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4. A party of Missouri cavalry, under the command of Colonel R. G. Woodrow, made a descent upon Pocahontas, Ark., and succeeded in routing and capturing a number of rebels, among whom was Brigadier-General Jeff Thompson.--(Doc. 154.) General Gillmore, in a despatch from his headquarters on Morris Island, S. C., reported the partial demolition of Fort Sumter, as the result of seven days bombardment of that work.--Charleston was again shelled by the troops under General Gillmore.--(See SupGeneral Gillmore.--(See Supplement.) A meeting of a portion of the people of Cumberland County, Va., was held this day, at which the. following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we heartily approve of the action of our Governor in calling an extra session of the Legislature for the purposes designated. Resolved, That whereas we are engaged in a war for the maintenance of principles dear to every freeman, and that we are firmly resolved to prosecute this war under all circumstances and through
of small boats. When about nine miles up the Chickahominy, they met a detached party of thirty rebel cavalry, belonging to Robinson's regiment. The latter were repulsed, without any injury being sustained. They then shelled and destroyed the building used as the headquarters of Colonel Robinson, of the rebel army. Two men were captured, who were released after all the information that could be obtained from them was received. The expedition returned to Fortress Monroe this afternoon, having succeeded in the reconnoissance, with the most satisfactory results.--the steamer Live Oak was captured at Berlin, Mo., by a gang of guerrillas, who, having plundered the boat and passengers, released them.--the rifle-pits of the rebels at Vinegar Hill, on Morris Island, S. C., in front of Fort Wagner, were assaulted and captured by the troops of General Gillmore's army, with a loss of ten killed and seventeen wounded.--the battle at White Sulphur Springs, Va., was fought this day.--(Doc. 157.)
September 5. Major E. W. Stephens, with a portion of the First West-Virginia volunteer infantry, was surprised in his camp at Moorefield, Va., by a party of rebels under the command of Imboden and Jones.--(Doc. 141.) Forts Wagner and Gregg, in Charleston harbor, were furiously bombarded by the National fleet and land batteries, under the command of Admiral Dahlgren and General Gillmore. The firing began at daylight and continued until dark.--(See Supplement.) The Charleston Mercury of this date contained the following: Although carefully covered over with the mantle of secresy by Congress, enough has been disclosed by stern realities to show the total incompetency of President Davis to govern the affairs of the Confederacy. He has lost the confidence of both the army and the people; and if an election to-morrow was to come off for the Presidency, we believe that he would not get the vote of a single State in the Confederacy. Yet, if the Provisional Congress h
amond, while attempting to run the blockade, was captured by the United States steamer Stettin, off St. Simon's Sound, Ga.--A secret expedition from Beaufort, S. C., to the mainland, under Captain J. E. Bryant, of the Eighth Maine volunteers, and consisting of two companies of colored troops, the chaplain of Colonel Higginson's regiment, a telegraph operator, and a lieutenant of the Fourth South-Carolina volunteers, returned with only partial success. The expedition started by order of General Gillmore, with the view, not of cutting the rebel telegraph between Charleston and Savannah, but of attaching a wire and receiving their despatches. Owing to the carelessness of the operator, the wire, instead of being hid behind the pole, was allowed to hang in plain sight, and was discovered by the passengers in the first passing train; not, however, until some very important messages had been received, and among others a telegram to the commander of the rebel troops in Savannah from Beaurega
whipped Zzz them badly, killing and wounding one hundred and twenty, taking eighty-seven prisoners and recapturing all the Government property, including eight hundred and nine mules, and the prisoners taken from the Nationals yesterday. Among the prisoners was a major on Wheeler's staff, commander of the escort; a major on General Martin's staff, Colonel Russell, commanding a brigade, and nine other officers. The enemy was completely routed and driven ten miles.--Greek fire-shells were thrown into Charleston, S. C., from the batteries of General Gillmore, on Morris Island.--the English schooner Florrie was captured six miles from Matagorda, Texas, having on board a cargo of medicines, wines, saddles, and other stores.--A cavalry skirmish occurred near Franklin, La., between the Union troops under Colonel Davis, and the rebels commanded by Captain Squires. The rebels were defeated at the first fire, Squires being mortally wounded. Colonel Davis captured one piece of artillery.
sh steamer Mail, having on board a large quantity of cotton and other merchandise, was captured by the United States steamer Honduras, in latitude 27° 57′, longitude 83° 9′.--an entire company of thirty-seven men and three officers, belonging to Gillmore's rebel battalion,was captured near Hedgesville, Va. Day before yesterday, Colonel L. D. Pierce, commanding the forces at Martinsburgh, was informed that Gillmore and his battalion were in the habit of holding frequent picnics through Back CreekGillmore and his battalion were in the habit of holding frequent picnics through Back Creek Valley, principally for the object of plunder. He accordingly detailed a picket of six men, supplied them with a fieldglass, and stationed them upon a prominent point of lookout in the mountains, there to watch, and advise him of any movement that this force might make in that direction. This morning one of the pickets came in and reported the enemy in sight, and a citizen immediately afterward reported a force, numbering from forty to sixty, concealed in the mountains, some two miles from He<
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., Siege and capture of Fort Pulaski. (search)
Siege and capture of Fort Pulaski. Q. A. Gillmore, Major-General, U. S. V. Fort Pulaski after the surrender. From a sketch made at the time. The captuot from him some very useful information. when the white flag went up, General Gillmore, with a number of officers, started for the fort in a whale-boat to receivded him, and an interview of an hour took place, at which only himself and General Gillmore were present. The terms of the capitulation having been settled, General General Gillmore was shown over the fort by the colonel, and then took his leave, accompanied by Colonel Rust. Messengers from General Hunter had meantime arrived. These, together with General Gillmore's aide, made the rounds of the fort under the escort of Colonel Olmstead, who introduced us to his officers, and were the only persons pineers, Capt. James E. Place), Maj. Oliver T. Beard. Tybee Island, Acting Brig.-Gen. Q. A. Gillmore: 7th Conn., Col. Alfred H. Terry; 8th Mich., Col. William M. Fento
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 7: the siege of Charleston to the close of 1863.--operations in Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas. (search)
nd of twenty days after the works were begun, Gillmore had forty-eight heavy guns in position withining his troops for their success on the 10th, Gillmore, after saying they had moved three miles near will always delight to honor his memory. Gillmore now modified his plans for reducing Fort Wagnway to that city, and sent to Morris Island. Gillmore weighed all these contingencies, and worked ong at a distance of two miles and a half from Gillmore's batteries, was the chief object of attack, Southern heart, by a letter which he sent to Gillmore, and published in the newspapers, in which he Charleston, and despairing of carrying them, Gillmore resorted to the novel measure of turning his as an act of inexecrable barbarity. To this Gillmore replied that it was a well-established princi labor ceased. Fort Sumter being disabled, Gillmore now turned his chief attention to the reducti of April, 1861. See page 320, volume I. Gillmore expected the iron-clad squadron to force its [26 more...]
n declaring his inability to hold, 1.306; history of the unsuccessful attempt to relieve, 1.306-1.309; siege and surrender of, 1.310-1.334; excitement occasioned by the fall of, 1.325; Dupont's attack on with iron-clads, 3.195; bombardment of by Gillmore, 3.207; unsuccessful boat expedition against,.2.210; old flag raised on by Gen. Anderson, 3.465. Fort Taylor, re-enforcements thrown into, 1. 363. Fort Tyler, capture of by La Grange, 3.520. Fort Wagner, unsuccessful assaults on by Gen.Smith, Gen. T. K., in the Red River expedition, 3.253. Smith, Gen. William F., reconnaissance under toward Lewinsville, 2.135. Smith, Gen. W. S., driven back by Forrest from West Point and Okolona, 3.289. Somerset, Pegram driven from by Gillmore, 3.127. South Carolina, secession movements in, 1.46; action of the legislature of on the election of Lincoln, 1.50; characteristics of the politicians in, 1.91; early secession movements in, 1.92; power of politicians in, 1.95; incendiary ap
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War., Chapter 36: operations of the South Atlantic Squadron under Rear-Admiral Dahlgren, 1863.--operations in Charleston harbor, etc. (search)
ors on the first occasion. The plan of General Gillmore was to dispossess the enemy of Morris Isl-fire on Fort Wagner from the vessels and General Gillmore's batteries, and the Confederates all wenen dismounted, and another had burst, and General Gillmore, supposing from the terrible fire which hs, landed them on Morris Island, and captured Gillmore's army and everything belonging to it. But th him to keep his word. The first thing General Gillmore did toward securing possession of Morris measures did not affect the movements of General Gillmore, who, on August 17th, opened fire on SumtW. Turner, Chief of Artillery, reports to General Gillmore as follows: The gorge wall of the for obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard. General Gillmore answered the different points of this letvanced too far to allow of retraction. General Gillmore was of the opinion that Sumter could not the meantime a deserter had gone over to General Gillmore with the information that the Confederate[61 more...]