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hee, where we remained undisturbed until the 29th, when we crossed the river at Pumpkin Town, near Cross Anchor. It is due them to express my high appreciation of the conduct and services of the several members of my staff, namely, Lieutenant Colonel F. F. Sevier, assistant inspector general, and his assistants, Lieutenants Cohal and Hopkins, and private Williams, of the New Orleans Light Horse; Major Douglas West and Captain W. D. Gale, of adjutant general's department; Major Foster, Captain Porter, Lieutenant De Saullet and McFall, of the engineers; Lieutenants Ridley and Stewart, aids; Captain Vanderford, ordnance officer; Major Mason, quarter master, and Major Murphy, chief of staff. To Captain Greenleaf and his company, the Orleans Light Horse, I acknowledge my obligations for valuable services. Very respectfully, Colonel, your obedient servant, (Signed,) Alexander P. Stewart, Lieutenant General. Reports from Loring's Division and from Major General French of acti
hrough the bayous on the west side of the river, and partly by a wagon road to New Carthage, and thence across the Mississippi below Warrenton, or to a point still farther down the river, and thence across to Grand Gulf. Admiral (then Commodore) Porter at the same time was to run by the rebel batteries with several of his gunboats, and some transports laden with supplies. These gunboats and transports, with such small steamers as could pass through the bayous, were to transport the troops acroransports, passed the batteries at night without serious damage; the troops moved promptly under Grant's personal direction, and soon reached New Carthage. There, however, there was a delay on account of McClernand's inefficiency, and Commodore> Porter was constrained to urge the immediate presence of Grant at the front. Further examination showing that it was advisable, in consequence of McClernand's delay, to cross the Mississippi at a point below Grand Gulf, which was strongly fortified, Ge
ally to remain there. Later in the campaign he took full advantage of the experience thus gained. The fleet under Admiral Porter co-operated with him, but all endeavours to capture Vicksburg from the north were unavailing. The Mississippi winds his element. By the 24th of April Grant had his headquarters at the southern extremity of the bend. The navy under Admiral Porter, escorting steamers and barges to serve as ferries and for the transport of supplies, had run fourteen miles of battend Gulf, a place strongly held at that time by the Confederates, and as unattackable from the river as Vicksburg itself. Porter ran the batteries of Grand Gulf as he had run those of Vicksburg; the army descended the river a few miles, and on the 30oncern for the public good; his moderation. Let us hear his account of being under fire during a fruitless attack by Admiral Porter's gunboats on the batteries of Grand Gulf: I occupied a tug, from which I could see the effect of the battle o
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 2 (search)
ne of battle. This greatly expedited the deployment of the Federal army. Burnside's brigade, leading the march, attacked first, and was soon joined by a part of Porter's and one of Heintzelman's regiments. The noise and smoke of the fight were distinctly heard and seen by General Beauregard and myself near Mitchell's Ford, f the hope, apparently, of holding his ground until effective aid could reach him. At length, however, finding himself engaged with fivefold numbers in Burnside's, Porter's, Sherman's, and Keyes's brigades, and in danger of being enveloped by the coming into action of Heintzelman's division, he fell back to the position he had firsusand men of all arms. But two of the superior officers of General McDowell's army gave in their reports the numbers of their troops, General Heintzelman and Colonel Porter: the former led nine thousand five hundred men into battle that day, in his division, and the latter three thousand seven hundred in his brigade. From these
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 5 (search)
ressed to Winchester, but the Federal troops continued their flight into Maryland. Two thousand prisoners were taken in this pursuit. After reaching the Chickahominy, General McClellan's troops advanced very slowly. Sumner's, Franklin's, and Porter's corps, were on and above the railroad, and Heintzelman's and Keyes's below it, and on the Williamsburg road. The last two, after crossing the stream, at Bottom's Bridge, on the 22d, were stationary, apparently, for several days, constructing a detachments near Fredericksburg and Gordonsville, from the army, and induced me to order them to fall back and unite where the Fredericksburg road crosses the Chickahominy. Near Hanover Court-House, on the 27th, Branch's brigade was attacked by Porter's corps, and suffered severely in the encounter. It was united with Anderson's on the same day, however, at the point designated for their junction. There a division was formed of these troops, to the command of which General A. P. Hill, just p
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
he batteries of Vicksburg, and ran down to Hard times, where the land-forces were; and in the night of the 22d six more transports and barges followed. The whole effect of the artillery of the batteries on the two occasions was the burning of one transport, sinking of another, and rendering six barges unserviceable. General Grant's design seems to have been to take Grand Gulf by a combined military and naval attack, and operate against Vicksburg from that point. The squadron, under Admiral Porter, opened its fire upon the Confederate intrenchments at 8 A. M. on the 29th, and the Thirteenth Corps was held in readiness to land and storm them as soon as their guns should be silenced. As that object had not been accomplished at six o'clock in the afternoon, General Grant abandoned the attempt, and determined to land at Bruinsburg. For this purpose the troops debarked at Hard Times, and marched to the plain below Grand Gulf; and the gunboats and transports,passing that place in the
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
ippi River. I still conceive it to be the most important point in the Confederacy. Such an estimate of the military value of Vicksburg, expressed five or six weeks earlier, might not have seemed unreasonable; for then the commanders of the United States squadrons believed, apparently, that its batteries were too formidable to be passed by their vessels-of-war. But, when Lieutenant-General Pemberton wrote the letter quoted from, those batteries had been proved to be ineffective, for Admiral Porter's squadron had passed them, and in that way had made the severance of the Confederacy, before the end of April, that General Pemberton apprehended would be permitted, if he obeyed my order, to save his army by withdrawing it to the northeast, on the 18th of May. In my reply to this letter, dispatched promptly, I said: I am trying to gather a force which may attempt to relieve you. Hold out. On the same day instructions were sent to Major-General Gardner, both by telegraph and by c
ving rifles, and at the same time one of our six-pounders, under Captain Somerby, was brought to bear upon them, sending destruction into their ranks, while Captain Belt, with eighty-five infantry, Lieutenant Crosby, with twenty, supported by Captain Porter, of Butler County, with twenty-five gallant Home Guards, were ordered over the river with one piece. of artillery to take the enemy's position by storm. This crossing was effected with one small boat, under the fire of the enemy. They ch consisting of cavalry under Captain Breathitt, were ordered back by the route they came, and joined the main force near Cromwell. Captain Belt, Captain Breathitt, Captain Somerby, Lieutenant Crosby, Lieutenant Roberts, Lieutenants Ashford and Porter, acted with courage and coolness during the entire engagement. It is due to all the soldiers and officers to state that they acted the part of veterans. Colonel Pegram, of Owensboro, and a near relative of the distinguished Confederate office
eir sticks. “Oh! tarry, Lord Lovell!” Sir Farragut cried. “Oh! tarry, Lord Lovell!” said he; “I rather think not,” Lord Lovell replied, “For I'm in a great hurry.” “I like the drinks at St. Charles's Hotel, But I never could bear strong Porter, Especially when it's served on the shell, Or mixed in an iron mortar.” “I reckon you're right,” Sir Farragut said, “I reckon you're right,” said he, “For if my Porter should fly to your head, A terrible smash there'd be.” Oh! a wonder itPorter should fly to your head, A terrible smash there'd be.” Oh! a wonder it was to see them run, A wonderful thing to see, And the Yankees sailed up without shooting a gun, And captured their great citie. Lord Lovell kept running all day and night, Lord Lovell a-running kept he, For he swore he couldn't abide the sight Of the gun of a live Yankee. When Lord Lovell's life was brought to a close By a sharp-shooting Yankee gunner, From his head there sprouted a red, red nose,
death. Crushing through the fortress' wall, Dealing wounds and death to all; Like an avalanche they fall Amid the rebel camp. Treason shrieks its dying yell, Loud the awful echoes swell, Solemn as a fun'ral knell, Along the river's shore. Gallant Porter's work is done, Farragut's is now begun: Lo! his noble vessels run To face the deadly guns! Through the serried lines they go, Face to face they brave the foe, While their booming broadsides glow Upon the river's tide. Dark and dreary was the nil 25, 1862. Failing to reduce them, [Forts Jackson and St. Philip,] after six days of incessant fire, Flag-Officer Farragut determined to attempt their passage with his whole fleet, except the part there — of under the immediate command of Capt. Porter, known as the mortar-fleet. On the morning of the twenty-fourth instant the fleet got under way, and twelve vessels, including the four sloops of war, ran the gauntlet of fire of the forts, and were safely above. Of the gallantry, courage, a
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