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Doc. 134.-Baptist Convention of S. C. This body closed its forty-first anniversary on the 28th of July, at Spartanburg Court House: Hon. J. B. O'Neall, President; Rev. Mr. Landrum, Vice-President; Rev. Mr. Breaker, Secretary; Prof. Judson, Treasurer. The aggregate membership of the churches throughout the State, represented in the Convention, is about sixty thousand; of whom one-third are colored. The objects of the Convention are Foreign and Domestic Missions, the Bible and the Sunday School cause, and Education, both Literary and Theological. A deep and prayerful solicitude for the success of our great national struggle marked all the religious exercises. On this subject, the following resolution, offered by Dr. W. Curtis, was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That in the present peculiar condition of our political affairs, it becomes us thus to assure our beloved country of our sympathies, prayers, and thanksgiving on her behalf; that so far as we can understand the remar
a loss of fourteen men killed, thirty-nine wounded, and nine missing. We captured many prisoners, and the enemy sustained severe losses in killed and wounded. During the action, General Lee sent to General Franklin for reenforcements, and a brigade of infantry was sent forward; but the firing having ceased, it was withdrawn. The officers and men fought with great spirit in this affair. At daybreak on the eighth, General Lee, to whose support a brigade of the Thirteenth corps, under Colonel Landrum, had been sent by my order, advanced upon the enemy, drove him from his position on the opposite side of St. Patrick's Bayou, and pursued him to Sabine Cross-Roads, about three miles from Mansfield. The advance was steady, but slow, and the resistance of the enemy stubborn. He was only driven from his defensive positions on the road by artillery. At noon on the eighth, another brigade of the Thirteenth corps arrived at the Cross-Roads, under Brigadier-General Ransom, to relieve the F
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid, Chapter 5: (search)
Burbridge's brigade of his division next to Stuart, with orders to make rafts and cross over a portion of his men; to dispose his artillery so as to fire at the enemy across the bayou, and produce the effect of a diversion. His other brigade, Landrum's, occupied a key position on the main road, with pickets and supports pushed well forward into the tangled abattis, within three-fourths of a mile of the enemy's forts, and in plain view of the city of Vicksburg. Our boats still lay at our pr cover of darkness, which was successfully done. Their loss was heavy, but I leave to the brigade and division commanders to give names and exact figures. Whilst this was going on Burbridge was skirmishing across the bayou at his front, and Landrum pushed his advance through the close abattis or entanglement of fallen timber close up to Vicksburg. When the night of the 29th closed in we stood upon our original ground, and had suffered a repulse. The effort was necessary to a successful
er which swept a free wave past the hall in which the convention acted, and a warning to unfriendly States bordering thereon: Resolved, That we, the people of the State of Louisiana, recognize the right of the free navigation of the Mississippi river and its tributaries by all friendly States bordering thereon. The secession measure was not to pass unchallenged. A certain result does not insure an unquestioned passage. Already, on January 15th, Senators Slidell and Benjamin and Representatives Landrum and Davidson, favoring immediate secession, had left for Washington. Twenty-five hundred copies of the ordinance bill were ordered to be printed. Then the opposition to immediate secession gave voice. Changing the countersign without mercy, Rozier of Orleans and Fuqua of East Feliciana could not have been more courteous or freer from prejudice. Against immediate secession the opposition moved for delay—a weak device. Mr. Rozier, true son of Louisiana through all of his deep lov
he enemy's works, but was met by the destructive fire of musketry, and unable to get further. Lawler's brigade, in Carr's division, which had carried the tete-de-pont on the Big Black river, dashed forward with its old impetuosity, supported by Landrum's brigade of Smith's division; and, in less than fifteen minutes, a part of one regiment, the Twenty-second Iowa, succeeded in crossing the ditch and parapet of a rebel outwork; but, not receiving the support of the rest of the column, could not their seizure by the other. After dark, a national soldier climbed up stealthily and snatched one of the flags away; the other was captured by a rebel, in the same manner, leaning over suddenly from above. Fired by the example of Lawler and Landrum's commands, Benton and Burbridge's brigades, the former in Carr's, the latter in Smith's division, now rushed forward, and reached the ditch and slope of another little earthwork, planting their colors also on the outer slope. Captain White, of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 18. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 4 (search)
. Lee and Pickett Camps Confederate Veterans attended in a body. Governor McKinney and Colonel William E. Tanner and ladies occupied one of the proscenium-boxes, and on the stage were the gentleman who took part in the services, the Committee of Arrangements of Lee Camp, and the singers. Opened with prayer. Colonel Alexander W. Archer, commander of Lee Camp, was master of ceremonies and introduced in a few remarks Rev. Dr. W. E. Judkins, who opened the services with prayer. Rev. Dr. Landrum read appropriate selections from the Scriptures, after which the whole assemblage, led by Captain Frank W. Cunningham, united in singing Rock of Ages. A quartette consisting of Captain Cunningham, Mr. Lohman, Mrs. Rowe, and Mrs. McGruder chanted a hymn, at the conclusion of which Colonel Archer introduced Rev. Dr S. A. Goodwin, pastor of Grove Avenue Baptist Church, who delivered a beautiful oration on the life and character of General Johnston. Dr. Goodwin's Address. The eloqu
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 22. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.27 (search)
ames E. Phillips, Captain William I. Harvey, Jr., Lieutenants T. M. Wortham and R. L. Van de Venter, and Sergeants Hugh Denoon, E. S. Kellam, Leroy D. Grant, and Harry Cole. The batteries in line were: Battery D, Norfolk, Captain M. C. Keeling, forty-one men. Battery D, of Lynchburg, Lieutenant John A. Davis commanding, twenty-five men. Battery C, of Portsmouth, Captain C. R. Warren, forty-five men. Battery A, Richmond Howitzers, Captain John A. Hutcheson, sixty-five men. Rev. Dr. Landrum, chaplain of the Richmond Howitzers, rode at their head. Following the artillery were the cavalry, under Lieutenant-Colonel Charles J. Euker, who had as his staff Major W. D. Turner, Captain J. Y. Downman, Captain E. D. Hotchkiss, Captain Stewart McGuire, Captain H. C. Hubbell. Major Branch commanded the squadron, which was formed as follows: Troop A, Stuart Horse Guard, Captain E. J. Euker, forty men in line. Troop F, Chesterfield, Captain I. C. Winston, twenty-eight men in li
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 33. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.33 (search)
followed at short supporting distance. The first line was repulsed, and my brigade taking a position in a ravine covered their retreat. I at once deployed a line of skirmishers and held this position until 12:35 P. M., when in obedience to orders from General Gibbon, I withdrew to the second line of intrenchments. Colonel John C. Tidball, Chief Artillery, Hancock's corps, page 510 of Records, says: May 18th moved from Harris' house to the deserted house, and Roder, Ames and Ricketts to Landrum's. Sent Edgell's battery to Colonel Tompkins. Brown, Roder and Ames, in the first line, silenced rebel battery; 12 M. still in position. Clark and Ricketts moved down to works on extreme right. Edgell already there with Birneys's division. General G. K. Warren, page 542 of Records, says: May 18, 1864, whole army had moved off to our right to make an assault on the enemy, and I commenced to cannonade at daylight with 26 guns, as a diversion. This occasioned a brisk artillery duel bet
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 36. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.22 (search)
by Colonel Bird, still stands, and is occupied by the Landrum family. We had 500 bodies in and around our house, said Mr. Landrum, as he told of his experiences during the fight. Miles and miles of earthworks. The hill back of Bloody Angle ishe firing was so severe as to actually cut in two an oak tree twenty-two inches in diameter. From the top of the tree Mr. Landrum took twenty-nine pounds of bullets, while the stump is still preserved in Washington. Writing to General Halleck ones are plowed up every time the ground is turned in the spring, while bullets are as numberous in the soil as stones. Mr. Landrum said to me that he had found so many corpses on his place that the keeper of the National Cemetery at Fredericksburg gsoldiers all over the country in the present appearance of this locality is shown by the large number of letters which Mr. Landrum receives. He had one in his pocket the other day. It had been addressed rather indefinitely to Landrum House, Spotsyl
as 2 Johnson M W Jackson A Jones A J Jackson L Jenkins A G Jeffries S C Kincaid Maj Kine B F Kuipe M C Kent C L Kerr G W Kirby W Kernelp J W Krepp J Kennedy J T Kearney J Kenney J Keelty T K Love W L Lintz W F Lucke W H Lorentz W Lacy W D Lutz W G Lee W C Lacey J A Laughrige Col J T Locke J J Lee Col J H Long J Ligon J L Lipscomb J T Landrom J D Lipscomb V T Littington Col T Lucas Robt G Lewis D Lawler P Lee C C Landrum C D Lotirzo M Lambert A Lazell A E Lincer G Lee, Johnson & Co. Mitchell J Mezelvoy J A Moore J H Morrisey J Michaels J C Marshall & Co. J Myers J H Mitchell Jno Jr Mulholland J Manning J Milbourn W Morris W Merrett H Mander H Moody G E Mortemer G Manning H Marion T Marshall S H Morton T S Murphy C Mantley D Mauck D T Morris E Moore mast F D Moffatt L Morris Col N D Maldown B R Miller A R Maddox A Miller A B Martin L R
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