Flournoy. The First and Third infantry were consolidated, with Mc-Cown, colonel; McDowell, lieutenant-colonel; Williams, major. Colonel Gause was sent west of the Mississippi on recruiting service, and Lieutenant-Colonels Bevier and Garland were ordered to Richmond to take charge of exchanged Missouri prisoners of war. Thus six regiments of infantry and one of dismounted cavalry were consolidated into four regiments, which constituted what was known distinctively as the Missouri brigade
rider hanging limp and useless by his side. Colonel Garland and Major Parker, of the First, and Major Caniff, of the Third regiment, and nineteen other commissioned officers, were killed in the front of the battle, beside a large number wounded and missing. The brigade lost 457 out of 687 men. When it joined General Johnston it was 1,630 strong. After the charge at Franklin its whole strength was 240. Before the battle the First regiment was commanded by Colonel Gates, the Second by Colonel Flournoy, the Third by Major Caniff and the Fourth by Colonel Garland. After the battle the First was commanded by Lieutenant Guthrie; the Second by Lieutenant-Colonel Cooper; the Third by Capt. Ben Guthrie, and the Fourth by Captain Wickersham. Many of the men were killed inside the inner works, having fought their way, in spite of all opposition, over the intrenchments and into the enemy's stronghold. It was strictly an infantry fight, the artillery, except Bledsoe's battery, taking no part
ates —Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas and Missouri—but the agreements they made and the resolutions they adopted were without practical effect. There were meetings of the high military officers who ought to have understood the situation—which was fight or surrender—and they were more undecided and divided in opinion than those of the civil officers. Shelby at last left his division at Marshall and went to Shreveport. There he got a meeting of the military men —Churchill, Hawthorn, Preston, Flournoy and others—at which it was agreed and counselled that the army should be concentrated on the Brazos and should fight step by step to the Rio Grande, thereby giving the States east of the Mississippi opportunity to act, and if the worse came to the worst the army could make terms with one government or the other in Mexico. This was Shelby's proposition. But before this time General Smith had been engaged in a correspondence with Gen. John Pope of the Federal army on the subject of a
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