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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Paragraphs. (search)
Approved June 30, 1882. S. D. McENERY, Governor of the State of Louisiana. A true copy: will A. Strong, Secretary of State. The Board of Directors as at present constituted are: Army of Northern Virginia—Francis T. Nichols, President; John H. Murray, Louis Prados, John J. Fitzpatrick, John W. T. Leech. Treasurer, John H. Murray. Army of Tennessee—J. A. Chalaron, John Augustin, A. J. Lewis, W. H. Rogers, R. Lambert. A. J. Lewis, Secretary. We need scarcely add that under such managemenTreasurer, John H. Murray. Army of Tennessee—J. A. Chalaron, John Augustin, A. J. Lewis, W. H. Rogers, R. Lambert. A. J. Lewis, Secretary. We need scarcely add that under such management the success of the Home is already an assured fact. All honor to our Louisiana Confederates! renewals are always in order, and very much so just at this time. We have on our books a number of names whose time is out, and we need just now their renewal fees. We shall send them a gentle hint, to which we hope they will respond by sending us the $3. And we beg our friends not only to send us their own renewals, but to see to it that their neighbors do the same. Our present subscription <
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 12. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraph. (search)
need your subscription now. the Lee camp Fair, held in Richmond, was a splendid success, and a very handsome sum was realized for the Confederate Home. So soon as the plans of the committee are fully matured, we will announce them; but we may say that in the meantime more money will be needed to carry out these plans, and contributions to the fund are still in order. the soldiers' home of the State of Louisiana has been fully organized, with General F. T. Nichols as President, and John H. Murray as Treasurer, and we have received the report for the year ending 1st of May, 1884, which gives a most encouraging exhibit of its affairs. They have twenty-two inmates of the Home, and seem to have made all proper arrangements for their care, and admirable regulations for the management of the Home. Colonel Heros von Borcke, the gallant and accomplished Prussian, who tendered his sword to the Confederacy and served with such distinction on the staff of General J. E. B. Stuart, is n
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