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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 16. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 1 1 Browse Search
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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The historical basis of Whittier's <persName n="Frietchie,,Barbara,,," id="n0044.0081.00618.13102" reg="default:Frietchie,Barbara,,," authname="frietchie,barbara"><foreName full="yes">Barbara</foreName> <surname full="yes">Frietchie</surname></persName>. (search)
, Let me take you by the hand, May you live long, you dear old soul, cried one after the other, as they rushed into the yard. Aunt being rather feeble, and in order to save her as much as we could, cousin Harriet Yoner said, Aunt ought to have a flag to wave. The flag was hidden in the family Bible, and cousin Harriet got it and gave it to aunt. Then she waved the flag to the men and they cheered her as they went by. She was very patriotic and the troops all knew of her. The day before General Reno was killed he came to see aunt and had a talk with her. The manner in which the Frietchie legend originated was very simple. A Frederick lady visited Washington some time after the invasion of 1862 and spoke of the open sympathy and valor of Barbara Frietchie. The story was told again and again, and it was never lost in the telling. Mr. Whittier received his first knowledge of it from Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth, the novelist, who is a resident of Washington. When Mrs. Southworth
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Stonewall Jackson in Maryland. (search)
erry and Sharpsburg proved the wisdom of Hill's request and of Jackson's compliance with it.) During the 14th, while Jackson was fixing his clamps on Harpers Ferry, McClellan was pushing against Lee's divided forces at Turner's Gap. Hooker and Reno, under Burnside and under the eye of General McClellan, were fighting the battle of South Mountain against D. H. Hill and Longstreet. Here Reno and Garland were killed on opposite sides, and night ended the contest before it was decided. At the Reno and Garland were killed on opposite sides, and night ended the contest before it was decided. At the same time Franklin was forcing his way through Crampton's Gap, driving out Howell Cobb commanding his own brigade and one regiment of Semmes's brigade, both of McLaws's division, Parham's brigade of R. H. Anderson's division, and two regiments of Stuart's cavalry under Colonel Munford. The military complications were losing their simplicity. Being advised of these movements, Jackson saw that his work must be done speedily. On Monday morning, at 3 o'clock, he sent me to the left to move Jones
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The battle of Antietam. (search)
thought it was done at Hooker's solicitation and through his desire, openly evinced, to be independent in command. I urged Burnside to assume the immediate command of the corps and allow me to lead only my own division. He objected that as he had been announced as commander of the right wing of the army composed of two corps (his own and Hooker's), he was unwilling to waive his precedence or to assume that Hooker was detached for anything more than a temporary purpose. I pointed out that Reno's staff had been granted leave of absence to Doubleday's division of Hooker's Corps crossing the Upper fords of the Antietam. From a sketch made at the time. take the body of their chief to Washington, and that my division staff was too small for corps duty; but he met this by saying that he would use his staff for this purpose and help me in every way he could, till the crisis of the campaign should be over. The 16th passed without serious fighting, though there was desultory cannonad
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The case of Fitz John Porter. (search)
n that Porter delayed only two hours, on account of the darkness of the night, that he marched at 3, that nothing turned upon his delay, that McDowell, Kearny, and Reno, with less distance to cover, under orders substantially similar, were similarly delayed. The vital point remains whether Porter did or did not disobey his ordersease move forward with your joint commands toward Gainesville. I sent General Porter written orders to that effect an hour and a half ago. Heintzelman, Sigel, and Reno are moving on the Warrenton turnpike, and must now be not far from Gainesville. The orders to Generals Heintzelman, Reno, and Sigel at the same hour (not producReno, and Sigel at the same hour (not produced before the court or board) were: If you find yourselves heavily pressed by superior numbers of the enemy, you will not push matters further. Fitz John Porter and King's division of McDowell's corps are moving on Gainesville from Manassas Junction, and will come in on your left. They have about twenty thousand men. The command
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
erals John G. Foster, of Fort Sumter fame, Jesse L. Reno, and John G. Parke. the first brigade (iments, and the Tenth Connecticut. The second (Reno's) consisted of the Twenty-first Massachusetts,ed by Midshipman B. F. Porter. The brigades of Reno and Parke followed. The road being swampy and gallant defense; and the fight raged fiercely. Reno brought up his brigade to the help of Foster's.ts in person, now re-formed his brigade, whilst Reno, with the Twenty-first Massachusetts and Ninth in pursuit. Foster soon followed and overtook Reno, who was maneuvering to cut off the retreat of , near Weir's Point. With a part of his force, Reno pushed on in that direction. Hawkins, with hiss as prisoners of War. in the mean time, General Reno had received the surrender of about eight hcClellan, Feb'y 10th, 1862; of Generals Foster, Reno, and Parke; of Commodore Goldsborough to Secretsly said, I owe every thing to Generals Foster, Reno, and Parke, and sadly gave the names of Colonel
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
orward in three columns, under Generals Foster, Reno, and Parke. A heavy fog lay for a short time ucticut, Colonel Mathews, went to the support of Reno in his flank movement, which that officer was cforward at the double-quick, accompanied by General Reno in person, and in a few moments was within th and Eleventh Connecticut. All this while, Reno was losing heavily from the effects of another of General Parke, at the same time sending General Reno to make further demonstrations in the rear operating at Beaufort Harbor, troops under General Reno were quietly taking possession of importantn some substantial advantages on the Sounds. Reno's force consisted of the Twenty-first Massachusat in retracing his steps he came in behind General Reno. Meanwhile the Confederates had been appris on their flanks. The attack was bravely met. Reno's superior numbers soon flanked the Confederate produced much consternation in Norfolk. General Reno allowed his wearied troops to rest on the b[3 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
eight thousand of Burnside's soldiers under General Reno, and other troops under General King; and tps upon Sulphur Springs, supported by Banks and Reno, and McDowell (joined by the Pennsylvania Reserre Gap. Sigel with his supporters (Banks and Reno), moved slowly up the left side of the Rappahanon very early the next morning. Aug. 28, 1862. Reno was ordered to march at the same time from Greed Kearney toward Gainesville, to be followed by Reno, who was to attack promptly and heavily, while ok position on Sigel's right. At the same time Reno came up by the Gainesville road to the support , and attack the fugitives, and Heintzelman and Reno, supported by Ricketts' division, were directedifficult Creek, and connect with Hooker's left; Reno to Chantilly; Heintzelman to take post on the r Port Royal Ferry, see page 128. now leading Reno's Second division, ordered a charge, which he lsorder, and to some extent put the remainder of Reno's force in confusion. Seeing this, General Kea[12 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
nder General Hooker; the Ninth, of Burnside's command, was under General Reno; the Twelfth was Banks's, which was now under General Mansfield,ton. the pike toward the Gap, followed by Cox's Kanawha division of Reno's command, while nearly the whole National army was streaming down tained that a considerable force held that part of the mountain, when Reno ordered an advance to an assault, promising the support of his wholeed by General Hatch, in the center, and resting on the turnpike, and Reno's on the left. The Confederates had much the advantage of position,nce of that portion of the battle-field on South Mountain, where General Reno was killed, as it appeared when the writer visited it, early in 1866. the field was dotted with evergreen shrubs. The place where Reno fell is marked by a stone set up by Daniel Wise, whose son owned theeaten the Confederate left. The strife on the National left where Reno had gained a foot-hold on the mountain was very severe, and continue
ly from New England, organized in three bridges, under Gens. Foster, Reno, and Parke, and embarked with their material on some 30 to 40 steam o protection from his fire. The naval battery was in our center, Gen. Reno's brigade on the right, Gen. Parke's in the center, and Gen. Fostharp fighting, the 21st Massachusetts, Col. Clark, accompanied by Gen. Reno, was ordered forward on a double-quick, and went over the Rebel b immediately rushing up, our triumph at that point was secure. Gen. Reno, on our right, seeing that he was losing heavily from the Rebel b the Chowan river without serious resistance so far as Wilton. Gen. Reno was dispatched by Gen. Burnside from Newbern to Roanoke Island, w98 wounded, which was probably more than the loss of the Rebels. Gen. Reno gave his men six hours much needed rest on the battle-field, and wounded. As Camden Court House was the only village traversed by Gen. Reno on his advance, this engagement has been sometimes designated the
tream, picking up a number of stragglers. Gen. Reno, with 8,000 of Burnside's corps, having join, including Reynolds's division, to 15,500; and Reno's to 7,000; to which add 4,000 thoroughly used ater need than did ours. McDowell, Kearny, and Reno reached, during the night, the positions assigng his right on the Manassas Gap Railroad, while Reno advanced simultaneously from Greenwich upon Man reached Bristow at 8 A. M., August 28. with Reno on his left, and was immediately pushed forwardrings road, and went in on Sigel's right; while Reno, coming up by the Gainesville turnpike, support Reynolds, afterward reenforced by McDowell and Reno, and confronted by Jackson (a, b, c), who was aenthusiastic cheers from our entire left wing. Reno's corps, also, being withdrawn from our right con the road. Gen. Isaac J. Stevens, commanding Reno's 2d or left division, at once ordered a charge fell back in disorder, uncovering the flank of Reno's other division, which thereupon fell back als[15 more...]
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