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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 6.35 (search)
one more able and brave Virginian fighting in defence of principles cherished throughout his life, and for his home and for his kindred. Of all those native-born Virginians who turned their swords against Virginia, there is but one who added strength to the opposing section. Thomas, alone, of them all, was able and efficient in the armies of those to whom he transferred his allegiance. And while Virginia holds up to the emulation of her youth the examples of Lee, of Jackson, and of Johnston, she will ever deplore that a son so brave and so able as Thomas was did not fight by their side. He has now gone to his account. What motives, what influences decided his course, God alone knows. But he was a loss to the Southern army, and a tower of strength to the army of the North. They had none like that Virginian Thomas. He was sedate, reflective, calm, self-reliant, resolute. There was in his demeanor, in the massive proportions of his person, in his clear blue eye, in
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 3 (search)
t the Mallarys' till the creek became fordable, for we knew it would fall as rapidly as it had risen. We bid our soldier friends good-by, and drove away to the Mallarys', where we spent a pleasant day and night. Gen. and Mrs. Dahlgren called after dinner and said that we ought to have stopped with them. Mrs. Dahlgren is a beautiful woman, and only twentytwo years old, while her husband is over sixty. He is a pompous old fellow and entertained us by telling how his influence made Gen. Joseph E. Johnston commander-in-chief of the Army of Tennessee; how Hood lost Atlanta by not following his (Dahlgren's) advice; how he was the real inventor of the Dahlgren gun, which is generally attributed to his brother, the Yankee admiral-and so on. March 23, Thursday We left the Mallarys' soon after breakfast and were successful in crossing the creek. It seems hard to believe that this stream, which is giving so much trouble now, will be as dry as a baked brick next summer. The road on t
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 4 (search)
r the night before, and had to sleep out under the trees with her little children. She is a sensible woman, and didn't seem disposed to make a martyr of herself, but I felt ashamed for Georgia hospitality. Our other companions joined us at Mayfield, and the Toombses brought the general with them. I was glad to see him safe thus far, out of Yankee clutches, but I would not like to be in his shoes when the end comes. He brought confirmation of Lee's surrender, and of the armistice between Johnston and Sherman. Alas, we all know only too well what that armistice means! It is all over with us now, and there is nothing to do but bow our heads in the dust and let the hateful conquerors trample us under their feet. There is a complete revulsion in public feeling. No more talk now about fighting to the last ditch; the last ditch has already been reached; no more talk about help from France and England, but all about emigration to Mexico and Brazil. We are irretrievably ruined, past th
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 5 (search)
n were coming in all day, with busy faces, to see Mr. Harrison, and one of them brought news of Johnston's surrender, but Mr. Harrison didn't tell anybody about it except father, and the rest of us wecon for Col. Weems by hauling it away in his wagon and concealing it in his smokehouse. All of Johnston's army and the greater portion of Lee's are still to pass through, and since the rioters have d escort of cavalry, a very imprudent thing for a man in his position to do, especially now that Johnston has surrendered, and the fact that they are all going in the same direction to their homes is t taken prisoner and made his escape without being paroled, and since the surrender of Lee's and Johnston's armies, he really is, it seems, the ranking ordnance officer in the poor little remnant that in the village, and I pray God they will have the grace to spare us that insult, at least until Johnston's army has all passed through. The soldiers will soon return to their old route of travel, and
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, V. In the dust and ashes of defeat (may 6-June 1, 1865). (search)
ake their escape without being paroled at all. Johnston's army is pouring in now. People are getting used ugh the streets are as crowded and dusty as ever. Johnston's men are coming through in full tide, and there iparoled. Contrary to their agreement with Lee and Johnston, the Yankees now want to deprive these men of theiumbers of our rebel soldiers are passing through. Johnston's army is now in full sweep. The town is throngedrove is alight every night with the camp fires of Johnston's men. I often go out to talk with them in the evegether over the capture of our beloved President. Johnston's army will soon have all passed through, and thenhe ones that have brought it about any better. Johnston's army has nearly all gone. The last large body onized, poverty-stricken, starving men of Lee's and Johnston's armies. Against the thousands and tens of thousbreaking up of three Confederate armies; Lee's and Johnston's have already passed through Washington, and Gen.
e not under arms or on duty at the time, and their admiration, as they saw the tall form of the general, standing in full uniform next the battery, and in full view from the gunboat, was evidenced by loud cheers. On one occasion only did General Johnston have a case presented to him in which my knowledge of the border States could be of any use to him. Some Unionist of local prominence (whose name I forget) had been brought in as a civilian prisoner, and, as usual in such cases, there was a ever heard of that expedient, and, soon finding himself relieved, got me to explain how the effect was produced; of course, he was perfectly familiar with the atmospherical laws which elucidated it. A very warm friendship grew up between General Johnston and myself; my admiration of his character and military abilities is such that I consider his death to have been the greatest blow which the Confederacy received. More than any other officer that I have met, he appreciated the great militar
his. career in his sixty-first year. General Bragg met his death at Galveston, Texas, September 27, 1876, by heart-disease. He was struck, while crossing a street, and died as suddenly as if he had met his fate on the battle-field. Colonel Johnston continues: The brief sketch which I have given shows that his service in the late war was large, varied, and active, and the time during which he was in command, from Shiloh to Dalton, comprises the most eventful period of the war in tpleasure many acts of personal kindness and friendship of which I was the recipient at his hands, and for which, despite the occurrence of the circumstances which led to severance of association, I shall ever hold him in grateful memory. Colonel Johnston also mentions his lack of that power of conciliation so necessary to the commander of volunteer troops. Circumstances give to Colonel J. S. Johnston's estimate of General Bragg a more than ordinary judicial character. They are inserted
nel. R. E. Lee was in the cavalry, and a lieutenant-colonel; Joseph E. Johnston was quartermaster-general, and ranked as lieutenantcolonel; Bre also as adjutant-general; Bragg and Polk were in Tennessee, and Johnston in the Valley; Beauregard was alone at Manassas, having Evans, Eweor the great struggle. At the same time, telegrams informed us of Johnston's retreat to Winchester and Strasburgh; and he himself had arrivedwith one or two brigades, was on his way by railroad. The rest of Johnston's army, it was expected, would reach us before Sunday, and participate in the general engagement. This was excellent news, and Johnston's manoeuvres raised him high in the opinion of the men. During the ur strength. The idea, if correct, was commendable; yet, although Johnston had made every possible preparation for the transport of his forceleaders. To encourage the troops, a report was spread that all Johnston's force had safely arrived, together with several thousand additio
reparations for a final advance on both sides arrival of Johnston's reenforcements total rout of the enemy. From variouserious fears were entertained regarding the remainder of Johnston's command in the Shenandoah, for it was now nearly three bed the peace of this calm and beautiful Sabbath morning, Johnston and Beauregard had gal_ loped forward, and taken up a posse, against vast odds, suffering severely at every yard. Johnston and Beauregard furiously galloped to the left, to retrievportune moment, General Beauregard led on one wing, while Johnston, grasping the colors of the Fourth Alabama, rode to the feft. I must here remind the reader that the remainder of Johnston's army had been anxiously expected from the Shenandoah Vaned by the intelligence of his arrival at this juncture. Johnston's men have come at last! was the remark from mouth to moattacked them on the right flank and rear, Beauregard and Johnston, also, threw forward their whole line, and with loud shou
f that be true, the President replied, our right place is on the field with the boys. Rapidly galloping towards the line of fire, he discovered Kirby Smith's brigade advancing at the double-quick, in obedience to the order just received from Beauregard, and the President being recognized, a wild, enthusiastic yell burst from the men as they furiously dashed on the Yankee flank, and instantly broke it! The scene of confusion that then ensued was truly appalling, Believing that the whole of Johnston's army was in the rear, the right wing of the enemy broke and fled in inextricable confusion, crossing the Run at different points, and infusing a panic into whole brigades and divisions, as already related. To return to my remembrances of the field after the battle. Manassas Junction, when I reached the spot, resembled a vast fair. Hundreds of persons were moving about from enclosure to enclosure, viewing the parti-colored prisoners, who were temporarily confined in sheds. In one pl
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