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Browsing named entities in George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10. You can also browse the collection for William Franklin or search for William Franklin in all documents.

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t American secretary for foreign affairs, communicated to Franklin the final instructions for negotiating peace; and the firm tone of Franklin's reply awakened new hopes in congress. While the conditions of peace were under consideration, Americority of nineteen. The next day, Edmund Burke wrote to Franklin: I congratulate you as the friend of America; I trust notymaster for himself, and lucrative places for his kin. Franklin in Paris had watched the process of the house of commons tion which was to bring a breathing time to the world. Franklin had rightly divined the future, and his overture arrived e, and gave his approval, alike to the attempt to sound Mr. Franklin, and to the employment of Oswald, who had passed many yg as friend to friend, Shelburne answered the overture of Franklin in a letter, which is the key to the treaty that followedBritish nation should be ripe for peace. In this manner, the American negotiation was left in the hands of Franklin alone.
where on the sixteenth he went straightway to Franklin. 16. The latter, speaking not his own opiniofairs, he allowed himself to be introduced by Franklin to Vergennes, who received with pleasure assuld ever have a real peace. In a like spirit, Franklin intrusted to Oswald Notes for Conversation, inet on his report agreed to send him again to Franklin to acquaint him of their readiness to treat ft welcome. After receiving him at breakfast, Franklin took him in his own carriage to Versailles; ace the independence of the United States, and Franklin refused to accept at second hand that indepenrequent conversations of the young envoy with Franklin, who received him with constant hospitality, d to the recovery of Gibraltar for Spain; and Franklin answered: It is nothing to America who has Gi82. can conditions for a separate peace. But Franklin would not unfold the American conditions to ao treat with America; but, when questioned by Franklin, he was obliged to own that he was acting wit[8 more...]
aw any instance of his being insincere, wrote Franklin, long after Shelburne had retired from officenfidence in the sincerity and good faith of Dr. Franklin has not been misplaced, and that he will coensation of refugees a part of the treaty. Franklin recommended, but not as an ultimatum, a perfe closed with the understanding by Oswald that Franklin was ready to sign the preliminary articles ofd American affairs, accepted the ultimatum of Franklin in all its branches; only, to prevent the biction, as they contain unequivocal proofs of Dr. Franklin's sincerity and confidence in those with w countries. In this view I go further with Dr. Franklin perhaps than he is aware of, and further, po soon and never waited too long, belonged to Franklin, who had proceeded alone to the substantial c be a tacit confession of your independence. Franklin had made no objection to the commission, and still believed that it would do. To Franklin, Jay made the remark: The count does not wish to see o[4 more...]
to the Americans, was communicated to Jay and Franklin. Jay was thrown from his equipoise. Having s (if any should arise) may be relied on; but Franklin neither criminated France, nor compromised hi: I look upon the treaty as now closed. Both Franklin and Jay had agreed that, if it should be apprtif et de certain á cet égard, Messrs. Jay et Franklin se tenant dans la reserve la plus absolue à m same day, Adams called for the first time on Franklin, who at once put him on his guard as to the B the unsettled points of the treaty. Jay and Franklin had left the north-eastern boundary to be setunsettled parts of the coast of Nova Scotia. Franklin said further: I observe as to catching fish yefin- 4. itively overruled the objections of Franklin to the recognition by treaty of the validity and so would have been fatal to the treaty. Franklin saw the danger and interposed: If any furtherby a declaration in the preamble. Friends of Franklin gathered around him, and as the Duke of Roche[12 more...]
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