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The roll was then called, and the decision of the Chair was sustained by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Aston, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Bouldin, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, Chapman, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, Couch, James H. Cox, Critcher, Curdway, Robert H. Turner, Franklin, B. Turner, Tyler, Whitfield, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--68. Nays.--Messrs. Ashton, Alfred M. Barbour, Baytor, Berlin, Boggess, Branch, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Byrne, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, Robert Y. Conrad, Couch, James H. Cox, Critcher, Curtis, Dent, Early, French, Fugate, Gravely, Gandolph, Richardson, Seawell, Strange, Thornton, Robert H. Turner, Wise, and Woods. --38. Nays.--Messrs. Aston, Alfred M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Jr., Boggess, Bouldin, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carter, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Dent, Deskins, Dorma
ller, Whitfield, Williams, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor--68. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Alfred M. Barbour, Baylor, Boggess, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Burloy, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter C. B. Conrad, Robert Y. Conrad, Couch, Critchilliams, Wilson, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--58. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Aston, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, C. B. Conrad, Ro. Y. Conrad, Coter, and Tarr.--14. Nays.--Messrs. Ambler, Armstrong, Aston, Alfred M. Barbour, Jas. Barbour, Baylor, Blakey, Blow, Boggess, Boisseau, Borst, Bouldin, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Bruce, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Cecil, Chapman, Coffman, Conn, C. B. Cr, Williams, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--45. Nays--Messrs. Armstrong, Aston, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Jr., Boggess, Boyd, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, Coffman, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Co
the amendment was defeated by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Berlin, Boggess, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Carlile, Clemens. C. B. Conrad, Dent, Early, Hubbard Nats.--Messrs. Armstrong, Aston, Alf'd. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Carlite,. The amendment was agreed to — yeas 133, nays 5--Messrs. Ambler, Berlin, Boggess, Harvie and Neblett voting in the negative. Mr. Speed, of Campbell, moved Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Aston, Alfred M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin. Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carter, Cleme vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Armstrong, Alfred M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Bouldin, Boyd, Branch, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Capertods, and Wysor.--68. Nays.--Messrs. Aston, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell. Caperton, Carlile, Carter, Clemens,
olph, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, R. H. Turner, F. P. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wilson, Wise, and Woods.--8. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong. Aston, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Brent. Brown, Burdett, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Deskins, Early, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Gravely, Gray, Goggin, A. Hall, E. B. Hall, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Jackson, Jeblett, Randolph, Richardson, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Speed, Strange, Thornton, Robt. H. Turner, F. B. Turner, Tyler, Williams, Wise, Woods, and Wysor.--40. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow. Jr., Boggess, Boyd, Brauch, Brent, Brown, Bruce, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Dent, Deskins, Dorman, Early, Echols, Flournoy, French, Fugate, Garland, Gillesple, Gravely, Gr
Mr. Carlile proceeded, without noticing the compliment, (which was not intended for him,) and finished his argument. The vote was then taken on the motion to strike out, and resulted as follows: Yeas.--Messrs. Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Burdett, Burley, Campbell. Carlile, Early, Ephraim B. Hall, Hubbard, Hughes, Jackson, Lewis, McGrew. Masters, Moore, Porter, Wm. C. Scott, Sharp, Alexander H. H. Stuart, and Tarr.--22. Nays,--Messrs. Ambler, Armstrong, Aston, Alfred M. Bartates to resume the powers granted under the Federal Constitution, whensoever the same shall be perverted to their injury or oppression." The amendment was rejected by the following vote: Yeas--Messrs. Aston, Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrue, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, Couch, Custis, Dent, Early, E. B. Hall, Hubbard, Hughes, Jackson, Lewis, McGrew, Masters, Moore, Osburn, Patrick, Porter, W. C. Scott, Sharp, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Summers, Tarr
ory, John Goodo, Jr., Hale, A. Hall, C. Hall, Hammond, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kindred, Lawson, Leake, C. K. Mallory, Jas. B. Mallory, Marr, Miller, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Orrick, Parks, Preston, Randolph, Richardson, Robert E. Scott, Wm. C. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Staples, Strange, Sutherlin, Tayloe, Tredway, Waller, Wilson, and Wysor.--63. Nays.--Messrs. Janney, (President.) Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Brent, Burdett, Burley, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, Clemens, C. B. Conrad, Couch, Custis, Dent, Dorman, Early, French, Fugate, Gray, Goggin, E. B. Hall, Haymond, Hoge, Holladay, Hubbard, Hughes, Jackson. Peter C. Johnston, Lewis, McGrew, Marshall, Masters, Moffett, Moore, Osburn, Patrick, Pendleton, Porter, Price, Pugh, Rives, Sharp, Sitlington, A. H. H. Stuart, C. J. Stuart, Summers, Tarr, White, Wickham, Willey, and Wise.--57. So the preamble and resolution were adopted. The Pr
, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, C. J. Stuart, Strauge, Sutherlin, Tayloe, Thornton, Tredway, Tyler, Waller, Wickham, Williams, Wilson, and wise.--108. Nays.--Messrs. Boggess, Brown, Burdett, Carlile, Carter, Early, E. B. Hall, Hughes, Jackson, Janney, Lewis, McGrew, Moore, Porter, Rives, Sharp, Summers, Tarr, White, and Willey.--2 Sheffey, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, Tyler, Williams, Wilson, and wise.--54. Nays.--Messrs. Aston, Baldwin, A. M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, C. B. Conrad, R. Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Deskius, Dorman, Dulany, Early, French, Feas and nays were demanded, and the Committee refused to strike out, by the following vote: Yeas.--Messrs. Aston, Baldwin, Alfred M. Barbour, Baylor, Berliu, Boggess, Brown, Burdett, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, C. B. Conrad, Couch, Early, Fugate, Ephraim B. Hall, Haymond, Hubbard, Jackson, Janney, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, Marsha
ent, Lawson, Leake, Marr, Marye, Montague, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, Williams, and Wise.--44. Nays.--Messrs. Aston, Baldwin, Alfred M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Branch, Brent, Brown, Bardett, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, Cottman, C. B. Conrad, Robert Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Dent, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Gravely, Gray, Addison Hall, Ephraim BC. Scott, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Spurlock, Staples, Sutherlin, Tayloe; Thornton, Tredway, Waller, White, Wickham, Williams; Wilson, and Wise.--81. Nays.--Messrs. Aston, Baldwin, Alfred M. Barbour, James Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Boggess, Beisseau, Brown, Burdett, Campbell, Carlile, Carter, C. B. Conrad, Couch, Dent, Early, Fugate, Gravely, Ephraim B. Hall, Haymond, Hubbard, Hughes, Hunton, Jackson, Janney, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, Masters, Moore, Osburn, Patrick, Pendleton, Port
urney, Garland, Graham, Gray, Gregory, Goggin Jno Goode Jr., Thos. F. Goode, Hale, Addison Hall, Cyrus Hall, L. S. Hall, Harvie, Holcombe, Hunton, Isbell, Kent, Kilby, Lawson, Leake, Charles K. Mallory, James B. Mallory, Marr, Marye, Moffet, Morris, Morton, Neblett, Parks, Richardson, Seawell, Shefffey, Southall, Speed, Surange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, Tyler, Walter, Williams, Wise, and Wysor.--60. Naye.--Messrs. Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin. Alfred M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Brent. Brown. Burdett, Burley, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, C. B. Conrad, Robt. Y. Conrad, Couch, Custis, Dent, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Gravely Eph'm B. Hall, Hammond, Haymond, Hoge, Hubbard, Hughes, Jackson, Janney, Marmaduke. Johnson, Peter C- Johnston, Lewis, McComas, McGrew, Macfarland, Marshall, Moore, Orrick, Osburn, Patrick, Pendleton, Porter, Price, Pugh, Rives, Robt. E. Scott, Sharp, Sitlington, Slaughter, Spurlock, Staples, Chapma
rris, Morton, Neblett, Richardson, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, Robt. B. Turner, Tyler, Whitfield, Williams, Wise, and Wysor.--54. Nays.--Messrs. Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Bront, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, Clemens, Coffman, C. B. Conrad, Robt. Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Dent, Deskins, Dorman, Dulany, Early, Echols, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Gravely, Gray, Aon, Seawell, Sheffey, Slaughter, Southall, Speed, Strange, Sutherlin, Thornton, Tredway, Robert H. Turner, Tyler. Whitfield, Williams, Wise, and Wysor.--54. Nays.--Messrs, Armstrong, Aston, Baldwin, Alfred M. Barbour, Baylor, Berlin, Blow, Boggess, Boyd, Brent, Brown, Burdett, Burley, Byrne, Campbell, Caperton, Carlile, Carter, Clemens, Coffman, C. B. Conrad, Robert Y. Conrad, Couch, Critcher, Custis, Dent, Deskins Dorman, Dulany, Early, Echols, French, Fugate, Gillespie, Gravely, Addison
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