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dispatches speak in general terms of our having gained a considerable advantage in the affair, but do not state particulars concerning it. Another portion of Gen. Rosencranz' army, under Gen. Cox, is on the way to intercept Wise's retreat. Cries for help. It is said that Gen. Lyon, in Missouri, and Gen. Rosencranz, in WeGen. Rosencranz, in Western Virginia, have both importuned the Government for immediate reinforcements. How the Government is to supply them, is the question, as Butler is calling for more men at Fortress Monroe; Banks is in similar need, and the "defence of the Capital" must not be neglected. The Confederate Army in Virginia. One of the New Y E. D. Townsend, Ass't Adjt. General. From the Kanawha Valley. The Northern telegrams inform us that Gen. Cox, on the 29th ult., sent a dispatch to Gen. Rosencranz, announcing his arrival at Gauley Bridge, which had been destroyed by Gen.Wise; that it would require three days to construct a floating bridge across the riv
Skirmish at Rich Spring. A passenger who left Monterey Thursday morning, and who arrived yesterday afternoon per Central cars, reports that General Rosencranz, in command of the Northern forces in Western Virginia, and General Lee, in command of our army operating in that part of the State, met at Rich Spring, an important point, and said to be the key to the Valley.--Beth Generals were pushing with all speed, each endeavoring to occupy it in advance of the other. General Lee, however, was more active than the General with the Dutch name, and arrived with two regiments several hours in advance of his competitor, who had four regiments. Our informant states a skirmish took place, resulting in a repulse of the Northern troops, with a loss of about forty men killed and wounded.
Davis, and against the North. How all that may be, I cannot say; but I do say that the cold water the Jupiter of Printing-House Square has thus thrown upon American credit is having the effect to inspire everybody with fresh anxiety to hear from Mr. Auguste Belmonte, who, by this time, must be among the English money kings, face to face. From Western Virginia. From passengers by the Western train, (says the Baltimore South, of the 7th inst.,) we learn that, at last accounts, General Rosencranz was still at Clarksburg, Va., awaiting the arrival of horses and wagons. He was fully aware of the fact that Wise had escaped him and made good his retreat to Lewisburg. Colonel Stevens had re-occupied Martinsburg, and the whole of that section was again in the hands of the Confederates, close up to Harper's Ferry. There was a large Confederate force at Romney, as also at Moorefield and Monterey. Financial. The New York Day Book of Wednesday says: The action of Congre
erally well informed circles that Lord Lyons' dispatches to his Government about the battle of Bull's Run were declared contraband.--After Lord Lyons demanded his passport his dispatch was allowed to pass. It is understood that Dan. Sickles will be appointed Brigadier General. There is strong ground for the belief that the object of Prince Napoleon's visit is to enlighten the Emperor about American affairs. The Post master General has received the following dispatch from General Rosencranz: "The Rebels have been expelled from the Kanawha. Mail service may be resumed there." The wife of Mr. John Heart (late Superintendent of Public Printing) has left this city to meet her husband in Richmond. The correspondent of the New York Commercial says that Mrs. Heart has carried valuable information to Richmond. H. C. Welles, of Michigan, has been appointed Minister to Honduras. Refugees from Fort Oregon give startling accounts of doings there. On the Nor
ever, have been made for the defence of the different passes through which he might otherwise cross the mountains. He professes the intention of occupying this city — an experiment which, ten to one, he will not venture upon. I believe Gen. Rosencranz's at Clarksburg, with the great brety of his command, and Gen. Cox with his in Kanawha county, near Gauley Bridge. Wheeling,August 10th.--Our latest information from Gen. Rosencranz's command is, that he is in the immediate vicinity of Gen. Rosencranz's command is, that he is in the immediate vicinity of Cheat Mountain Pass — about Beverly and Hutsonville — preparing to give Gen. Lee a warm reception, if he attempts to force his way over the Alleghenies. Lee has arrived within striking distance of the east side of the pass, with such troops as he could gather from the rout of Garnett's dispersed army. Anderson was at Staunton on the 27th ultimo, pushing on to join Lee in front of the pass, and Wise's retreat for Lewisburg was doubtless to form a junction with Lee at or about the same point. <
aid town to reconnoitre. He had scarcely done so, when Colonel Zeigler made his appearance, and he found to his grief that he had fallen into the hands of the enemy. Mr. Ferguson is the prosecuting attorney for Wayne county, Va. He seems to be quite reconciled to his fate, though somewhat sorry that he fell into the "snap." He gave the marshal some facts about the movements of the rebel army, one of which was that Wise is to retreat until he joins Lee, then the twain will combine to meet Rosencranz with a force of twenty thousand men. He says that Colonels Woodruff and Neff are at Richmond, Va. Peace meetings in Connecticut. Several meetings of those favorable to peace have lately been held in Connecticut. Among a number of resolutions adopted at Stonington were the following: Resolved, That this Union, formed by the consent of the several States, and founded on the good will of the people, cannot be preserved by the bayonet and sword of the soldier, or of a military
. Hardee. The Federal statement of their loss in two regiments, though probably below the truth, would make an aggregate much larger than the Northern papers have yet admitted. The movements of Gen. Lee in Western Virginia seem to be conducted cautiously, yet skillfully; and though nothing is accurately known, it is confidently believed that the result will fully retrieve the disaster to Gen. Garnett's late command. It appears from an article in the Cincinnati Commercial that General Rosencranz, the Federal commander in Western Virginia, is likely to meet with poor success in his call for troops from Cincinnati. A correspondent of that paper writing from Clarksburg, Virginia, on the 9th inst., says The necessities of the case consist in the fact that Gen. Lee, the ablest of the rebel commanders — Beauregard only accepted — is at Huntsville, not more than forty or fifty miles southwest of Huttonsville, undoubtedly with a powerful army, because Lee's character and antece
on the morning before, there were brushes between the pickets of the First Minnesota Regiment, on the Union side, about 100 strong, and as many, apparently, of the disunionist, at Edwards' Ferry.--On each occasion the latter retired in an hour or so, in the direction of Leesburg. Nobody hurt. Captain Julius De Laguel, of the disunion army, (late of the 3d artillery, U. S. A.) reported to be missing since the battle of Rich Mountain, or killed in that engagement, is a prisoner to General Rosencranz's forces in Western Virginia, and is recovering of his wounds. General James Shields, now of California, late a distinguished General of the Mexican war, and ex Senator from Illinois, has been again called to the field. The President has appointed him a Brigadier General of volunteers. The Washington correspondent of the Northern Associated Press sends the following: The Confederates have nearly all fallen back to Fairfax Court-House, thus widening the distance separa
ourse the country is full of the wildest rumors concerning Lee's movements. Some of them have a seed-grain of truth, others are not hampered in that way at all. Thus I have heard, among the current talk of the people, that Lee is advancing with two columns, one of five and the other of seven thousand men; that they are now in the mountains near the Gaps, and are trying to cut a new road through; that Lee has had a personal interview with Reynolds; that he has had a personal interview with Rosencranz; that he has sought an exchange of prisoners; that he has served a notice on the loyal troops to quit the country and the like. To attempt winnowing the falsehood from the truth in such a mass would be an idle effort. There is one rumor, however, that is significant. Three days ago, in first alluding to the presence of Lee beyond the Cheat Mountain Gaps, I expressed the belief that, if he did make an attempt to enter this country, he would hardly try to storm the fortified Cheat Mountai
ly arrived from Western Virginia, brings the intelligence that General Lee was about eight miles north of Gauley Bridge, with a force of 37,000 men, and that men were flocking to him. He reports Gen. Wise as being eight miles off, with 9,000 men, and Gen. Loring as being seven miles off, with about 8,000 men in another direction. Mr. Jenkins, member of Congress, is raising a brigade to join Gen. Lee, and the Southern feeling is getting daily stronger, as high up as Parkersburg. Rosencranz was at Clarksburg on Monday last, and was very uneasy about his position. At Martinsburg, the Virginians were collecting all the railroad material that could possibly be used and transporting it to Strasburg. Favorable from East Tennessee. The Memphis (Tenn.) Appeal, of the 20th, contains the following cheering news from East Tennessee: Col. Wm. H. Carroll arrived on yesterday from East Tennessee, where he has been sojourning for several weeks, raising troops under a sp
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