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Your search returned 23 results in 11 document sections:

ed James D. McCabe a son of the Rev. James D. McCabe, how, and for several years past a resident of Maryland. We call attention to the takes above, learning that persons not acquainted with our esteemed friend and fellow-citizen, the Rev. John C. McCabe, D. D., might confound his name with that of the person reported in the American. The South has no son more devoted to her interests than the Rev. John C. McCabe, nor one who has made more sacrifices, and that cheerfully to the good cause thes D. McCabe, how, and for several years past a resident of Maryland. We call attention to the takes above, learning that persons not acquainted with our esteemed friend and fellow-citizen, the Rev. John C. McCabe, D. D., might confound his name with that of the person reported in the American. The South has no son more devoted to her interests than the Rev. John C. McCabe, nor one who has made more sacrifices, and that cheerfully to the good cause than he, whether personal or pecuniary.