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James Russell Soley, Professor U. S. Navy, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 7.1, The blockade and the cruisers (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 6: (search)
ff the guns. One night in October of the same year the Venus, one of the finest and fastest of the vessels in the Nassau-Wilmington trade, made the blockading fleet off New Inlet. She was first discovered by the Nansemond, commanded by Lieutenant Lamson. Lamson was always on the alert, and his work was always done quickly and thoroughly. After a short chase, he overhauled the Venus. When abeam he opened fire on her. Four well-directed shells played havoc with the blockade-runner. The fLamson was always on the alert, and his work was always done quickly and thoroughly. After a short chase, he overhauled the Venus. When abeam he opened fire on her. Four well-directed shells played havoc with the blockade-runner. The first struck her foremast; the second exploded in the cabin; the third passed through forward, killing a man on the way; and the fourth, striking near the water-line, knocked in an iron plate, causing the vessel to make water fast. This was good practice, at night, with both vessels making nearly fourteen knots. The blockade-runner headed straight for the shore, and she was no sooner hard and fast, than the boarders had taken possession, and captured her officers and crew. As it was impossible
M. of the 23d, the powder-boat Louisiana, Commander Rhind and the officers before mentioned, was taken in tow by the Wilderness, Master Arey in command, and Lieutenant Lamson, commanding the Gettysburg, on board to take her into position. The Louisiana, though having steam, was towed in and piloted by the Wilderness to near her station, when she was cast off. Lieutenant Lamson, Mr. Bradford, of the Coast Survey, and Mr. Bowen, bar-pilot, were of the greatest service in perfecting arrangements and carrying out the plan successfully. The officers and crew of the Wilderness shared whatever of risk or danger attended the enterprise. At 11.30 the Wildernessy, and by the explosion of the magazine, Paymaster Gillett and Ensign Leighton. There were wounded in the assault, Lieutenant-Commander Allen, Lieutenants Bache, Lamson, and Baury; Ensigns Evans, Harris, Chester, Bertwistle, O'Connor, Coffin, and Wood; Acting-Master Louch, and Mates Green, Simms, and Aldridge. In relation to F
, Ensign M. L., conduct commended, 62; again commended, 102 Johnson, Neils, 69 Jones, Ensign, 200, 211 Jordan, Thomas, 78 Josselyn, of the Commodore Hull, 210 Judah, the, Confederate privateer, 69 Juniata, the, 156, 222, 228 K. Kansas, the, 210, 228 Kempff, Acting Master, 43 Keokuk, the, 90 et seq., 99 et seq., 116 Keystone State, the, U. S. vessel, 75, 80 et seq. Kitchen, Paymaster, 58 L. Lamb, Colonel, William, 226, 237, et seq., 240 Lamson, Lieutenant, 220, 237 Lancer, the, 179 Lardner, Captain J. L., 16, 21 Lamed, Lieutenant, 165 Latham, Captain, 198 Leckler, Colonel A. A., 78 et seq. Lee, Admiral S. P., 203 et seq.; relieved by Porter, 216 Lee, General Robert E., 48 (note), 52, 56 et seq. Lehigh, the, U. S. monitor, 138, 141, 146 Leighton, Ensign, 237 Lenapee, the, 242 Lenthal, John, Chief of Construction Bureau, 3 Lillian, the, 229 Lincoln, Abraham, elected President, 1 et seq., 105 et seq., 12
Catherine Thompson. Fanny Tufts. Peggy Tufts. Sarah Wait. Harriet Wait. Mary Warner. Sallie Burgess. There is also given Mary Lane of Ten Hills Farm, Medford; but I am told Ten Hills Farm belongs to Somerville. Of this number the fullest account is of Miss Hannah Swan, as she considerately kept her own name to the end. Miss Hannah Swan and Miss Ann Rose of London were Mrs. Rowson's assistants. The former was the daughter of Major Samuel Swan and Hannah (Frothingham) Lamson, and was born August 13, 1785. She died in Medford, August 8, 1862, aged seventy-six years, eleven months. Mr. Abijah Thompson gives the following account of Miss Swan:— My first remembrance of Miss Swan was in my youthful days, 1835-36. While in Woburn, Massachusetts, she made her home in the family of the Rev. Joseph Bennett, pastor First Congregational Church. I well remember attending a children's party with my little sister, given to the children at the parsonage. This was to in
s, Lieutenant Commanding Join Gunboat Sciota six guns, Lieutenant Commanding Edward Donaldson. Gunboat Miami, six guns, Lieutenant Commanding A. D. Barroll. Gunboat Owasco, five guns, Lieutenant Commanding John Guest. Gunboat Winna four guns, Lieutenant Commanding T. Nichols; Executive officer, John G. Walker. Gunboat Wis five guns, Lieutenant Commanding N. Smith. Gunboat Kine, five guns, Lieutenant Commanding George H. Ransom. Schooner Ki nine guns, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Lamson. Gunboat Harriet Lane, six guns, Lieutenant Commanding J. M. Wainwright, with Commander David D. Porter, who has twenty-one schooners, composing "Porter's mortar fleet," each carrying a heavy mortar and two thirty-two guns. The fleet, therefore, consists of forty-six salt, carrying two hundred and eighty-six guns, and twenty-one mortars the whole under command of Flag Officer D. S. Farragut--Henry H. Bell, Flag Captain. The capture of Fort Macon. The Raleigh State Journal
of the monitor Lehigh, which, besides bursting her 15-inch gun, had her engine damaged, and this afternoon the tugboat James F Freeborn, Capt. Waring, tows her to New York for repairs. The following vessels constituted the naval force under the command of Rear Admiral S. P. Lee, in the James river:. Monitor battery Lehigh, Captain Howell; monitor battery Sangainon, Captain Nicholson, gunboat Mabaska, Captain J. B. Creighton; gunboat Morse, Capt. Babcock; gunboat Commodore Birney, Lieutenant Lamson; gunboat Commodore Jones, gunboat Shockoe, gunboat Seymour, tug Allen, tug Young America, despatch-boat Mount Washington. The practical reason for the failure in reducing Fort Darling, or compelling the rebels to surrender, was the absence of mortar boats. Fort Darling is situated on an at least one hundred and fifty feet from the water line, and is therefore able to fire plunging shots on any advancing boat. However, a mortar boat, after once attaining the proper range, could m
The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1864., [Electronic resource], Burial of the Yankee Minister at Paris. (search)
Yankee Minister at Paris. --A letter from Paris, dated the 6th instant, gives an account of the burial of the remains of Mr. Dayton, the Yankee Minister to France. It says: "The last sad duties to the remains of the late American Minister to France were performed this afternoon in the American Chapel of the Rue-de-Berry. The reading of the opening services was shared in by the Rev. Dr. Sunderland, pastor of the church; the Rev. Dr. Cleveland, of New Haven, Connecticut, and the Rev. Mr. Lamson, of the American Episcopal Church in the Rue Bayard. The choirs of the two churches were united on the occasion, under the direction of Mr. Crane, and with the magnificent new organ, and the admirable solo voice of Mrs. Riggs, of New York, the effect of the service was grand and impressive.--Rev. Dr. Sunderland pronounced an able and appropriate eulogy on the eminent public services and private qualities of the deceased, and was in turn followed by Mr. Consul Bigelow, who also spoke
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