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Redfin, and Redfyn), owned house and four acres on the south side of the river in 1642, which he sold to Edward Jackson 8 Sept. 1746, and rem. to New London, Conn. Remington, John, of Newbury 1637, freeman 1639, rem. to Andover, and thence to Rowley and to Roxbury. (Farmer.) By w. Elizabeth he had John; Thomas; Jonathan, b. 12 Feb. 1639-40; Daniel, b. 2 Oct. 1641, was prob. of Boston 1680; Hannah, b. 19 June 1643, prob. the same who m. Thomas Larkin of Chs. 13 Sept. 1666; Elizabeth, b. 5 zabeth, b. about 1648, m. John Stedman of Camb. 14 May 1666, and Samuel Gibson 14 June 1679, and d. 1680, naming Jonathan Remington in her will, as her brother; Mary, b. 31 Mar. 1653, d.—Mar. 1653-4. These chil. except the first two were b. at Rowley, where Elizabeth the mother d. 24 Oct. 1658. John the f. was Lieut. of militia 1647, and removed to Roxbury, where he d. 8 June 1667. 2. John, s. of John (1), by w. Abigail, had in Rowley, John, b. 12 Mar. 1650-51; Abigail, b. 14 Sept. 1652;
in, b. 5 July 1646; John, b. 2 July 1648; Elizabeth, b. 27 May and d. 3 June 1650. Benjamin the f. was of Braintree in 1640, where he had son John. He removed to Rowley, and d. in 1671. 3. Samuel, by w. Sarah, had Thomas, b. 31 July 1710; Samuel, b. 22 Sept. 1712; Sarah, b. 9 Jan. 1714-15; Esther, b. 20 Feb. 1716-17. A Sarah ith her husband and son. 5. Samuel, s. of Thomas (1), was prob. brought up by his grandfather, Rev. Thomas Hooker, at Hartford; grad. H. C. 1658, ordained at Rowley 15 Nov. 1665, and d. 7 Ap. 1668, a. 26. His son Samuel, bap. 25 Aug. 1667, grad. H. C. 1685. 6. Jeremiah, s. of Thomas (1), grad. H. C. 1669, a candidate at Rowley 1675, at Ipswich 1678, at Lynn 1679, at which last place he was ordained, 6 Oct. 1680, and remained in the ministry about forty years, until his death 3 June 1720, a. 72. He had the reputation of piety, but probably did not equal his father or brothers in power or brilliancy of intellect. By his w. Mary (who d. 28 Mar. 1