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The Daily Dispatch: June 4, 1862., [Electronic resource], List of officers of the 12th Virginia. (search)
Company B--John Lyon, Captain; R R Bowden, 1st Lieut.; T P Pollard, 2d Lieut.; W G Lea, 2d do. Company C--T H Bonn, Captain; L L Marks, 1st Lt.; S J White, 2d Lt.; George Hawks, 2d do. Company D--J P Critz, Captain; W E Badger, 1st Lieut.; W L Penn, 2d do; R Turner, 2d do. Company E--R R Banks, Captain; A M Keiley, 1st Lieut.; J R Patterson, 2d do; N M Martin, 2d do. Company F--E M Field, Captain; H W Field, 1st Lieut.; E P Scott, Jr., 2d do; A W Ferguson, 2d do. Company G--J V Crawford, Captain; E W Branch, 1st Lieut.; Ed. Tyler, 2d do.; Robt Mayo, Jr., 2d do. Company H--T F Owen, Captain; W H Woodhouse, 1st Lieut.; Chas Beale, 2d do; Chas Deshields, 2d do. Company I--R W Jones, Captain; J R Manson, 1st Lieut.; -- Nicholson, 2d do.; -- Green, 2d do. Company K--J R Lewellen, Captain; D W Paul, 1st Lieut.; J T Clemen's, 2d do.; M S Drinkard, 2d do. Non Commissioned Staff — W E Hinton, Jr., Sergeant-Major; R C Osborne, Q. M. Sergeant.
The Daily Dispatch: May 19, 1863., [Electronic resource], Treatment of Confederate prisoners. (search)
Suspicious character arrested. --Thomas Hintoa, a member of a Louisiana regiment, was arrested by Col. Critcher last Friday, while on the Tappahannock in a boat, and was sent to Richmond yesterday. On the 13th of March Hinton was arrested in this city, where he was passing himself off as Col. Zabel, and, in conjunction with two other persons, who pretended to be Majors and Captains, was committed to Castle Thunder for trial as a deserter, substitute, swindler, and bogus officer. Shortly after being placed in prison he procured a good suit of citizens' clothes, and succeeded in palming himself off on the sentry as a visitor. His next appearance was on the Tappahannock.--Charles and John Bower, of company K; 28th Virginia regiment, were committed to the military prison yesterday for leaving Pickett's division without permission, and trying to get home — J. H. Dix, paroled prisoner, of the 2d North Carolina regiment, was also committed on the same day for trial for a similar offe
From North Carolina. --The Raleigh Conservative gives the following result of the Yankee Roanoke expedition: We saw an intelligent gentleman yesterday who left Fort Branch, on the Roanoke, on Monday last. He informs us that the engagement had with the Yankees on the occasion of their late advance was a very small affair, not a man being killed on either side and none seriously wounded. Colonel Hinton and five or six men were taken by the Yankees, while eight of the Federal were taken by our boys. Two of the Yankee gunboats were blown up in the river by torpedoes Colonel Whitford's arm was broken, but it was thought there was no danger of his losing it.