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Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 2 0 Browse Search
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Xenophon, Anabasis (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 5, chapter 6 (search)
you with pay from the first of the month at the rate of a CyziceneA gold coin of Cyzicus, an important Greek city on the Propontis. It was equivalent in weight of gold to l lls. l d. or $7.56; but see note on Xen. Anab. 1.1.9. per month to each man; and I will take you to Troas, the place from which I am an exile, and my city will be at your service; for they will receive me willingly. Then I myself will lead you to places from which you will get an abundance of wealth. I am acquainted with Aeolis, Phrygia, Troas, and the entire province of Pharnabazus,Persian satrap of Lesser Phrygia and Bithynia. partly because I come from that region, and partly because I have campaigned there with Clearchus and Dercylidas.”A Spartan general. He had taken part in the Peloponnesian War, and was the commander under whom the Ten Thousand later served. Next rose Thorax the Boeotian, who was at odds with Xenophon over the generalship of the army, and said that once they got out of the Euxine they wo
Xenophon, Cyropaedia (ed. Walter Miller), Book 8, chapter 6 (search)
l have to ward it off.” With these words he concluded his address onCyrus appoints the satraps that occasion; and then he chose out from the number of his friends those whom he saw eager to go on the conditions named and who seemed to him best qualified, and sent them as satraps to the following countries: Megabyzus to Arabia, Artabatas to Cappadocia, Artacamas to Phrygia Major, Chrysantas to Lydia and Ionia, Adusius to Caria (it was he for whom the Carians had petitioned), and Pharnuchus to Aeolia and Phrygia on the Hellespont. He sent out no Persians as satraps over Cilicia or Cyprus or Paphlagonia, because these he thought joined his expedition against Babylon voluntarily; he did, however, require even these nations to pay tribute. As Cyrus then organized the service, so is it even to this day: the garrisons upon the citadels are immediately under the king's control, and the colonels in command of the garrisons receive their appointment from the king and are enrolled upon the king's
Polybius, Histories, book 5, Expedition of Attalus (search)
of Attalus But after reducing Milyas, and the greater part of Pamphylia, Achaeus took his departure, and arriving at Sardis kept up a continuous warfare with Attalus, and began threatening Prusias, and making himself an object of terror and alarm to all the inhabitants on this side Taurus. But while Achaeus was engaged on his expedition againstThe expedition of Attalus to recover cities which had joined Achaeus. Selge, Attalus with the Aegosagae from Gaul was going through all the cities in Aeolis, and the neighbourhood, which had before this been terrified into joining Achaeus; but most of which now voluntarily and even gratefully gave in their adherence to him, though there were some few which waited to be forced. Now the cities which transferred their allegiance to him in the first instance were Cyme, Smyrna, and Phocaea; after them Aegae and Temnus submitted, in terror at his approach; and thereupon he was waited upon by ambassadors from Teos and Colophon with offers to surrender
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 1, line 50 (search)
So, in her fevered heart complaining still, unto the storm-cloud land the goddess came, a region with wild whirlwinds in its womb, Aeolia named, where royal Aeolus in a high-vaulted cavern keeps control o'er warring winds and loud concourse of storms. There closely pent in chains and bastions strong, they, scornful, make the vacant mountain roar, chafing against their bonds. But from a throne of lofty crag, their king with sceptred hand allays their fury and their rage confines. Did he not so, our ocean, earth, and sky were whirled before them through the vast inane. But over-ruling Jove, of this in fear, hid them in dungeon dark: then o'er them piled huge mountains, and ordained a lawful king to hold them in firm sway, or know what time, with Jove's consent, to loose them o'er the world. To him proud Juno thus made lowly plea:
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams), Book 10, line 16 (search)
Yea, thy daughter dear awaits a mortal sword! If by thy will unblest and unapproved the Trojans came to Italy, for such rebellious crime give them their due, nor lend them succor, thou, with thy strong hand! But if they have obeyed unnumbered oracles from gods above and sacred shades below, who now has power to thwart thy bidding, or to weave anew the web of Fate? Why speak of ships consumed along my hallowed Erycinian shore? Or of the Lord of Storms, whose furious blasts were summoned from Aeolia? Why tell of Iris sped from heaven? Now she moves the region of the shades (one kingdom yet from her attempt secure) and thence lets loose Alecto on the world above, who strides in frenzied wrath along th' Italian hills. No more my heart now cherishes its hope of domination, though in happier days such was thy promise. Let the victory fall to victors of thy choice! If nowhere lies the land thy cruel Queen would deign accord unto the Teucrian people,—O my sire, I pray thee by yon smouldering
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