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Euripides, Andromache (ed. David Kovacs) 80 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 80 0 Browse Search
Homer, Odyssey 62 0 Browse Search
John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2 58 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Helen (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 50 0 Browse Search
Sophocles, Philoctetes (ed. Sir Richard Jebb) 46 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Hecuba (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 44 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 36 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 30 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Electra (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 28 0 Browse Search
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Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 538 (search)
eat, when upon his waveless noonday couch, windless the sea sank to sleep—but why should we bewail all this? Our labor's past; past for the dead so that they will never care even to wake to life again.Why should we count the number of the slain, or why should the living feel pain at their past harsh fortunes? Our misfortunes should, in my opinion, bid us a long farewell. For us, the remnant of the Argive host, the gain has the advantage and the loss does not bear down the scale;so that, as we speed over land and sea, it is fitting that we on this bright day make this boast:Or “to this light of the sun.”“The Argive army, having taken Troy at last, has nailed up these spoils to be a glory for the gods throughout Hellas in their shrines from days of old.”Whoever hears the story of these deeds must extol the city and the leaders of her host; and the grace of Zeus that brought them to accomplishment shall receive its due measure of gratitude. There, you have heard all that I ha
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 583 (search)
words have proved me wrong. I do not deny it; for the old have ever enough youth to learn aright.But these tidings should have most interest for the household and Clytaemestra, and at the same time enrich me. Enter Clytaemestra Clytaemestra I raised a shout of triumph in my joy long before this, when the first flaming messenger arrived by night, telling that Ilium was captured and overthrown.Then there were some who chided me and said: “Are you so convinced by beacon-fires as to think that Troy has now been sacked? Truly, it is just like a woman to be elated in heart.” By such taunts I was made to seem as if my wits were wandering. Nevertheless I still held on with my sacrifice, and throughout all the quarters of the city, according to their womanly custom,they raised a shout of happy praise while in the shrines of the gods they lulled to rest the fragrant spice-fed flame. So now why should you rehearse to me the account at length? From the king himself I shall hear the whole ta
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 782 (search)
Chorus Enter Agamemnon and Cassandra, in a chariot, with a numerous retinueAll hail, my King, sacker of Troy, off-spring of Atreus!How shall I greet you? How shall I do you homage, not overshooting or running short of the due measure of courtesy? Many of mortal men put appearance before truth and thereby transgress the right.Every one is ready to heave a sigh over the unfortunate, but no sting of true sorrow reaches the heart; and in seeming sympathy they join in others' joy, forcing their faces into smiles.But whoever is a discerning shepherd of his flock cannot be deceived by men's eyes which, while they feign loyalty of heart, only fawn upon him with watery affection.The figure is of wine much diluted. Now in the past, when you marshaled the army in Helen's cause,you were depicted in my eyes (for I will not hide it from you) most ungracefully and as not rightly guiding the helm of your mind in seeking through your sacrifices to bring courage to dying men. But now, from the dept
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1080 (search)
Cassandra Apollo, Apollo! God of the Ways,Cassandra sees an image of Apollo, the protector on journeys, close to the door leading to the street (a)guia/).my destroyer! For you have destroyed me—and utterly—this second time. *)apo/llwn is here derived from *)apo/llumi, “destroy”—nomen omen. The god had “destroyed” her the first time in making vain his gift of prophecy (1209 ff.); whereby she became the object of derision in Troy. Chorus I think that she is about to prophesy about her own miseries. The divine gift still abides even in the
Aeschylus, Agamemnon (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 1455 (search)
O mad Helen, who did yourself alone destroy these many lives, these lives exceeding many, beneath the walls of Troy. Now you have bedecked yourself with your final crown, that shall long last in memory,because of blood not to be washed away. Truly in those days strife, an affliction that has subdued its lord, dwelt in the house.
Aeschylus, Eumenides (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 436 (search)
s. It is the law for one who is defiled by shedding blood to be barred from speech until he is sprinkled with the blood of a new-born victim by a man who can purify from murder.Long before at other houses I have been thus purified both by victims and by flowing streams. And so I declare that this concern is out of the way. As to my family, you will soon learn. I am an Argive; my father—you rightly inquire about him—was Agamemnon, the commander of the naval forces; along with him, you made Troy, the city of Ilion, to be no city. He did not die nobly, after he came home; but my black-hearted mother killed him after she covered him in a crafty snare that still remains to witness his murder in the bath.And when I came back home, having been an exile in the time before, I killed the woman who gave birth to me, I will not deny it, as the penalty in return for the murder of my dearly-loved father. Together with me Loxias is responsible for this deed,because he threatened me with pains, a
Aeschylus, Libation Bearers (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 264 (search)
ebrows in the dark.He cannot sleep through terror of the Erinyes of his murdered kin whom he has not avenged.And with his body marred by the brazen scourge, he is even chased in exile from his country.And the god declared that to such as these it is not allowed to have a part either in the ceremonial cup or in the cordial libation; his father's wrath, though unseen, bars him from the altar; no one receives him or lodges with him; and at last, despised by all, friendless, he perishes,shrivelled pitifully by a death that wastes him utterly away. Must I not put my trust in oracles such as these? Yet even if I do not trust them, the deed must still be done. For many impulses conspire to one conclusion. Besides the god's command, my keen grief for my father,and also the pinch of poverty—that my countrymen, the most renowned of mortals, who overthrew Troy in the spirit of glory, should not be subjected so to a pair of women. For he has a woman's mind, or if not, it will soon be found ou
Aeschylus, Libation Bearers (ed. Herbert Weir Smyth, Ph. D.), line 363 (search)
Electra No, not even beneath the walls of Troy, father, would I wish you to have fallen and to be entombed beside Scamander's waters among the rest of the host slain by the spear.I wish rather that his murderers had been killed by their own loved ones, just as they killed you, so that someone in a distant land who knew nothing of these present troubles should learn of their fatal doom.
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
d painted by Polygnotus at Delphi, the blind musician was portrayed sitting with long flowing locks and a broken lyre at his feet (Paus. 10.30.8). Euterpe had by the river Strymon a son Rhesus, whom Diomedes slew at Troy;As to the death of Rhesus, see Hom. Il. 10.474ff.; compare Conon 4. It is the subject of Euripides's tragedy Rhesus; see particularly verses Eur. Rh. 756ff. Euripides represents Rhesus as a son of the river Strymon by one ” which he applies to him may refer to the god's general paternity in relation to gods and men. Him Zeus cast out of heaven, because he came to the rescue of Hera in her bonds.See Hom. Il. 1.590ff. For when Hercules had taken Troy and was at sea, Hera sent a storm after him; so Zeus hung her from Olympus.See Hom. Il. 15.18ff., where Zeus is said to have tied two anvils to the feet of Hera when he hung her out of heaven. Compare Apollod. 2.7.1; <
Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 1 (search)
Scholiast on Aristoph. Ach. 418; Ant. Lib. 37; Hyginus, Fab. 175. The story furnished Euripides with the theme of a tragedy called Oeneus. See TGF (Nauck 2nd ed.), pp. 536ff. Nevertheless Diomedes afterwards came secretly with Alcmaeon from Argos and put to death all the sons of Agrius, except Onchestus and Thersites, who had fled betimes to Peloponnese; and as Oeneus was old, Diomedes gave the kingdom to Andraemon who had married the daughter of Oeneus, but Oeneus himself he took with him to Peloponnese. Howbeit, the sons of Agrius, who had made their escape, lay in wait for the old man at the hearth of Telephus in Arcadia, and killed him. But Diomedes conveyed the corpse to Argos and buried him in the place where now a city is called Oenoe after him.Compare Paus. 2.25.2. And having married Aegialia, daughter of Adrastus or, as some say, of Aegialeus, he went to the wars against Thebes and Troy.
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