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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The story of the attempted formation of a N. W. Confederacy. (search)
the war. A commission of three persons, eminent in position and intelligence, was accordingly appointed to visit Canada, with a view to negotiation with such persons in the North as might be relied upon to aid the attainment of peace. The commission was designed to facilitate such preliminary conditions as might lead to formal negotiations between the two governments, and they were expected to make judicious use of any political opportunity that might be presented. The commissioners--Messrs. Clay, of Alabama. Holcombe, of Virginia, and Thompson, of Mississippi--established themselves at Niagara Falls in July, and on the 12th commenced a correspondence with Horace Greeley, of New York. Through him they sought a safe conduct to Washington. Mr. Lincoln at first appeared to favor an interview, but finally refused, on the ground that the Commissioners were not authorized to treat for peace. Mr. Davis makes no further mention of this mission in his book, and he says not one word,
John F. Hume, The abolitionists together with personal memories of the struggle for human rights, Chapter 1: Theodore Roosevelt and the Abolitionists (search)
ng the saloon-keepers themselves, the most efficient allies on whom intemperance and the liquor traffic can count. Anti-Slavery men like Giddings, who supported Clay, were doing a thousandfold more effective work for the cause they had at heart than all the voters who supported Birney; or, to speak more accurately, they were doing all they could to advance the cause, while the others were doing all they could to hold it back. Lincoln in 1860 occupied more nearly the ground held by Clay than that held by Birney; and the men who supported the latter in 1844 were the prototypes of those who worked to oppose Lincoln in 1860, and only worked less hard becauey actually did tell them. But as the Abolitionists, four years earlier, in the same way defeated the Whigs when they were supporting a slaveholder from Kentucky (Clay), and a man who, in his time, did more for the upbuilding of slavery than any other person in America, it would appear that the score of responsibility on their pa
C., 202. Carlisle, Earl of, 18. Chapman, Mrs. Henry, 33. Charcoals, Missouri, 159; delegation to President, 162, 166; fight for Free Missouri, 162; appeal to President for protection, 166-168. Chase, Salmon P., 10, 13, 14, 59-61, 148, 205; financial policy, 60; espousal of Abolitionism, 61; and third party, 64; election to United States Senate, 206. Child, David Lee, 204. Child, Lydia Maria, 204. Chittenden, L. E., 134. Churchill's Crisis, 157. Civil War, 11; due to Abolitionists, 12. Clay, Henry, 2, 6. Claybanks, 159; exclusion from National Convention, 169. Coffin, Joshua, 201. Coffin, Levi, 197-198; President of the Underground railroad, 97. Colonization, 128-135; Society, 128; and England, 130-132; Lincoln's opinion, 133; experiments, 133-134. Colonizationists, pretended friendship for negroes, 130. Compromise of 1850, 6. Conover, A. J., 205. Cotton-gin, invention of, 31. Cox, Abram L., 203, 205. Crandall, Prudence, persecution of, 116-117. Crandall, Dr. Reuben,
ance. The fair in which she was so actively interested took place in June, and a large sum was added to the fund previously obtained for the benefit of the Soldiers' home. The work now progressed rapidly, and the personal aid and influence of Miss Ross were exerted to forward it in every possible way. Yet while deeply absorbed in the promotion of this object, which was very near to her heart, she found time to brighten, with characteristic tenderness and devotion, the last hours of the Rev. Dr. Clay, the aged and revered minister of the ancient church, in which the marriage of her parents had taken place so many years before. With his own family she watched beside his bed, and with them received his parting blessing. The waning year found the noble undertaking, the object of so many prayers and the goal of such ardent desire, near a prosperous completion. A suitable building had been obtained, and many busy days were occupied in the delightful task of furnishing it. At the cl
ork84116,6508,82810,67212862,22026,338104,169 Boxes, wooden packing442,620172,33214,45517595,152119,042290,897 Bread and other bakery products35160,000381,06872,971506240,141741,3261,417,140 Brick and tile72,500691,83923,306576217,092159,180489,800 Brooms and brushes41,20085,7256,2435119,72443,963103,835 Carpentering10228,265564,09093,264707519,549733,2281,580,500 Carriage and wagon materials45,53840040552,2951,5244,700 Carriages and wagons1365,750171,67512,988172117,458104,303280,225 Clay and pottery products3-134,3002,4029643,67017,63082,700 Clothing, men's, custom work41137,45059,61513,49118892,59679,309202,888 Clothing, men's, factory product34,87597,5552,17517865,320156,512266,000 Clothing, women's, dressmaking281371,73540,16034,138605165,333263,698475,803 Coffins and burial caskets, trimming and finishing520,0005,6503,265117,25016,64427,800 Confectionery25104,061191,89519,479347142,062362,819684,875 Cooperage1443,90053,2819,82110556,34983,769160,467 Dentistry, mech
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, Letter to George Thompson (1839). (search)
s would fly their slaves, instead of slaves their masters, so valueless would be a slave's labor in comparison with his support To you, to the sunny plains of Hindostan, we shall owe it, that our beautiful prairies are unpolluted by the footsteps of a slave-holder; that the march of civilization westward will be changed from the progress of the manacled slave coffle, at the bidding of the lash, to the quiet step of families, carrying peace, intelligence, and religion as their household gods Mr. Clay has coolly calculated the value of sinews and muscles, of the bodies and souls of men, and then asked us whether we could reasonably expect the South to surrender 1,200,000,000 dollars at the bidding of abstract principles. Be just to India; waken that industry along her coast which oppression has kept landlocked and idle, break the spell which binds the genius of her fertile plains, and we shall see this property in man become like the gold in India's fairy tales,--dust in the slave-holde
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, Welcome to George Thompson (1840). (search)
osed against all men of his own race, and the burden of proof on him to show that the claimant does not own him according to Southern law! Verily, gentlemen, our unprofessional eyes can see, or think they see, a difference worth discussing ! Mr. Clay says, in his letter to the Philadelphia Union Meeting, that the question now is, Whether this agitation against slavery shall put down the Union, or the Union be preserved, and that agitation be put down. There is no other alternative. What do to be hoodwinked, and eloquence to be gagged! The fetter and the chain, which, on the other side of the ocean, trade has worn away by the beneficent action of her waters, or Christianity melted in the fervor of her indignant rebuke! These, in Mr. Clay's opinion, it is our appropriate work to forge anew! We have not so read the scroll of our country's destiny. To the anointed eye, the planting of this continent is the exodus of the race out of the bondage of old and corrupt institutions. Th
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, Daniel O'Connell (1875.) (search)
, Who cares where you go? So it was with O'Connell. There was something majestic in his presence before he spoke; and he added to it what Webster had not, what Clay might have lent,--infinite grace, that magnetism that melts all hearts into one. I saw him at over sixty-six years of age, every attitude was beauty, every gestur, now the murmur stilled, And sobs or laughter answered as it willed. Webster could awe a senate, Everett could charm a college, and Choate could cheat a jury; Clay could magnetize the million, and Corwin lead them captive. O'Connell was Clay, Corwin, Choate, Everett, and Webster in one. Before the courts, logic; at the bar Clay, Corwin, Choate, Everett, and Webster in one. Before the courts, logic; at the bar of the senate, unanswerable and dignified; on the platform, grace, wit, and pathos; before the masses, a whole man. Carlyle says, He is God's own anointed king whose single word melts all wills into his. This describes O'Connell. Emerson says, There is no true eloquence, unless there is a man behind the speech. Daniel O'Connell
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2, William Lloyd Garrison (1879). (search)
lect which discerned that there were only two moral points in the universe, right and wrong, that when one was asserted, subterfuge and evasion would be sure to end in defeat. Here lie the brain and the heart; here lies the statesman-like intellect, logical as Jonathan Edwards, brave as Luther, which confronted the logic of South Carolina with an assertion direct and broad enough to make an issue and necessitate a conflict of two civilizations. Calhoun said, Slavery is right. Webster and Clay shrunk from him and evaded his assertion. Garrison, alone at that time, met him face to face, proclaiming slavery a sin and daring all the inferences. It is true, as New Orleans complains to-day in her journals, that this man brought upon America everything they call the disaster of the last twenty years; and it is equally true that if you seek through the hidden causes and unheeded events for the hand that wrote emancipation on the statute-book and on the flag, it lies still there to-day.
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Grace Greenwood-Mrs. Lippincott. (search)
ing, graceful career. Poe's Raven was pouring out those weird, melodious croakings. Ik Marvel was a dreaming bachelor, gliding about the picture-galleries of Europe. Bryant was a hard-working editor, but when he lifted up those poet eyes above the smoke of the great city, he saw the water-fowl, and addressed it in lines that our great-grandchildren will know by heart. William Lloyd Garrison was sometimes pelted with bad eggs. Horace Greeley had just started the New York Tribune. Neither Clay, Calhoun, nor Webster had grown tired of scheming forty years for the presidency. That great thunder-cloud of civil war, that we have seen covering the whole heavens, was but a dark patch on the glowing sky of the South. In these times, and among these people, Grace Greenwood now began to live and move, and have a part, and win a glowing fame. For six or eight years her summer home was New Brighton. In winter she was in Philadelphia, in Washington, in New York, writing for White tier or f
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