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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 10., Extracts from Selectmen's Records. (search)
838. At a special meeting of the Board this evening—Voted to renew the lease of rooms in the Town House to the Association for Mental Improvement. Vol. IV, p. 61. Feb. I, 1841. Voted To Let the N. E. room in Second story of Town House to Wm. Bradbury and Others for one year, at $40.00. February 7, 1842. Voted—To let the N. E. Corner Room on the second floor of the Town House to Wm. Bradbury for the purpose of a Reading Room, for one year from the 8th inst for $39.00 in advance. Vol. I Board this evening—Voted to renew the lease of rooms in the Town House to the Association for Mental Improvement. Vol. IV, p. 61. Feb. I, 1841. Voted To Let the N. E. room in Second story of Town House to Wm. Bradbury and Others for one year, at $40.00. February 7, 1842. Voted—To let the N. E. Corner Room on the second floor of the Town House to Wm. Bradbury for the purpose of a Reading Room, for one year from the 8th inst for $39.00 in advance. Vol. IV, p. 146. [To be cont
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 12., The pump in the market place; and other water supplies of Medford, old and modern. (search)
last century will not bring the yearly expense up to $13.50, and alas! there were no cash receipts to the credit of the old system. These records of approved bills furnish us with the names of the craftsmen of former generations, the skillful workmen in iron and wood, the blacksmiths, carpenters and masons, who kept the bridge and pumps in repair. The following names are those of men whose lives were a part of Medford's history, and some were known personally by many living today: William Bradbury, Timothy Dexter, Nathan Wait, Daniel Symmes, Darius Wait, John T. Cram, William A. Egery, Thomas Pratt, Oakman Joyce, Nathan W. Wait, Benjamin Moore and R. G. Pinkham. Timothy Dexter's name occurs most frequently as having had bills approved for repairing the pumps. The Waits and Symmeses were blacksmiths; Thomas Pratt, Oakman Joyce, R. G. Pinkham were carpenters. The last named did a good deal of work on pumps also, and died a few years ago, the last of those here mentioned. John
ranchise to the Boston and Maine. We have before us a printed copy of the latter's petition to the county commissioners of Middlesex, which sets forth that fact, and also that it had undertaken to construct the Branch, had filed location thereof according to law, and was desirous to proceed with construction forthwith. Then follow the names of the property owners along the line with whom question of land damage was unsettled, beginning with Luther Angier at Main street and ending with William Bradbury at the other end. The petition was signed by the president of the Boston and Maine, Thomas West. On the first Tuesday in June, 1846, at their meeting at Concord, the commissioners ordered the petitioners to give notice to all these interested persons and corporations of its meeting for a view, and a hearing at the Medford Hotel on 10th of August next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, by serving each of the land owners named with a copy of this petition and order thereon, fourteen
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 22., Medford a century ago—1819. (search)
estown. (This was from second beach to Wear bridge.) James Ford surveyed eleven tons and fourteen feet of pine timber at ninepence per ton, and $1.40 paid his fee. Probably this was for the great bridge. Timothy Bigelow seems to have been the town's banker, as the selectmen directed the payment of $99.00 interest on $1,650, loaned by him to the town. As the educational matters were administered by the selectmen we find: To Eliza Wait teacher 26 wks 4.00 including board104.00 Wm. Bradbury boarding Miss Eliza Gray schoolmistress May 3 to Oct. 3. 26 wks52.00 Eliza Gray teaching at the schoolhouse 26 wks52.00 Rhoda Turner, use and improvement of room for a schoolroom 6 mos.25.00 To Jeduthun Richardson the 3 following accts. For the services of his daughters Sally & Harriet keeping school May I to Oct. 30 25 wks 3 1/2d. a 2.00 per wk51.40 use of room for school20.00 for boarding teachers 25 wks 5 1/2d.51.57 —— 122.97 By the above it appears that the town paid the