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Mydon of Soli, a painter of some note, was the disciple of the statuary Pyromachus. He therefore flourished about Ol. 138 or B. C. 228. (Plin. Nat. 35.11. s. 40.42.) [P.S]
Pru'sias I. (*Prousi/as), king of Bithynia, was the son of Zielas, whom he succeeded on the throne, and grandson of NICOMEDES I. The date of his accession is unknown, but it appears that it preceded the death of Antiochus Hierax, and may therefore be placed at least as early as B. C. 228, (Trog. Pomp. Prol. xxvii.; Clinton, F. H. vol. iii. pp. 413, 414; Niebuhr, Kl. Schrift. p. 287.) The first event of his reign, which is recorded to us, is a war with the Byzantines, in which we find him engaging in B. C. 220, in conjunction with the Rhodians. The latter were at first supported by Attalus, king of Pergamus, as well as by Achaeus, who had lately assumed the sovereignty of Asia Minor, and they endeavoured also to set up Tiboetes, the uncle of Prusias, as a competitor for the throne of Bithynia. Their efforts were, however, unsuccessful: Prusias conquered all the possessions of the Byzantines in Asia, while the Thracians pressed them closely on the European side, and they were soon comp
resenting him as the slave of every vice that was contemptible in a snan, or odious in a king. His passion for the chase is attested by the epithet of the "Huntsman" (*Kunhgo/s), by which he is sometimes designated. (Plb. 30.16, 37.2; Diod. xxxii. Exc. Vales. p. 591; Appian. Mithr. 2, 4; Liv. Epit. l.; Athen. 11.496. d.) The chronology of the reigns of the two kings who bore the name of Prusias is very obscure : the earlier writers, such as Reinerus and Sigonius, even confounded the two, and supposed that there was only one king of Bithynia of this name. Valesius (ad Polyb. 37.2) was the first to point out this error : and the subject has since been fully investigated by Mr. Clinton (F. H. vol. iii. pp. 413, 418.) If we adopt the view of the last author, we may assign to the elder Prusias a reign of about 48 years (B. C. 228-180), and of 31 years to the younger (180-149). But of these dates the only one that can be fixed with certainty is that of the death of Prusias II. [E.H.B]
siege to Epidamnus. On the arrival of the Roman fleet, however, Demetrius treacherously surrendered Corcyra into their hands, and lent every assistance to the further operations of the two consuls. These were so rapid and decisive that the greater part of Illyria quickly fell into their hands, and Teuta herself was compelled to fly for refuge to the strong fortress of Rhizon. From hence she made overtures for peace, which she at length obtained from the Roman consul, A. Postumius, in the spring of B. C. 228, on condition of giving up the greater part of her dominions, and restraining her subjects from all voyages beyond the island of Lissus. By this treaty she appears to have retained the nominal sovereignty of a small territory, while her stepson Pinnes obtained the greater part of her kingdom; but we do not again meet with her name, and it is probable that she soon after abdicated this small remnant of power. (Plb. 2.9-12; Dio Cass. Fr. 151; Zonar. 8.19 ; Appian. Illyr. 7.) [E.H.B]
Zeilas (*Zhi+/las), son of Nicomedes, king of Bithynia, and Ditizele. In consequence of the intrigues of his step-mother, Etazeta, Zeilas was compelled to take refuge with the king of Armenia. At his death Nicomedes left his throne to his children by Etazeta, to the exclusion of Zeilas, who immediately endeavored to regain his rights by force. After several battles, fought with various success, he recovered the throne, probably about B. C. 250. He was succeeded by his son Prusias about B. C. 228. (Memnon, ap. Phot. Cod. 224, p. 228, ed. Bekker; Clinton, Fasti Hellen. vol. iii. p. 413.) [C.P.
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