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The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1860., [Electronic resource], A Barbarian plot to massacre Christians. (search)
Marine Intelligence. Hampton Roads, Nov. 2 --Arrived, ship George Peabody, from Callao, via Valparaiso, with guano. Key West, Oct. 27 --The ship Ocean Star, from New Orleans, with cotton, bound for Liverpool, went ashore on Triumph reef on the 24th. She has two feet water in her hold. New York, Nov. 3 --The steamship Granada, from this port, bound to San Francisco, ran ashore in a fog at the mouth of San Francisco harbor on the 15th ult., and was a total loss. She was in charge of a pilot when the disaster occurred.
Narrow escape by Senator Douglas and Lady. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 2 --The deck of the steamer Virginia gave way while Mr. Douglas was addressing a few farewell remarks to the assemblage. He, with the crowd, were precipitated below, but providentially none were hurt. Mrs. Douglas held on to the side railing, and was rescued uninjured. Both returned to the hotel.
Louisville politics. Louisville, Nov. 2 --The streets are alive this evening with the display of bonfires and fireworks. The Bell Union procession this evening was an effective demonstration. The merchants who are members of the Union party have resolved, in view of the present crisis, to close their stores on Tuesday next, and devote the whole day to political work.
e: Naples,Nov. 3.--A part of the division of Gen. Somnas has crossed the Zarigliano, and the whole army will cross to-morrow. The iron bridge has been taken, 100 prisoners being captured at the same time. A bridge of boats has been thrown across the mouth of the Zarigliano, and another bridge is being constructed beyond the iron bridge. The Royalists had fallen back upon Gaeta. Throughout their march they were much embarrassed by the fire of the Sardinian fleet. Naples,Nov. 2.--The has been declared today. The votes are: Ayes, 1,302,064; days, 10,312. The prisoners from Capus, 9,000 in number, are arriving without arms. It is said that Victor Emmanuel will arrive here on Tuesday, Nov. 6th. Persia,Nov. 4.--The voting on the question of annexation has commenced. The concourse of people at the urns is extraordinary. Rome,Nov. 3.--Large quantities of stores and was materials have arrived here for the use of the French army. The enrollment
Port of Richmond, November 25.high Water this day (Tuesday) 3 ΒΌ o'clock. Sailed, Steamship Roanoke, Couch, New York, mdze. and passengers. Dudlam & Watson. Schr. Maria Jane, Jones, down the river, light. Schr. S. P. Hawes, Mason, D. C., coal, W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Amazon, Warren, down the river, light. Baltimore, Nov. 25.--Arrived, schr. Mist, Norfolk. Cleared, schr. Toru, Richmond. Venice, Nov. 2.--Arrived, ship John Griffin, Richmond. New York Nov. 24.--Cleared, schrs. Danville, Richmond; A. Stewart, Norfolk; Leroy, do. Boston.Nov. 23.--Arrived, schr. J. Achorn, Richmond. [by Telegraph.] Norfolk, Nov. 26. --The schr. Mary McNear, 110 days from Chincha Islands, has arrived in Hampton Roads. Passengers per Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, master from New York: P. L. Valory, J. L. Nicholson, Mrs J. F. Clough. Mrs McCracken and child Miss C. A. Lacy, P. C. Royce, J. Ketchum, Mrs J. Williams, John Williams, Geo. W. W
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1860., [Electronic resource], Servants' Clothing--Servants' Clothing. (search)
. Schr. W.S. Thomas, Johnson, Hampton Creek, oysters. Schr. Regulator, Watson, Warwick River, oysters. Sloop Elizabeth Bush, Richardson, Nansemond, oysters. Sailed, Schr. Laura Francis, Higgins, Salem, feed, W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Amos Falkenbur, Wilbert, down the river, light. Schr. D. M. French, Stiles, down the river, light. Bremen, Oct. 19.--Arr'd, ship Elena, Richmond. Liverpool, Oct. 24.--Cl'd, ship Avon, City Point. Halifax, Oct. 30.--Arr'd, schr. Truro, Richmond. Salem, Nov. 2.--Arr'd, schr. E. L. Hammond, Norfolk. New York, Nov. 5.--Arr'd, schr. Sea Witch, Fredericksburg. Nov. 6. --Cl'd, steamship Jamestown, Richmond. Arr'd, schr. Amanda, Petersburg; Mary Langdon, do.; E. C. Johnson, Fredericksburg. Portland, Nov. 3.--Cl'd, schr. Stephen Young, Richmond. Alexandria, Nov. 6.--Arr'd, schr. B. F. Rives, Richmond. Cl'd, Jno. H. Travers, do. New Bedford, Nov. 5.--Arr'd, schr. Gen. Taylor, Norfolk.
urne from whence no traveler returns. Beautiful, exceedingly, yesterday, were these ordinarily sad places. Tokens of affectionate remembrance about the tenements that line those narrow, innumerable walks, some adorning mausoleums beautiful and grand, others lending a charm to the humble graves where lie those who have not won the world's riches nor the world's honor, but far better the great wealth of true friendship or the inextinguishable affection of kinship.-- Stately tombs and lowly resting places showed alike evidences that though they had forever quitted this world of joys and sorrows, there were those that remembered all that was good of them, and visited their graves with every feeling for the dead that did honor to the living. The orphans were not forgotten. The Portuguese, the Spanish, the New Lusitanos, and other benevolent societies, were at several of the cemeteries taking up collections for the little ones left to the charity of the world.--N. O. Crescent, Nov. 2.
Letter from Havre-- Havre, Nov. 2, P. M. --The cotton market has a healthy appearance, the demand being of an animated character, and prices very full. The bales to day have been 2,400 bales, closing firm at 92f, for Orleans bus, and 99f, for do., tres ordinatre. The total stock on hand is estimated at 122,116 bales, including 113,733 American. In flour the business is moderate, and quotations are quite nominal; wheat, however, is held for extreme prices. Rice maintains the dull feeling last advised. The weather is quite cold to day, with indications of frost. The New York Journal of Commerce of Saturday afternoon says of the money market. The market opens to day without improvement, the pressure, especially among the produce dealers, being sharper than heretofore, owing to the difficulty in negotiating foreign exchange. The shippers are willing to purchase grain and flour at prices which would be acceptable to the produce commission merchants, but they ca
Convicted. --Joseph Biraght was convicted before the Hustings Court yesterday of assaulting Joseph Straus with a hatchet, on 2d November, and besides being fined $100 and costs, was sent to jail for 60 days.
Colored Wide-Awakes provided for. --Six negroes, who were in the Wide Awake parade at Bristol, Pa, on the 2d of November last, were convicted of riot on that occasion, in the Bucks County Court, last week, and sent to the penitentiary for fifteen months.--Four of them were sentenced to one year additional for breaking into the house of Joseph Downing on the same night.
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