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City Council. --In consequence of the accessibly of acting on the tax bill for 1862 during March, there was a called meeting of the Council held at four o'clock yesterday afternoon. Present Messrs. Sanders Glazebrook, Wynne, Hill, Grattan, Burr, Denoon, Crutchfield, Epps, and Haskins. Mr. Grattan, chairman of the Finance Committee, presented its annual report, accompanied by an ordinance imposing taxes for 1862. The committee state that it is necessary to increase the taxes on real estate and personal property from $1 to $1.10 on every $100 value; "and this will be less burdensome upon real estate, as both the value and the rents thereof have been greatly increased" The report and ordinance were laid on the table, to await the action of the Legislature upon the bill authorizing the issue of small notes. [As the latter are the best and most reliable currency we have, no doubt the Council will see the advisability of accommodating the people in this matter, with or without
, Stokes, and Richardson. Madison Ward.--Messrs. Crutchfield, Wynne, and Scott. Monroe Ward.--Messrs. Denoon, Griffin, and Epps. First Market.--Messrs. Stokes, Talbott; and Burr. Second Market.--Messrs. Glazebrook, Denoon, and Crutchfield. nne, and Glazebrook. Seabrook's Warehouse.--Messrs. Scott, Burr, and Richardson. Claims--Messrs. Burr, Hill, and Epps. Police--Messrs. Hill. Grattan, and Denoon. City Jail.--Messrs. Griffin, Talbots, and Haskins. Fire Department.--Messrs. Scott, Denoon, Haskins, Crutchfield, and Burr Disputed Elections.--Messrs. Wynne, Scott, Glazebrook, Epps, and Talbott. Poor House--Messrs Grattan, Glazebrook, Haskins, Scott, and Griffin. Water--Messrs Denoon. Griffin, Richardson, Stokes, Scott, Crutchfield, and President of Council. Light.--Messrs. Hill, Glazebrook, Epps, Wynne, Crutchfield, Talbott, and President of Council. The Council passed an ordinance abolishing the office of Superintendent of Str
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of this body was held at 5 o'clock yesterday. Present — Messrs, Grattan, Griffin, Denoon, Hill, Burr, Haskins, Glazebrook, Crutchfield, Stokes, Scott, and Epps. The ordinance to amend the ordinance to provide for weighing long forage and other articles, was reported, and on motion of Mr. Hill the rules being suspended, it passed. The ordinance to amend the 26th section of the ordinance concerning markets was also passed. By list of colored interments, near Shockoe Hill burying ground for the quarter ending July 31st, 1862, it appears that 125 males, 63 females, and I still-born child were burled. By a similar list of interments of white persons in the Shockoe Hill burying ground for the same period, it appears that 450 males, 112 females, and 6 still- born children were buried during that period. Totals 568. The Council adopted the suggestion of the Finance Committee to invest $33,700 of C. S. notes held by the city in
The Daily Dispatch: October 24, 1862., [Electronic resource], Attack on the Charleston Railroad--Repulse of the enemy. (search)
The Council. --A called meeting of this body was held at 4 o'clock yesterday evening, at the City Hall. Present: Messrs. Saunders, Epps, Denoon, Wynne, Hill, Scott, Richardson, Talbott, Haskins, Burr, Crutchfield, and Grattan. Messrs John Dove and John C. Sinton were permitted to address the Council in behalf of the city free schools, the object being to get the Council to donate the sum of $600, heretofore paid by the Literary Fund of the State and which has been stopped since the pn Light asked the Council to approve said resolution. After considerable debate the Council refused to adopt Mr. Scott's motion to postpone the subject until next meeting, and adopted the committee's resolution-ayes 8, noes 3, (Messrs. Scott, Epps, and Denoon.) Resolutions were adopted appropriating $30,000 to purchase negroes for the gas works; directing the Superintendent of Gas to furnish coke to the Lancastrian school; appointing Leroy A. Grant trustee of the said school, vice O. B
City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of the City Council was held at 4 o'clock yesterday, at the City Hall. Present, Messrs. Saunders, Richardson, Glazebrook, Wynne, Scott Burr, Stokes, Denton, Grattan, Griffin, Epps, and Crutchfield. The petition of John Turpin, for remission of taxes, was granted on the recommendation of the Commissioners of Streets generally. The taxes of the Insurance Company of the State of Virginia were reduced to $1,650, on petition of that Companyreet, on the North and South side of the Canal, lit up every night without regard to the weather or moonlight. The Council proceeded to the election of certain city officers. The following were chosen, vis: Messenger of the Council Wm. Jas. Epps; Keeper of the Powder Magazine, Luther R. Reins; Inspector of Coal Carts, &c., John Talman; City Engineer, Washington Gill; Overseer of the City Hands, Robt. H. Higgins; Day Police Officers, R. T. Seal, E. M. Chalkley, Benj. M. Morris, Wm. N. Kell
The City Council. --The regular monthly meeting of the City Council was held at 4 o'clock yesterday evening. Present; Messrs Saunders, Wynne, Denoon, Scott, Epps, Richardson, Heskins, Glaze brook, Stokes, Crutchfield, Griffla, Burr, and Grattan. The 4th section of the Ordinance concerning the grounds and buildings owned by the city was amended so as to make it the duty of the Superintendent to report to the Auditor of the city all contracts relating to the use of the buildings or land belonging to the city, by which rents or other duce shall become payable to the city. Two hundred and forty six dollars were donated to furnish the office of the Clerk of the 2d market. A report was made from Thomas H. Wynne, Chairman of the Committee on the City Hospital, stating that the committee had succeeded in obtaining from Surgeon General Moore three wards of the C. S. hospital at Howard's Grove, capable of accommodating ninety-seven patients, which had been opened for colore
City Council. --This body held its regular monthly meeting at the City Hall, at 4 o'clock yesterday evening. Present: Messrs. Saunders, Wynne, Scott, Denoon, Crutchfield, Hill Burr Glen brook, Griffin, Grattan, Flashine, and Epps. A resolution, offered by Mr. Denoon, for the appointment of Commissioners to superintend the next charter election, was adopted. Mr. Scott offered a resolution instructing the Chamberlain to prepare a correct copy of the city tax bill, and have the same published in such daily papers as he may select. Mr. Wynne moved to amend, so as to instruct the Chamberlain to publish only an abstract. The motion prevailed. On motion of Mr. Scott, Resolved, That this Council acknowledge the liberality and public spirit evinced by the Merchants, the Old Dominion, the Virginia. Fire, and Marine, and the State of Virginia Insurance Companies, in the presentation to the city of a new steam fire engine; and the Committee on the Fire Department
rch inst. Mr. Grattan offered the following as a substitute. Whereas, the services of the Judge of the Hustings Court for some time past have been very arduous, and have been performed with great ability and fidelity: Resolved, That the Auditor of the city be instructed to pay to the Hon. Wm. R. Lyons, Judge of the Hustings Court of the city, the sum of five hundred dollars. The substitute was adopted. The salary of the Clerk of the Second Market House, on motion of Mr. Epps, was increased per annum. Mr. Wynne, chairman of the Committee on the City Hospitals, reported that there are now in the City Hospital six white males and four white females twelve negro females and eight negro males; and in the Howard Grove Hospital, ten male and nine female negroes — making in all ten white and thirty colored patients. The Howard Grove Hospital patients are to be removed to the City Hospital by the end of the week. The Committee on the Fire Department rendered
City Council. --A called meeting of this body was held at 4 o'clock yesterday evening. Present: D J Saunders, Thos H Wynne, Larkin W Glazebrook, Thos C Epps, David J Burr, Nath B Hill, Wm Holt Richardson, Jas A Scott, Geo K Crutchfield, Fleming Griffin, Samuel D Denoon, Richard O Haskins, and Allen Y Stokes. But little business of a public character was transacted. A resolution was adopted directing the Committee on Police to inquire into the expediency of reporting an ordinance empowering the Mayor, for sufficient cause, to have before him any person who may have only been a resident of the city for the past twelve months, and cause them to give bond, with sufficient security, conditioned for good behavior during their stay. Other measures, looking towards the good order of the city, were adopted, and the Council adjourned.
of Streets--Messrs Haskins, Stokes, Richardson, Crutchfield, Scott, Walker, Denoon, Griffin, and Epps. On Markata--Messrs Stokes, Clopton, Walker, Glazebrook, Denoon, and Crutchfield. On Hospitals--Messrs Richardson, Griffin, and Stokes. On Burying Grounds--Messrs Epps, Griffin, Randolph, Walker, Stokee, Clopton, Crutchfield, Denoon, Hill, and Richardson. On Accounts--Messrs n, Crutchfield, Haskins, and Burr. On Disputed Elections--Messrs Clopton, Scott, Glazebrook, Epps, and Walker. On Aims-House--Messrs Randolph, Glazebrook, Haskins, Scott, and Griffin. Te elected by the Council: On Gas--Messrs Hill, Clopton, Crutchfield, Walker, Glazebrook, and Epps. On Water Works--Messrs Stokes, Richardson, Scott, Crutchfield, Denoon, and Griffin. Tr Jefferson Ward--Messrs Wm Holt Richardson, A Y Stokes, and R A J Clopton. Madison Ward — Messrs Geo W Randolph, D J Burr, and R F Walker. Monroe Ward--Messrs Denoon, Griffin, and Epps.