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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
n, S. A. Medkiff, J. T. Muse, H. F. Plaster, J. M. Pinkney, G. S. Qualls, J. S. Reynolds, H. E. Shafer. A. J. Stewart, H. F. Williams, T. G. Wallingford. Co. H. 4th Sergeant W. T. C. May, 1st Corporal R. H. Stewart, 4th Corporal J. H. Hall, Private T. C. Dillard, H. Keiser, Private R. M. May, A. J. McCowan, Thos. A. Wynne, W. A. Watson. Co. I. 4th Sergeant R. G. Holloway, Private W. B. Allen, M. Barry, J. W. Crabtree, A. M. Crossland, H. L. Harrison, J. J. Harrison, Private J. W. Holdeman, J. H. Orendoff, L. W. Rice, J. R. Shaw, W. W. Templeton, J. H. Tredwell, J. C. Welch. Co. K. 1st Sergeant J. H. Kimbrough, 3d Sergeant M. H. Hodge, 5th Sergeant T. C. Banks, Private W. T. Brown, J. F. Ellege, J. F. Gibbons, Private Jos. Baker, A. Boles, J. M. Campbell, L. D. Champion, M. Chapman, Private L. J. Guthrie, H. A. Larroo, J. J. Pickering, J. Rice. [145] First Texas Regiment. Hospital Steward W. A. Forte. Co. A.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
J. A. Wheeler, W. M. Brown, G. W. Tarpley. Co. G. Private S. Tucker. Co. H. Private W. T. Benson, J. J. Davis, T. Giggs, T. J. Ham, Private R. F. Justis, H. A. Justis, H. J. Daniel. [52] Twenty-fifth Tennessee Regiment. Co. A. Private Andrew White. Co. B. Private J. M. Richardson. Co. C. Private M. V. Slatten, Private Jos. Rutledge. Co. D. Sergeant J. F. Lane, Corporal J. F. Sewell, Private J. M. Wilson, Private W. H. McCormack, J. L. Mathews, J. J. Harrison. Co. E. Private J. S. Love. Co. F. Corporal C. M. Crawall, Corporal Chas. Bradford. Co. H. Private J. L. McCormack. Co. I. Corporal H. R. Terry, J. L. Pryor, Private H. E. Hurley, Private W. C. Terry, W. J. Terry. Co. K. Private J. C. Brown, Private L. T. Roberts. [21] Forty-fourth Tennessee Regiment. Co. A. 1st Sergeant B. F. Fanning, 2d Sergeant H. H. Manly, 3d Sergeant James Stiles, Private Powell Ayers, J. B. Bomar, T. J. Curran, J. W. Donal
Deaths of Confederate prisoners. We have received from a returned prisoner a list of the deaths in company A, First battalion Alabama artillery, at Elmira, New York. The company was forty strong when it reached Elmira. It will be seen that more than half died beneath the cruelty of prison life: Sergeants E. B. Whittaker and T. J. Butts; Corporals Willis Head, J. H. Odom and L. D. Walker; musician Bain; privates B. Burkett, John Dean, Z. P. Green, J. J. Harrison, J. T. Higdon, Louis Hodgerson, J. B. Johnston, Joseph Massey, T. J. King, Jackson Parrish, David Phelps, Henry Parks, J. A. Pressley, W. B. Smith, John Smith, L. Stinson.
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